29 A WOMAN FLORIST Hardy Everblooming OP* C On their own roots W ЛСОС ALL WILL BLOOM /, - ■ »wOCO THIS SUMMER M Sent to any address post-paid ; guaranteed to reach you in good growing condition¡ GEM HOSE COLLECTION ------------- Gorgeous—Golden Yellow. Radiance—Rich Bright Pink. Lady Plymouth—Pure White. Hoosier Beauty—Velvety Scarlet. SPECIAL BARGAINS 3 Carnations, the “Divine Flower,״ all colors, 2sc. 1 3 Choice Ferns, - 25c., 4 Chrysanthemums, 25c.' 5 Beautiful Coleus, - 25c. 3 Flowering Cannas, 25c. 3 Choice Dahlias, -3 Choice Hardy Iris, 6 Lovely Gladioli, - w 6 Superb Pansy Plants, - . . . . io Pkts. Flower Seeds, all different. 25c. 4 Any 5 Collection, for »1. Entire Ц Collections Ho. 24 for $2. Postpaid. 00™_ousto"ec• »1”׳»׳s one. Catalog Free. MISB 1!■!■A v. BAINES, Box 104 Springfield, Oblo jThrovv your VOICE. thVtable.i down in the cellar, into a| trunk or any where. Our T VENTRILO which fits in the mouth / enable■ you to fool all \ your friends. Also art of ventriloquism an big book of Jokes. By mail 10 cfis. Prepaid. ARDEE NOVELTY CO. ¿su* Box 47 Stamford Conn. УуЖ MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Brother Stafford’s Report (Continued, from page IS) The spirit of MOOSEHEART has entered into the life of Greenville, S. C., Lodge No. 1504. The chief aim of its membership is mainly for the purpose of aiding■ the children. Great effort is being put forth to raise the ten million dollar endowment fund. Although the lodge is _ but three months old, a great service was rendered to 75 poor children of Greenville during Christmas week, when each child was fitted with new shoes, clothing, etc. № 'Mi Aurora (111.) Lodge No. 400, is said to be meeting with great success m the social season now in full sway. This Lodge has a membership of more than three thousand and is the largest lodge in proportion to city population m the entire Order. The club rooms of Aurora Lodge are located in the heart of the beautiful city of lights and thousands of Mooseheart visitors make their headquarters at the home of “400”, participating in the various social features including the evening Moose dances. WRIST WATCH ÓL RING YEAR GUARANTE E ^ ^rea1• ^{1651:tp-goodness Wrist Watch, Stem Wind & Set, proper size, fitted perfectly with a stylish leather strap. A watch you will be proud or. Guaranteed to run & give perfect satisfaction & a beautiful Gem Kins. Also riionmrrnnhs. !.ало Г״ nа Ж1 ------------------- il..l Л ■ . B *V ״Jiuu« give perrecc sausraccion & a n______״,,״״״. F ״so p«onoffraph8. Lace Curtains, Silverware, Cold Lockets and riiraceieis, Eastman Kodaks, Ladies & Cents "־ ' ■ lirnrA. r Oilnt.nlli I enfi pi/■ aadiIi, pn—.1 . .. ______ * ״'״ >' ■"״>■ Aiwucis auu *VTBK9' .fiâmes *v Cents Watches, Flash• • , „ . ” tents, r ountaln 1 ens, etc., easily earned on onr easy plan of distributine fat °f our wonderful Art & Religious Pictures among your neighbors & friends iËBSg»qm№B№E&BÉ ־'in £obinson Folding Bath Tub makes home bathing easy and convenient ^ without the necessity of running water, expensive plumbing or sewer connections Tub is made of special material (called steeline), soft and pliable -insS warmed. No cold clammy iron or porcelain to touch the body. Guaranteed non-leakable. Exceptionally well constructed and re-inforced. Cannot tip nor spill Entire weight of water and occupant rests on floor. Special device makes Tub h״lffoMP^yina' ■>ath,13 ?nished־ Pull plug and the tub is empty, ready to be folded and put away by the time you are dressed. Agents MaKe $35 to $100 WeeRly Go into business—work for yourself — make big money whole year ,round Our ^Tve S±s Piai msures success. Wonderful opportunities selling Robinson’; ^1" 1 UDS• 70% of homes neerl tbem Pnetnmhin-hlrr »ri״״״„J .1! r i Tub H(\C7 £ L , , . V: XU1 belling .KODinSOns /U /0 ot homes need them. Customers highly pleased, well satisfied You can build a wonderful business selling this home necessity. Ourcom-STrS plete plan and practical sales aid assures big results. Hustlers coin money. SO CAN YOU! Whitehead made $75 one day: Rev. Pasko of N Y made 175 in iwo hours; Sutherland.SSo'in two weeks; Stepp, $20 in ten minutes-sel-Img Jtobinsoni oldingBath Tubs. And Robin-»f,1..a£eritAi0־?n “»Wag big money month artor month and year after year. Hundreds of them are doing it. Experience unnecessary. infc° this, money-making business for yourseif. Mail a postcard today. Don’t doubt-get the facts. Write for informa-V tion today. The Robinson Cabinet Mfg. Co״ 5 1 89 Factories Bldg, ■this shows Tub folded. Toledo, Ohio Guaranteed 10 Years , ч ! $W00,000.00Corporation־fiivesAutos HIP■. Щ111И H П Сп\и\\)|Д|(/с i 1,1 LI Llf ill. 1л в ...... . 1. ... .. Bn■״ Йик|ц \\ \ .l\kV W ‘ \ I / / :c '4. One of the largest business organizations in the United States , is giving away brand new 1920 model touring cars absolutely free to persons who act quick. They are going to *ive away another soon and you can be the proud and happy owner of it. Think of the fun you can have taking your friends out riding. Hundreds of men, women, boys and girls all over the country are winning these autos, etc. rhey win because they are prompt. As soon as they see the ad and puzzle they solve it. We are well known in every town, village and hamlet in the U. S. and cannot afford to make this offer to you unless we meant every word we say. Free Surprise Present for Solving Puzzle This picture shows one of our friends driving an automobile like the one we axe going to give away. In the scenery are six partly hidden faces which it will be lots of fun for you to find. Show you are alert and find at least four of the faces. Mark each with a cross (X), cut out the .advertisement and mail it to us and enclose four cents in stamps for packing, postage, mailing, etc., for a beautiful free surprise present which we will send you for solving the puzzle. You will delight in owning this present. f Auto Given FREE < We will also make you a present of a Certificate ot Entry for 2,000 ׳—׳—<־ free auto votes and tell you all about this splendid touring car which we are giving away free. Every dollar of our one million dollar capital is behind this promise. MEN, WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS, you can win, in addition to the auto, splendid prizes such as cameras, watches, bicycles, jewelry and things you like, without contest. We will also send you a copy of two national publica- tions. Can t Lose Remember, every dollar of our one iuuuoq uouar capital is beumu wuat v,. say Write your name and address plainly and enclose four cents in stamps for packing, mailing, etc., of the free surprise present. Auro PUZZLE DEPT. 994 W. D. BOYCE CO., 500 N. Dearborn St., Chicago sible to build faster than its urgent needs. Notable gifts have been made of buildings by philanthropic members of the order, the last and the most notable being that of Philadelphia Lodge No 54, which has- voted to construct a memorial to the soldier members of the order who fell in the world conflict, in the form of a hospital. The architecture of this building is in every way equal in dignity to the important site it will occupy and the great services it will perform, say the Governors. Owing to the youth of Mooseheart a large graduating class could not be expected this year. Five young men were graduated, however, and each of them addressed the Convention at the graduating exercises. All of the delegates were surprised at the command of language, the self possession and the clarity of thought of the graduates. It was the unanimous opinion that theze young men should be able to make good wherever fortune might lead them. With the advantages they obtained at Mooseheart they are all destined leaders in their circles. The delegates who listened to the speeches of these graduates were surprised that Mooseheart, a young institution, could turn out such finished product. The feeling expressed by the delegates was that the children sent to Mooseheart were not to be commiserated, but were rather to be regarded as lucky because of the advantages they were offered. Living in a community ideally located, contiguous to a beautiful lake and a picturesque river, surrounded by farming lands where all sorts of «■ops are raised and where wonderful stock is bred and grazed, they have the advantage moreover of acquiring a store of useful knowledge, which should provide adequate capital for their journey through life. New Orleans Lodge, Loyal Order of Moose No. 477, sent five of the children of a deceased brother to MOOSEHEART and their widowed mother is also on the grounds with her children. It is pleasant to realize that this mother and all the five children are happy. Nothing could induce them to leave MOOSEHEART. When we contemplate the picture of the dependent family of six left by our dead brother, the childrens’ ages ranging from seven to fourteen years, and realize how well this family is doing, we should regard with a feeling of pride our membership in the great society of the Loyal Order of Moose. If our deceased Brother had left $30,000 in money his children could not have obtained the advantages which they are now enjoying. All of the children will be educated in such a way that they can take care of themselves, and be of great service to the communities in which they elect to reside and make their homes. When we tnink tnat our one dollar a year besides the other material advantages of physician, sick relief, swimming pool and club room, also provides the means for the education of the orphans of our deceased brothers we feel as though we are in a way philanthrophists. Nothing like MOOSEHEART has ever been established and as years go on the institution will get better continuously. Surely the members of this great fraternity may well feel satisfied in their service to their fellow men. It is each one of our dollars that makes the MOOSEHEART idea possible and we are engaged in a magnificent work. We are relieving the distress which follows the death of the bread winner and are at the same time furnishing the world with men and women who are trained to do better and greater things for humanity. IT D IT IT Puncture Г П C■ Er Proof Tube 6,000 Miles Guaranteed I For a limited time only we are offer-ping absolutely free a puncture J^proof tube guaranteed 6,000 miles, with every purchase of one of our famous Reliable Double Tread Tires which are guaranteed 5,000 miles &// and often give 8,000 to 10,000. A Reasons for Buying “this Bargain Offer 1—6,000miles without a punture! 2—Save repair bills! 3—Save entire cost of tube! fl—Save two-thirds cost of tire! Price Includes Tire and Tube Size Tires Size Tire ¿8x3 • $6.85 34x4 ...$11.35 30x3...$7.25 34 x 4%..$13.00 30 x 3b¿. $8.35 35 X4!i..$13.25 32x3^ $8.95 36x4^. $13.75 31x4 $10.20 35x5... $14.50 32X4 ..$10.55 36X5... $14 75 ^33x4,.$11.00 37 x 5. ...$14.90 Free Reliner With Each Tire In ordering be sure to state size wanted, also whether s. s. clincher, plain or non-skid. Send $2.00 deposit Jon each tire, balance C. O. D. subject to examination; 5 per cent discount if you send full amount with order. Rush your order todav RELIABLE TIRE & RUBBER CO. 3414 Michigan Ave. Chicago• III• $500.00 a Month **I have averaged $500.00 a month ever since I started acting as your representative a year ago,” writes Garrison. “60.00in one day,” writes Lamar. Think of it. Thousands of ■gents ■Hover the country are making big money _epresenting us. You can too. Here is a bonafide proposition. Absolutely guaranteed in every way. The biggest money making offer ever given. Write at once. !Raincoat rnr״■ Yes, we will give you a | IrU■!» . splendid grey worsted viter-proof top coat In the latest ety.e—of fine material — snug smart «belt — roomy patch pocketB. Write in \at once if you want this wonderful ״ —,t free, but don’t wait. This offer is oniy en for a limited time. Write in aow to 3QODYEAR MPG. CO. 3, Goodyear Building, Kansas City, Mo. Dept. THIS FINE(/ 95 “™WATCH™.-■־ American made, 14-size, extra thin, gold-filled watch, guaranteed IN WRITING for ten years and sold to you at the l rediculously low wholesals 1 ־־icc $4.95 0.0. D. you or any of yours friends , —n tell it from a watch selling: I at five times it’s price, or if af-' ter ten days wear you are not more than pleased with it-SEND IT BACK In ordering be sure and specify watchno.801 Remember, also our supply at this price is limited, so order now-now while we nave them. M’dwest Co. Box 381, EVANSVILLE, IND. JEWEL 12 Г-io g-,8 C־D rr diamond • n E. C. RING OFFER Just to advertise our famous Hawaiian im. diamonds—the greatest discovery ״, the world has ever known. We will IVsend absolutely free this 14k gold f. ring, set with a_l-2k Hawaiian im. diamond—in beautiful ring box postage paid. Pay postmaster $1.38 C. O. D. charges to cover postage, boxing, advertising, handling, ־ etc. If you can tell it from a real diamond return, and money refunded. Only 10,000 given away. Send no money. Answer quick. Send size of finger. KRAUTH & REED, Dept. 11 Masonic Temple, Chicago Send Your Name and We’l! Send Yon a Lachnfte TNON’T send a penny. Just send your name and say•. “Send me Г־. ? Lachpita mounted in a solid gold ring on 10 days’ free trial. We will send it prepaid right to your home. When it comes merei." deposit $4.75 with the postman and ,then wear the ring for 10 full days. If you, or if any of your friends can tell •t from a diamond, send it back. But if you decide to buy it *־send us $2.50 a month until $18.75 has been paid. Write Tfidav Send your name now. Tell us which of the - v solid gold rings illustrated above you wish (ladies or men s). Be sure to send finger eize Harold LachmanCo., 12N. Michigan Av.,Depi« 3003 Chicago, “She gets her good complexion from her mother.” “I never knew that her mother was a chemist.” To prove that our blue-white MEXICAN DIAMOND closely resembles the finest genuine South African Diamond (costing 50 times as much), with same DAZZLING RAINBOW-FIRE, (Guaranteed 20 yrs.) we will send this Ladies Solitaire Ring with one carat gem, (Catalogue price $4.98) for Half Price to Introduce, $2.50, plus War Tax 13c, Same thing but Gents. Heavy Tooth Belcher Ring, (Cataloge price $6.26) for $3.10, plus WarTaxl5c. Mountings areour finest 12 karat gold filled. Mexican Diamonds are GUARANTEED FOR 20 YEARS. SEND ON MONEY. Just mail postcard or this ad., state size and we will mail at once C. O. D. If not fully pleased, return In 2 days for MONEY BÀCK, less handling ®Jiar<£es• Act quick; offer limited; only one to a customer. Write for FREE Catalog. AGENTS WANTED. MEXICAN DIAMOND IMPORTING CO. Dept. 2 Las Cruces, N. Mex fExclusive controllers Mexican Diamonds)