MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 28 sweet womanly dignity which is the crowning glory of true womanhood. —E. Bebout. News. From the Lodges In Kalamazoo, Michigan, Moose-dom is prominent. The Kalamozoo Advocate devotes considerable space to the work of the local lodge and is publishing what appears to be a series of articles pertaining to Mooseheart as well as items of interest to the members of the Lodge. Lexington, (Ky.) Lodge No. 1378, is making progress steadily in reaching their ultimate goal of 1000 members. Recently the application of Hon. Governor Morrow has been received and he was made an honorary member of the lodge until a lodge is instituted in Frankfort of which he will head the list of charter members. Brother Will S. Rising of New York City Lodge No. 15, recently assisted in the exemplification of the Degree work when a large class was initiated into Port Richmond, (N. Y.) Lodge No. 135. Brother Rising is an actor of world-wide reputation and it is claimed that his “lecture” cannot be excelled. East Liverpool, Ohio, Lodge No. 122 dedicated its new home with exercises that seem likely to set a ' new mark in matters of this character, the program required three days for presentation and delegations attended from all lodges within a radius of one hundred and fifty miles. Director General Davis was also present. Oakland, Calif., Lodge No. 324 has outgrown its present quarters, and plans for a new clubhouse are benig laid. A committee has been at work for several months gathering data for a home which will include in its equipment many athletic features such as swimming tank, gymnasium and billiard room. Oneida, N. Y., Lodge No. 421 held a fair in conjunction with the W. O. M. L. One thousand two hundred and thirty-two dollars was cleared and will be added to a fund to purchase a new home. At the present time a campaign is being conducted and at the rate applications are coming in, it is expected the membership of the Lodge will be increased at least 400. A great help to the campaign was the showing of the MOOSEHEART films. Coney Island, N. Y., Lodge No. 138 initiated a class of twenty candidates, the degree team conducting the work to the satisfaction of the membership and the large delegations of visitors. A capable house committee supervised the spreading of a banquet and the “Welcome Home” committee saw that the returned service men of the Lodge had seats of honor at the feast, so says the Brooklyn, N. Y., Union. Willie Willis: “What is a ‘war measure,’, pa?” Papa; Willis: “Eight ounces to the pound around here, my son.”—Judge. Farmer: “So you’re an experienc- ed milker, hey? Now, which Side of a cow do you sit on when you milk her ?” Applicant for Job: “Oh, I ain’t a bit particular, if the cow ain’t!” “Tell me something.” “Shoot.” “Do you say a girl is light complected or light complexioned ?” “Either way you’re liable to wind up in a snarl. Say she’s a pronounced blonde.” “I’m troubled with a buzzing in my ears all the time.” “Have you any idea as to the cause ?” “Yes, my wife wants an auto.” The Futility of Cussing swearing simply because his vocabulary is a slacker and profanity must be rung in as a sort of camouflage. The man who tries to justify swearing-on the grounds that he only does so when he’s mad is like the old southern darky who said he “only stole chickens when the spirit moved him.” As a rule, the more a man cusses, the less attention he pays to the pleasant little courtesies of life. Swearing never made a good soldier, nor a good fighter of any kind. The bravest are generally the tenderest when occasion requires it, and tenderness doesn’t associate with profanity. It is written of Kit Carson, the famous Western scout and Indian fighter, that he was modestly personified, soft-voiced and mild-mannered; that when not actually fighting he was gentle as a woman, and that he not only refrained from using profane language himself, but would not permit his men to do so. Yet his men trusted implicitly in his leadership, knowing of his great courage and the manly mold of his character. There is no more relation between cusswords and a true gentleman than there is between idle gossip and a real lady whose nature is marked by that In a news story just published General Pershing, commander in chief of all the American forcés in France, is described as the “most modest man in the army,” and is quoted as saying that “swearing is such a foolish and useless habit,” that it “shows one hasn’t complete control of himself.” This is hitting the nail on the head and with a sledge hammer. Some men have scarcely more control of themselves in their daily activities than when asleep, and they swear in their sleep. Others seem to regard swearing as a fine art, in which they are specially gifted. Every time they speak you can hear the clickety-click of their mental machinery slipping cogs, and they seem to enjoy it, mind you! But the guy who cannot tell a joke or describe a church bazaar without welding cusswords into an endless chain is hardly more annoying than the girl who says “Land sakes!” every time she opens her mouth. “A penny for your thoughts” is a low valuation, but if one were compelled to pay that much for thoughts which suggest cusswords as a means of expression it would savor of extortion. It is fair to presume that many a man has gotten into the habit of Perfect hearing is now being restored in every condition of deafness or defective hearing from causes such as Catarrhal Deafness, Relaxed or Sunken Drums, Thickened Drums, Roaring and L Hissing Sounds, Perforated, Wholly or Partially Destroyed ___i Drums,Discharge from Ears* etc. Wilson Common-Sense Ear Drums "Little Wireless Phones for the Ears" require no medicine but effectively replace what is lacKing or defective in the natural ear drums. They are simple devices, which the wearer easily fits into the ears where they are invisible. Soft, safe and comfortable. Write today for our 168 page FREE book on DEAFNESS, giving you full particulars and testimonials, 553 gSfflKMff“ C°'LOU?Sv!lLE?KY. DRIVER AGENTS WANTED __ S-Pass־ Touring — ״ „ T© drive and demonstrate 1920, 4-cyl., 87 H. P. BUSH Car—Timken Bearings—Willard Batteries—2-Unit Star. & Ltg. —Full-Floating Axel. Write at once for the best Automobile Offer in existence“■■ don’t wait—prompt shipments. Money-back guarantee. - . .q BUSH SiilVgydkfr» ALL FREE Beautiful imitation Wrist Watch Bracelet, line lava-lier with chain and cameo ring guaranteed all free for selling only 6 boxes Mentho Nova Salve at 25c. Wonderful for colds, cuts, bums, catarrh, etc. Order today. Box 226 Greenville, Pa. How Lack of Iron In The Blood May Change a Woman’s Appearance and Break Down Her Physical Strength While Plenty of Iron Makes Rich Red Blood Corpuscles That Give Health, Vitality and Beauty times over, organic iron is one of the greatest of all strength builders. I have prescribed Nuxated Iron—organic iron—many, many times, and I have seen frequent instances where it gave renewed strength and energy, increased power and endurance, steady nerves, and the rosy bloom of health in about ten days’ or two weeks’ time. I consider Nuxated Iron one of the foremost blood and body bqilders—the best to which I have ever had recourse.” It is surprising hoW many people suffer from iron deficiancy and do not know it. If you are not strong or well you owe it to yourself to make the following test: See how., long you can wTork or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of Nuxated Iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your. strentgh again and see how much you have gained. Manufacturers’ Note": Nuxated Iron which is pre- scribed and recommended above by physicians is not a secret remedy but one which is well known to druggists. Unlike the older inorganic iron products it is easily assimilated and does not injure the teeth, make them hlack nor. upset the stomach. The manufacturers* guarantee successful and entirely satisfactory results ro every purchaser or they will refund your money. It is dispensed in this city by all good druggists. Every Woman Who Looks Pale, Haggard and Worn Should Have Her Blood Examined For Iron Deficiency—Administration of Simple Nuxated Iron Will Often Increase The Strength and Endurance of Weak, Nervous, Careworn Women In Two Weeks’ Time and Make Them Look Years Younger. Longing for the keen activity, the youthful step, the fresh rosy cheeks and the sunny disposition of buoyant health is making many a woman unhappy, discontented, wrinkled and old before her time. Sleepless nights spent worrying over supposed ailments, constant dosing with habit forming drugs and narcotics and useless attempts to brace up with strong coffee do not help the real cause of their trouble which may be nothing more than lack of iron in the blood. For want of iron a woman may look and feel old at thirty, pale, haggard, and all run-down— while at 50 or 60 with good health and plenty of iron in the blood she may still be young in feeling, and so full of life and attractiveness as to defy detection of her real age. That women may become stronger, healthier, more beautiful and better able to meet the cares of home, social and business life by increasing the supply of iron in their blood is the opinion of Dr. George H, Baker, formerly Physician and Surgeon of Monmouth Memorial Hospital, New Jersey, who says: “What wo- men need to put roses in their cheeks and the springtime of life into their step is not cosmetics or stimulating-drugs, but plenty of rich, pure red blood. Without it no women can do credit to herself or to her work. Iron is one of the greatest of all strength and blood-builders, and I have found nothing in my experience so effective for helping to make strong, healthy, red-blooded women as Nuxated Iron. From a careful examination of the formula and my own tests of Nuxated Iron, I feel convinced that it is a preparation which any physician can take 100% These illustrations show how a woman 75% n>ay l°°k when she has only 2591 red blood corpuscles anil 50% her blood is starving for iron and the change that /0 takes place in her appearance when the percentage OK.C-/ rc^ eorPuscles increase as her blood becomes filled with strength-giving iron.___________________________________ himself or prescribe for his patients With the utmost confidence of obtaining highly beneficial and satisfactory results.” Among other physicians asked for an opinion was Dr. Ferdinand King, New York Physician and Medical Author. Dr. King says: “By enriching the blood and increasing its oxygen carrying power Nuxated Iron will often transform the flabby flesh, toneless tissues, and pallid cheeks of nervous, run-down women into a glow of health and make them look years younger within a surprisingly short time.” Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly Physician of Bellevue Hospital (Outdoor Dept.), New York, and the Westchester County Hospital, says: “As I have said a hundred