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Free Employment Service I am continually receiving requests from employers to send them trained Electrical men. I assist my students to secure good positions. I keep in touch with them for years, helping and advising them in every possible way. WRITE TODAY-״ Don’t Delay Delay never got you anything. Action is what counts. Get started— and get started now. Write me, or send me the coupon, right NOW. L. L. COOKE, Chicf Engineer SEND FOR THIS LOOK My book, “HOW TO BECOME AN EXPERT ELECTRICIAN,” has started thousands of young men on the way to splendid success. A new edition of this has just been printed. I want every young man interested in Electricity to have a copy, and will send you one, ABSOLUTELY FREE AND PREPAID. Write me today. How I Train My Student As Chief Engineer of the Chicago Engineering Works I know exactly the kind of training a man needs to enable him to get and hold good positions, and to earn big pay. I have trained hundreds of men wno are holding splendid electrical jobs. I give each of my students personal attention and a complete and thorough training. I give him a splendid Electrical Outfit Free, and much of the training is done by actual work. When my students graduate and receive their Certificate, they are ready for a real position. But still more, at any time you wish you can come to our splendidly equipped Electrical Shops for special training. No other school can give you this. A Real Opportunity For YOU Wishing is never going to make your dreams come true. You’ve got to study to learn. .A man is worth posibly $2 or $3 a day from his neck down—and no more; but there is no limit to what he can be worth from his neck up. A trained mind is what gets the big pay. It is this training that you need, Chicago Engineering Works 1918 Sunnyside Ave. Dept. 92 CHICAGO ILL. horns with all their lung oower, arousing a great deal of merriment and panting good humor. At 1 A. M the dancing came to an end, the members and their friends leaving shortly after in a happy frame of mind with voices full of cheery greetings to one and all as they passed out for a happy and prosperous New Year hopeful that the ending of 1920 festivities will be as delightful as the festival ending of 1919 and a continuation of this growing popular local order. Floyd Gibbons Initiation At the last meeting of Paris Lodge, No. 1660, Paris, France, Floyd Gibbons, the famous war correspondent was initiated. He was a candidate selected to take the work and after his initiation he addressed the lodge. Among other , , things he said: .Any American can thrill with pride to posses a membership in this distinctly American organization, r our thousand miles separate this little outpost of Americanism from the homeland—from the solemn, silent wilderness that is the haunt of that majestic animal whose name the lodge bears. Members of the Moose back borne no doubt will also feel the pride that we novitates experienced to-night in the knowledge that the all defending circle has leaped the barrier of ocean expanse and foreign tongue and extended its golden bond of brotherhood to this side of the world.” Brother Gibbons is one of the best known war correspondents in the world. He gained great distinction for his paper, “The Chicago Tribune,” in handling the Mexican situation, and later startled the world with his story of the sinking of the Campania by a submarine on his way to Europe. When it came to reporting the battles Mr•. Gibbons was not satisfied at the ordinary observation post and went out over the top with the boys and in consequence lost his eye. His story in the American Magazine on how it felt to have your eye shot out is one of the most startling pieces of literature produced by the war. Paris Lodge No. 1660, L. O. O. M.. is gradually becoming one of the leading elements in the American life in France. AN EVENING THOUGHT It’s fun to fight when you know you are right And your heart is in it. too; Though the fray may be long and the foe be strong, And the comrades you have are few. Though the battle heat bring but defeat, And weariness makes you reel, There’s joy in life that can know such strife, And the glory and thrill you feel. When the wise ones pant that you simply can’t, It’s fun for a fighting man To laugh and try with a daring eye, And prove to the world that he can. And if you stick till your heart is sick, And lose when the game is done, It’s fun to know that the weary foe Paid dearly for what they won. It’s fun to dare, in the face of despair When the last lone chance seems gone, And to see hope rise in the angry skies, Like a promise of rosy crowns defeat, And you learn this much is true— It’s fun to fight when you know you are right. And your heart is in it, too. Wausau Believes In Proper Dancing The members of the Loyal Order of Moose of Wausau, Wis., Lodge No. 1576 and their friends in attendance at the dance given by the. members at Castle Hall New Year’s eve, was pronounced by all present to be a very successful affair. The atmosphere seemed to diffuse pleasure and good-fellowship was seen in the happy and good humored faces of the members and their guests. One of the things that the lodge is opposed to and which was noticeably absent on this occasion were the modern dances that are distasteful to refinement and modesty. Each number was so well played and the measure so perfect that this agreeable exercise was made more enjoyable. The ball room was tastefully decorated with palms and ferns'. The musicians were all but hidden behind tall and drooping palms and ferns, combined with the really pretty melodies, helped to enhance the effect of the music and more attractive to the company. Cords were stretched about six feet apart from balcony to balcony, to which were attached paper horns' Exactly at midnight a string was pulled loosening the cords so that they fell to the floor for the dancers to grab a horn to blow in with deafening din the entrance of the New Year; at the same time over the top of each •balcony rail fell hundreds of cotton balls to resemble snowballs. Then pandemonium reigned. The guests and members gathered the balls and began pelting each other and blowing the ^SERVICE AT i/4 THE PRICE Guaranteed for 5000 Miles STANDARD GUARANTEE Strong Double .Tread Tires are recop structed by our skilled mechanics, madeoi double the amount of fabric than any ordinary tire. Free from punctures or blowouts. Our customers receive from 4,000 to 10,000 miles of service. Reliner Free. 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Reference Lincoln State Bank, Chicago BIB VALUE for 10 Cfs. 6 Songs, words and music; 25 Pictures Pretty Girls ;40 Ways to Make Money; 1 Joke Book; 1 Book on Love; 1 Magic Book; 1 Book Letter Writing; 1 Dream Book and For-Teller; 1 Cook Book; 1 Base Book, gives rules for games; 1 Maker Book; Language of 1 Morse Telegraph Alpha-Chemical Experiments; . Age Table; Great North Pole —- Game: 100 Conundrums; 3 Puzzles; 12 Games; 30 Verses for Autograph Albums. All the above by mail for 10 e*•»• and % cts. postage. fiOYAL SALES €0•» Box 3d South Norwalk, Conn• FREE MOVIE MACHINE Have Your Own “Movie״׳ _____ at home. Wonderful moving picture mt 0 ׳?.“,Pi®40 WIth *as generator and 3 seta all different (96 views). Powerful lens, t jng large, clear pictures. Given for sell¡ large colored pictures, or 20 packages bea post cards at 15c each Order choice toda SATES MFS. CO. DEPT. 836 CHI(