26 T rifles and clothe and shelter Jack. Affection for and interest in those trifles keep the man to that standard of being as old as he feels by sustaining the sunshine that defies the frosts of age, and making youth in one sense a matter of cultivation. AN APPROPRIATE POEM Editor Mooseheart Magazine, Mooseheart, 111. Sir: The following little poem seems to me to apply to Jim Davis so well that I am sending it along: THE PILGRIM “So prone Was he to find Some good in all Mankind ; So quick To stop and heed The cry of those In need; And so D sposed to say Nothing to mar One’s day, That Heaven, With Love abrim Will not seem strange To him.” —Ralph M. Thompson. Yours, LORENZO DOW. Member Supreme Forum. GENUINE EASTMAN CAMERA FREE REAL PHONOGRAPH FREE Beautifully finished, nickel winding crank, spring motor, speed regulator, stop lever. New improved sound box with mica diaphragm ״ makes perfect reproductions of all kinds of music. A marvelous machine in every way. Delighted thousands of homes. SEND NO MONEY Just your name, and we will send you 24 of our Art Pictures to dispose of on special offer at 25c ” i each. Send us the $6 you collect and we will send this new improved £ D. L. Phonograph and a selections® 6 records free. E. 0. LIFE, Dept. 3 143 CHICAGO AGENTS:.$60 a Week 2 in 1 Reversible Raincoat guaranteed water-proof. Some-new. Not sold in stores. Two coats in one. One side a handsome black raincoat, reverse side fine dress coat. Latest style. For business men, clerks, farmers, teamsters, truck drivers, millers—every man a prospect. Make $3,000 a Year Binford sold 26 coats in 5 days. Easy seller on account of two coats in one. Right now is the season. Be first in your territory to introduce this new reversible coat. Get this big money maker quick. Write for agency and sample. THOMAS RAINCOAT CO. 630 Jane St, Dayton, Ohio RIFLE WITHOUT -CÖ5T HAMILTON ШШЗ SHOT , ALL STEELS MAEAZINÇ AIR RIFLE FRE! WE GIVE^ TO BOYS Choice of Six Guns (on four easy plans) for selling our Magic Healing Wav-o-Lena at only . 25c Box. WETRUS.TYOU! \ Order Six Boxes Today On Postal Card-i J We send promptly, Prepaid! Easy to Sell—“ I the Healing Ointment needed in every home! Sell at once, return money, as we direct, choosing your Gun according to one of the Plans shown in our Big Premium List. 200 Other Gifts ! Or Big Cash Commission! Just for promptness a Free Gift—So Order Today WAVER1.Y SUPPLY CO., Bo» 286 Monongaheln, 1'!;. Oh Boys, Girls! Creat Sport with CLAXOPHONE Voice Thrower Throw your voice under the table, back of a door, into a trunk, desk in School, any old place. Biff FUN fooling Peddlers, Policeman, Friends, anybody. This Claxophone is s, a small device that lays on your tongue unseen, always ready for use by anyone. Claxophone with full instructions; also Set of Secret Writing Trick“- all sent for ■f fradeM: rk one dime. (Not Stamps.) ' ■ V - GLAXO TRICK CO., Bept. K Sew Haven, Conn. MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE The Hygiene of Wrist Watch Given By Will H. Greenfield forever moving from the cradle to the grave. Among the wiser are those who, by taking a keen interest in trifles, keep alive that freshness of thought which is the best defense against advancing age. Well-regulated retrospection is a source of keen mental enjoyment when we eliminate. those episodes which are unpleasant, and are cautious about reopening wounds which were never thoroughly healed. True, it requires a mind under the most perfect discipline to muse on the roses of the past alone and ignore the thorns; to remember days of joy and nights of music and loving and forget the meed of care and regret which has counterbalanced all the pleasures of life, and must, by the inevitable law of compensation, continue to do so to the end. Trifles make up the sum of existence, are the little things that are wholesome, are self-evident and abundant. By some they are called fads, but the far-seeing recognize in them a broad and salutary influence on the minds of men. They possess in themselves those seeds of variety which are the most powerful antidote against the wearing monotony of existence. The man whose nature is still so unspoiled by time that he can be all of a boy again, and nourish those interests which were paramount when he stood on the threshold of life, is treading the path of a very sound and very remunerative philosophy. Though the choicest fruits in the sporting emporium are his for the plucking, he wants his old gun and his old fishing rod, for there is still an unknown and indescribable value in these crude things which remind him of his boyhood. Their accessibility lessens their charm, and when they have done their day’s work their .care is intrusted to his servants. Half a century ago he would let no profane hand touch them. His own hands would itch to perform that task, a labor of love. He would not measure their value by the market price. They are the magic wands which again recall the hours when the intensity of the enjoyment of nature filled his blood and the wine of life lifted him to the highest pitch of exaltation. The waters were all clear then, the trees were green. Of stagnant pools and russet leaves he knew nothing. Spring was forever with him and Winter was a dim legend, unworthy of investigation. No other road leads so directly backward toward those days as this mental concentration upon what the dour and sour and hardened delver in the ungracious soul of custom deems toys unworthy the consideration of serious men. But the comparison between those who devote their leisure to answering the call of the wild and the major part whose pleasures lie in other directions is a strong argument in favor of the hygiene of trifles. Those who “cling to their couch and sicken years away” when commanded by the doctor to go abroad and take exercise, painfully and grumblingly perform the task to which the disciple of trifle jumps iir keenest ecstasy. They sneer׳ at the white-haired, ruddy-p“?ifaeed veteran who has toiled over the hills since dawn for a few birds, or One of England’s greatest poets has written “The world is too much with us,” and in a sonnet of marvelous force and beauty deplores the lack of harmony in life. Another philosopher declares that men are but children of a larger growth, and all who have made mankind a study enunciate warnings against that gravity thatYomes with increasing years. Poets, in lugubrious verse, mourn that they have lost the freshness of childhood, and songmakers wish, to an orchestral accompaniment, that they were boys again. Literature teems with these wailings for departed juvenility. The fountain of youth is the Mecca for and of mature humanity. Thus, in the odd reversal of things, while the lad feels anxiously for the budding beard which heralds the ripeness of childhood, and songmakers wish, to an orchestral accompaniment, that they were boys again. Literature teems with these wailings for departed juvenility. The fountain of youth is the Mecca for and of mature humanity. Thus, in the odd reversal of things, while the lad feels anxiously for the bduding beard which heralds the ripeness of years, the man paints with cunning dyes the gray hair which tells of their wane. Few are content with their position in the great procession □ get this fine Wrist Watch or other beautiful watch guaranteedfor years. Also Lace Curtains, Rogers' Silver Sets, fine Lockets, La Yalliers and many other valuable presents for selling our beautiful Art and Religious pictures at lOcts. each. Order 20 pictures When sold, send the $2.00 and choose premium wanted, according to big list. KAY ART CO., Dept. ~6, CHICAGO Wonderful, new device, guides your hand; corrects your writing in few days. Big improvement in three hours. No failures. Complete outline FREE, Write C. J. Ozment, Dept. 37 St. Louis, Mo.___ Ring-, Persian Brooch. Complete Jewelry Outfit for selling 15 plcgs. Bingo Products at 10c each, Send no money• ingo Co.Dept. 204 Binghamton. N.Y* TRIAL FREE Let us send this fine Razor for 80 days free trial. When satisfied after usina, send $1.85 or return Order Today. JONES MFCS. CO. 130 W. Lake St. Dept. 345 HHCAGO DOLLARS IN HARES We pay $7.00 to $12.50 a pair and express charges.' Big Profits. We furnish guaranteed high grade stock and buy all you raise. Use back yard, barn, cellar, attic. Contract and Illustrated Catalog Free. Standard Food & Fur Ass’n, 309F Broadway, New York. Wrist Watck Guaranteed time keeper GIVEN for selling only 40 packs vegetable seeds at 10c per large pack. Easily sold—EARN BIG MONEY or premiums. Get sample lot TO-DAY. Send no money. We trust you till seeds are sold. AMERICAN SEED COMPANY 454 Lancaster. Pa. Our Startling Offer quisitely beautiful “Wild Rose” Every woman loves fine dishes and likes lots of them. No matter how^ many you have you will be proud to have one of these ex-. . ™se sets to show to your friends. You can get it FREE without paying a cent of money. This is our way of advertising Kibler’s Wonderful All Round Oil. Acts like magic. Cleans, polishes, preserves better than anything you ever saw. You must see it before you can believe it. Send No MoneV iniruducc Kjbler's All Around Oil to you and your friends we will send you with-*in ״ » W 1,1 adv?;‘ce 'i״ large sized bottles of the oil. We send enough free goods to We Trust You send us Ste“*l5 no1charges. Sell the utl for only 00 cents per bottle and send us the il׳!׳.¡׳I you colleet and we will at mice ship you the full set of dishes shown above It will only take an hour or two of your time and the dishes will he the wondei and admiration of your friends. Thousands of men a״.l women all over the country are doing this and you can too. A fine present for your wife, sister, sweetheart or friend. s A No References Required all our goods give such We trust the people because they trust us. Our plan is so fair, / T -. «atisiaction th;־t we run no risk nor do jT Just fill out the corner coupon and mail it in today. We S will ship the oil at once c, y A* Lodfre Emhlpms £ ,!1?st unique feature is the Moose <© ✓ ^ ,»c Emblem decoration in gold. Noth- A ✓ mg lilie it ever possible before. Everyone who sees them is carried away with the idea. Don't wait .oV THE , , ,, , ! ! „ • „ You can he sure today. ׳ kibler co.stood for hours knee-deep m a stiearn Dp A,.; We don-t want you disappointed ixDiAXAPOLisfor half a dozen small fish, but if they ntn " i . auTdlm c°uld 5XPeT™■, huiS Sen״Slion? When will take back any goods you can't sell * Ship me the Oil with those delightful labors of the day are You have evrything to gain and nothing a*׳./ iYee ?00t,s l°T co™f Qrirl rpcnunfino• to « ?vm- to lose. Get these elegant dishes— press charges I will sell Over anti Re IS reCOLUlLing LO^ d by III and reSI't you‘si. BeYouboS pathetic comrade or two the incidents then ship me the fun set ofof his wanderings, the doctor s occupa- dishes shown and described above. tion would goon be gone. ¿?S' N?me_ _ _______________ As there is no unmixed good in this Ss* "*־ world, so danger lurks even in the ’’ O. Address Town------------— !>..־w,.