OSE НЕЛ R Т MAGAZINE 22 Cinnamon Vines FREE The most beautiful and fragrant of all climbers. Will quickly surround your arbor״ windows and veranda with a wonderful profusion of lovely vines covered with handsome, glossy, heart-shaped leaves and sweet - scented flowers. Will grow SO feet in a single season. Perfectly hardy, thriving ev-ehywhere in sun or shade. Once planted will grow a life time—order now. HUD nrCTD We will send FREE and UU!\ UriUlx POSTPAID 12 Chinese Cinnamon Vines for a one-year subscription at 50c—coin or stamps—to our big monthly magazine. We make this wonderful offer to introduce our magazine. THE FLORAL CO. BATAVIA, ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT Scientific Device That Does Away With ~ m Inner sur• face is made adhes• '■‘«*ag®**־־•׳״ ping, ive to secure the £ Non-Rigid Pad S PLAI'AO.r AD firm. 6 "!5¡Ww1r™'!» Illy to the body. in It I_hgt Count, ־ ins the PLAPAO continually applied and the pad from slipping. No straps, buckles or springs attached. Soft as vcl.^Mjj^Sipg^ vet—easy to apply. . *mm **3Rib 6 1909 Over 250,000 Now In Use We have proved to hundreds of thousands of sufferers from hernia (rupture) that to obtain lasting relief and develop a natural process for betterment comes by wearing a Plapao-Pad. This patented mechanico-chemico device can do the same for you. The wearing of_ an improper support aggravates rather than improves the condition. The Plapao-Pad can and does aid the muscles in giving proper support, thereby rendering efficient aid to Nature in restoring strength to the weakened muscles. Being self-adhesive there is no slipping and shifting of pad with resultant irritation and chafing. Most comfortable to wear — no delay from work. Awarded Gold Medal at Rome and Grand Prix at Paris. 3%־ Send No Money. We will send you a trial of Plapao absolutely FREE, you pay nothing for this trial now orjlater. Write for it today, also full information. PLAPAO LABORATORIES, Block 32 St. Louis, Mo. WHIbrlngyou extra money besides. Don’t send a cent! We’ll send you our wonderful offers FREE of charge. Youi* Suit FREE EXPRESS PREPAID You can’t afford to overlook this chance. We want you to represent us—We’ll give you your own suit free. We will pay you big money besides EARN $2,500 A YEAR Send your name and address for our beautiful samples. Pick out your suit right away — Write today — ACT QUICK-DON'T DELAY. MEAD COMPANY, Dept. 602, CHICAGO WHOLESALE TAILORS SPENCER 7 ■PIECE GENUINE Cut Glass Water Set Tall 3-pint pitcher and 6 stylish bell-shaped tumblers — real hand cut, thin blown clear crystal glass. Beautiful, popular “Vintage” design. Regular $3.00 to $4.00 value. A set you would be proud to have. Given for selling only 20 large colored pictures or 20 packages of beautiful post cards at 15c each. Order your choice. Do It today. GATES MFC. CO. PEPT. 73Q _ CHICAGO We give a Real honest-to-good- P> |* less stylish & serviceable Wrist PKI'I■ Watch- Also Lace Curtains,Sil- I I HI■■■ ‘ verware,Kodaks,Gold Lockets,Ladles and Gents Watches, etc., easily ' tures at 15c. They sell like Hot _ Cakes. Send no money-Just your name and address. We take all the risk & send you 20 Pictures on Credit, Postpaid. When ^■Isold send us money and select prize you are entitled to as described on our big premium list. ״ . GAIR MFG. CO., Dept*219 CHICAGO, ILL. *Higfc power air rifle for selling 6 1 boxes Mentho-Nova Salve at 25c. v. s. COMPANY,! Box 36 Greenville. Pa. Your Children a result of this practice. Do not attempt in any way to steal a ride on a moving vehicle. Look out for motorcycles; look both ways, for the motorcycle comes quickly and often without warning. Do not touch any part of an automobile standing in the street. Do not play on street car tracks or near them. Do not put. your head or arms out of the open window of a street car. Do not try to get on or off of a street car while it is moving. Wait until it stops. Do not cross close behind a car or automobile. Something may he coming from the other direction. Do not run across in front of a street car. Something may be coming on the other side. Do not play or walk on railroad tracks, or climb on freight or passenger trains. Do not play with matches. Work to prgvent fires. Do not get close to a bonfire started in the open. Do not climb on ice wagons after a piece of ice. This is dangerous. The horse may start off suddenly and you may be crushed by falling ice. Read This to If you have children read this to them. Read it sveral times. Impress it upon their memory. For it may be the word of warning little children in crowded city streets need. Too many of them are being hurt—and killed—-in street accidents. It is all well and good to warn drivers of automobiles, trucks and delivery wagons. They must be careful. They must help us guard the lives of our children. But let us not forget to teach the lesson of safety to our children. Such a lesson is contained in the folowing suggestion made by Raymond W. Pullman, Superintendent of Police, Washington, D .C.: Do not play in the street where there is heavy vehicle traffic. Never step off the sidewalk into the street without first looking up and down the street to make such no vehicle of any kind is near. Do not cross the street diagonally or in the middle. Wait until you come to the crossing at the end of the block and then cross at the right angles. Under no conditions catch hold of any moving vehicle. Many children are maimed and killed each year as !na Your Name ana wen Send You a Lachnite 4’T send a penny. Just send your name and вау•. ‘ Lachnite mounted in a solid gold ring on 10 d¡ iys’ free When it wear the can tell to buy it ehnite mounted in a solid gold ring on 1U We will send it prepaid right to your home, lerelv deposit $4.75 with the postman and then 10 full days. If you, or if any of your friends a diamond, send it back. But if you decide send us $2.5C a month until $18.75 has been paid. 17Send your name now. Tell us wb' 2׳ »rue lUSI«ay polid gold ri .. • men’s). " hman Co., 12N. Michigan Av.,Dept» 3003 !PUBLIC SALE GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS Send for this big catalog today. Army Sweaters . . . . $6.50 _ Hunting or Shell Bags . .75 N Army Gray Wool Blankets 6.00 ׳ Wool Shirts, O. D. . 4.50 5.50 Army Shoes ...... 8.00 Sheepskin Vests . . . . 6.50 Leather Jerkins wool lined 7.00 4 Officer’s Sheeplined Coats 18.00 / Rubber Boots .... 5.85 / and all other articles for camp or outdoor use. SEND 10c FOR ARMY & NAVY CATALOG 117—AND. BUY AT AUCTION BARGAIN PRICES Army & Navy Store Co. 245 W. 42d St., New York ^ Largest Camp and Military . Outfitters. HONOR THEIR HERO attached photo of Mr. Gaffner. During the engagement mentioned in the attached copy of the citation contained in General Orders No. 20 Brother Gaffney was twice wounded. Recuperating in due time he again went into action with his Company, and in subsequent battle lost his arm. War Department. Washington, Jan. 30, 1919. General Orders No. 20: I. Awards of medal of honor.—By direction of the President, under the provisions of the act of Congress approved July 9, 1918 (Bui. No. 43, W. D. 1918), the Medal of Honor was awarded in the name of the Congress, on January 13, 1919, to Frank Gaffney for the acts of gallantry set forth; FRANK GAFFNEY, private, first class, Company G, 108th Infantry. For conspicuous gallantry and intrepedity above and beyond the call of duty in action with the enemy near Ronssoy, France, September 29, 1918. Private Gaffney, an automatic rifleman, pushing forward alone with his gun, after all the other members of his squad had been killed, discovered several Germans placing a heavy machine gun in postion. He killed the crew, captured the gun, bombed several dug-outs, and, after killing four more of the enemy with his pistol, held the position until reinforcements came up when 80 prisoners were captured. The members of Lock City Lodge No. 617 at Lockport, N. Y., by unanimous vote conferred life membership upon Bro. Frank J. Gaffney, hero of the World’s War. Bro. Gaffney’s record is unique. The following summarizes it: Born in the city of Lockport, N. Y. Age 34. Educated in public schools of native city. Joined Lock City Lodge, L. O. O. M., March 14th, 1913. Enlisted in the old 74th Regiment, afterward merged with the 108th Infantry at Buffalo, N. Y., July 20th, 1917. Sailed for overseas duty May 10th, 1918, embarking at Newport News, Va. Distinguished himself in battle with the enemy near Ronssoy, France, Sept. 29th, 1918, for which action he was awarded several decorations as follows: Congressional Medal of Honor by the United States of America. Croix De Guerre with Palms by the French Government. Medale Millitare by the French Government. Distinguished Conduct Medal by the British Government. Montenegro War Medal by the Montenegro Government. The foregoing awards appear in the ־;®вштlui׳ ?!׳״в! : "!־! 1!:!!!;if.!¡ш‘!־!!•;!!:"־v;!:;:!״:ï::!î‘Iïj!;״!!: ״!:ii"¡:;״!:;־!”I!;;־!:“! ׳:m Every Moose Should Read This IF YOU FIND THE NUMBER OF YOUR LODGE BELOW, ASK YOUR DICTATOR, SECRETARY, OR CHAIRMAN OF THE AUDITING COMMITTEE WHY YOU ARE NO LONGER A GOOD MOOSE. IF NEITHER OF THEM CAN TELL YOU, WRITE RODNEY H. BRANDON. MOOSEHEART, ILL., AND HE WILL 208 — 200 — 318 — 405 — 412 — 415 — 479 — 497 — .630 634 666 — 693 — 709 — - »42 — 750 — 772 — .789 — 861 879 — 919 — 925 — 938 — 9R2 — 1008 — 1015 — 1075 — 1085 1098 — 1104 — 1142 — 1143 — 1172 — 1174 — 1188 — 1189 — 1232 1315 — 134? — 1364 — 1379 — 1390 — 1393 — ,1396 — 1393 — Ills 1433 — 1443 — 1491 — 1530 — 1542 — 1577 — 158« LEARN TO BJE AN ] IfTOf&SlS? MANIC 6 to 8 weeks personal training׳ here will qualify 75c to $1 A3 an hour as a trained motor Big demand for our graduates. №flKE$150TO $500M0NT(I by starting your own garage or repairing your !neighbors autos, trucks and tractors. Here you *et personal training on complete equipment— DO books used. Special Rates Now, Including Free Tool Kit. CDETST Write for full informa- ■IStfc tion and 16 day Trial Offer. K.C.AUTO & TRACTOR SCHOOL Lydia A 15th Street. ^ Dept• 631-A Kanaae City, Mo. rprr A Valuable Book Г QEL Brings Bigger Pay Do you want to increase your income by home study in your spare time? We have just published a new catalog of home sell helps that will show you how. No matter what your line of work you will find in our FREE CATALOG of self-help books many valuable suggestions as to how you can easily increase your income. Especially valuable to all interested in Electricity, the Automobile. Machine Shop, Carpentry, Painting, Farm Mechanics and Machinery, Gas and Steam Engineering, Railroading or Modern Languages. Sent ABSOLUTELY FREE. A postal will bring it. Send for your copy nou•. Frederick J. Drake & Co. 1021 Michigan Ave. — CHICAGO THROW YOUR VOICE 44׳ y« Learn to throw your voice into a trunk, under the bed or anywhere. Lots of iUN fooling the Teacher, Policeman or Friends. THE VENTRIL0 A little instrument that fits in the mouth out of sight used in conjunction with abovefor bird calls, etc. Anyone can use it. NEVER FAILS. A 32-page book on Ventriloquism sent with the Ventrilo for 10c (coin) and 3c postage. Also large catalogue or tricks. ROY NOV• CO., Box6'J South Norwalk, Conn. _ POWERFUL AIR GUN ^ ^ * AND 500 BUCK SHOTS V>\* 31-inch '.<=ver-action rifle, fine walnut stock, free for selling 20 large, colored Pictures or 20 pkgs, Poet Cards at 15c. Order your choice. GATES MFG. CO. DEPT. 436 CHICAGO PHONOGRAPH 1 AND RECORD I BoysandGirls! This wonderful New Model Talking Machine, rosewood finibh, nickel base, and nopular record, is yours. A real Talking Machine with high-grade reproducer. Plays all size records up to 12!in. Given for selling only 20 large colored Pictures or 20 packages beautiful Post Caros -at. 15c each. Order choice today, batis- faction guaranteed. GATES MFG. CO. DEPT. 936 CHICAGO