21 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE The newest ideas in cases are yours to choose from. Gold strata case. Guaranteed for 25 years. Adjusted to temperature positions and isochronism. 21 Jewels. Adjusted to the second A MONTH The Burlington Smashes AHWatchCompetition Look! HI Ruby and Sapphire Jewels— Adjusted to positions— Adjusted to temperature— Adjusted to isochronism— 25-year gold strata case— Genuine Montgomery Railroad Dial— Hew Ideas in Thin Cases. To Moose Only $ so $3.50 a month to members of the order— great reduction in wutcK prices—direct to members of the order—positively the exact price that the wholesale dealer would have to pay. We do not care to quote these prices here, but write— write before you buy. Think of the high-grade, guaranteed watch we offer here at such a remarkable price. Indeed the day3 of exorbitant watch prices have passed. Write today. The Newest Cases In our new watch book, that we will send to you free and prepaid, you will see illustrated the newest ideas in watch cases. The latest triumphs of the master goldsmiths. Notice especially the Emblem of the Order, the Inlay Enamel Monograms, Block and Ribbon Monograms, Lodge Emblems and Diamond Set Cases. On the above watch you may have your signature and the emblem of the Order. All offered direct to Moose on this startling offer. Send the.coupon today. Moose—See It First! Don't pay a cent to anybody until you see the watch. Then look at the worksl There you will see the masterpiece of watch makers* skill. A timepiece adjusted to positions, temperature and isochronism. Free Watch Book 19th St and Marshall Bird. Dept 2883, Chicago. III. Get the Burlington Watch >■■■■■■■■■■■■■• Book by sending this cou- jf Burlington Watch Co. pon now. You will know £ a lot more about watch Jr buying when you read ^ . .. it. You will be able to / Please send me (with-־■* pf Jr out obligations and pre-ф paid) your free book on £ ^watches with full explana- # tion of your cash or $3.60 * a month offer on the Burlington Watch_ special to *‘steer clear __ the over-priced watches which are 4^ no better. Send the coupon to- jT dajj for book ^ Members of the Order. Name.. and Burlington Watch Co. 19th St. ■nd JT Marsfca(lgy&^ ОбЛ 2o83 Æ Address...... The Junior Order of Moose Promoted by the Executive Committee of the Supreme Lodge of the World, Loyal Order of Moese Supreme Dictator, WM. F. BROENING, Governor-General RODNEY H. BRANDON, DR. J. A. RONDTHALER, Supreme Secretary Supervisor PROGRESS Jan. 14, 1920—C. B. Cannon, Greens- boro, Pa. Jan. 14, 1920—Samuel Karpeles, Meadville, Pa. Jan. 3, 1920—Thomas N. Davey, Nanticoke, Pa. Jan. 6, 1920—Harry D. Folk, Mar-tinsburg, W. Va. Jan. 14, 1920—M. S. Kestner, War, W. Va. Jan. 12, 1920—Joe Vargo, West Frankfort, 111. Jan. 6, 1920—G. E. Morrison, Memphis, Tenn. Jan. 3, 1920—J. D. Siler, Denison, Tex. Dec. 31, 1919—Frank Hulbarth, Toledo, 0. Jan. 1, 1920—T. Vollmar, E. St. Louis, 111. Jan. 2, 1920—Clarence L. Weaver, Martins Ferry, O. Jan. 2, 1920—J. P. Graf, Tipton, Ind. Dec. 31, 1919—E. P. Kirbaeh, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Jan. 2, 1920—Carl S. Ramsey, Barnesville, Pa. Jan. 15, 1920—Bro. Graeber, Morgantown, W. Va. Jan. 25, 1920—M. C. Clarke, Piqqa, O. Jan. 25, 1920—Wm. C. Slavey, Wheeling, W. Va. Jan. 25, 1920—Fred Berger, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Jan. 25, 1920—H. H. Neely, Peabody, Kans. Jan. 25, 1920—F. F. Fisher, Placer-ville, Cal. Jan. 26, 1920—J. W. Snyder, Charleston, W. Va. Feb. 4, 1920—Wm. F. Brinker, Cof-feyville, Kans. Feb. 5, 1920—Richard Belch, Amsterdam, .Ohio. These Governors are all in active service gathering applications for charter membership. Within the next month fully fifty per cent will send orders for outfits for Institution of Junior Moose Lodges. Camden Lodge No. 8, Camden, New Jersey is certainly the banner lodge so far as progress in membership is concerned for the last three months, Here is a letter from Secretary Earl M. Warner which tells the cause of the wonderful success of Camden Lodge: first, a splendid board of officers; secondly, a senior lodge that is giving to the Juniors its heartiest support; and thirdly, a membership inspired by its officers and the members of the senior lodge who are one and all so interested in the promotion of the progress of the lodge that nearly all of them have taken an active part in securing the new members during the last few months. The secretary's lettter follows: Camden, N. J., Jan. 10. 1920. Mr. J. A. Rondthaler, Mooseheart, 111. Dear Sir and Brother: Just a few lines to tell you about our progress, which we feel sure you are interested in. At the finish of the first half of our membership campaign we have taken in 161 new members. This brings our total to over 350. As we told you before our aim is 500. We think of course that with the rapid progress we are making at the present time this will be a small matter. We are taking in twenty almost every week, some weeks as high as thirty. The senior lodge is giving us their heartiest support. We have received quite a number of applications through that body. The last three months have been the most successful the lodge has ever known both in membership and financially. We sincerely hope that the Junior Order as a whole is making good strides since it has been again taken in charge by one whose whole interest is centered in its welfare. Yours fraternally. EARL M. WARREN, Secretary. The Junior Order drive has not only started, it is going, and going at a rate that is very satisfactory to the Executive Committee Active operations began last October and the data given below demonstrates the progress made. The movement is greatly favored in that it is not meeting with opposition from any quarter. If there has been any hindrance, it has been in the indifference on the part of some Lodges of the Loyal Order. Many do not see what an important factor the Junior Order is destined to be in the advancement of Moosedom. Junior Lodges that have been in operation for only a few months are already graduating members into the Senior Lodges. Details of the movement, inspirational suggestions, “Order of Procedure in Organization,” and general literature on the subject can be secured by addressing the Supervisor, Moose-heart, Illinois. Junior Lodges Organized Since Oct. 1. 1919 1. Mooseheart, 111. 2. Mattoon, 111. 3. East Chicago, Ind. 4. Chicago Heights, 111. 5. Lancaster, 0. 9. Collinsville, 111. 10. Aurora, 111. 15. Sheridan, Wyo. 11. Gormania, W. Va. 14. East Liverpool, O. 82. Forest Park, 111. Governor’s Commissions issued since Oct. 1, 1919, Junior Order of Moose: Oct. 17, 1919—T. Edwin Bunting, Wilmington, N. C. Oct. 31, 1919—R. J. Dickenson, Dante, Va. Oct. 31, 1919—W. H. Jones, Negau-nee, Mich. Nov. 3, 1919—Ralph G. Smith, Lo-gansport, Ind. Nov. 4, 1919—Samuel H. Boyles, Kittanning, Pa. Nov. 6, 1919—George M. Hosnier, Mattoon, 111. Nov. 11, 1919—William A. Osborn, Collinsville, 111. Nov. 8, 1919—George L. Brown, Lancaster, O. Nov. 19, 1919—Argo M. Dill, Aurora, 111. Nov. 20, 1919—Wallace Wenztel, Marietta, O. Nov. 29, 1919—W. L. C. Allen, St. Albans, W. Va. Nov. 11, 1919—A. L. Hignet, East Chicago, Ind. Dec. 3, 1919—Ben A. Ross, Superior, Wis. Dec. 4, 919—J. R. Watson, Boise, Idaho. Dec. 5, 1919—David A. McNeil, Poughkeepsie, N. Y Dec. 18, 1919—W. H. Fisk, E. Las Vegas, N. M. Dec. 11, 1919—F. J. Hayes, Lyons, N. Y. Dec. 10, 1919—Guy King, Gormania, W. Va. Dec. 11, 1919—Andrew Koshko, Clarence, Pa. Dec. 11, 1919—H. P. Thomas, Clute, W. Va. Dec. 22, 1919—Rev. William Reese, New Orleans, La. Dec. 23, 1919—J. Ray Merchant, Marion, O. Jan. 14, 1920—R. R. Silket, Ed-wardsville, 111. * .If- Edison*i Уbuaerfuì ״ IV•» Amberoli ®״iy 00״ [ =Down Keep the New Edison Amberola — Edison’s great phonograph with the diamond sty’u*— and your choice of records, for oniy $1.00. Pay balance at rate of only a few cents a day. Hear it in your own home before you decide. Only $l.oo down. Writ© today for our New Edison Book and pictures, free. F. K. BABSON, Edison Phonograph Disf.2883 Edison Blk., Chicago FREE EASTMAN Premo Film Pack Camera, for selling: 20 large colored pictures or 20 pkgs. post cards at 15c each. Order choice today. Sent prepaid. CATES MFG. CO■■ DEPT. 236 CHICAGO DeliveredFREE i Your choice of 44■ styles, colors and sizes in the famous line of *‘RANGER׳* bicycles. We pay the freight from Chicago to your town. 30 Days Free Trial bicycle you select, actual riding test. ' EASY PAYMENTS if desired, at a small advance over our Special Factory-to-Rider cash prices. Do not buy until you get our great new trial offer and low prices and terms. T I ft F LAMPS, HORNS. I intw pedals, single wheels and repair parts for all makes of bicycles at half usual prices. SEND NO MONEY but write today for the big new Catalog. ---CYCLE COMPANY Dept. T-141 Chicago today for th< MEAD DON’T WEAR A TRUSS! After Thirty Years’ Experience We Have Produced an Appliance for Men. Women or Children That Cures Rupture. WE SEND IT ON TRIAL If you have tried most everything else, come to us. Where others fail is where we have our greatest success. Send attached coupon ttoday The Above is C. E. Brooks, Inventor of the Appliance. Mr. Brooks Cured Himself of Rupture Over 30 Years Ago and Patented the Appliance from His Personal Experience. If Ruptured, Write Today to the Brooks Appliance Co., Marshall, Mich. and we will send you free our illustrated book on Rupture and its cure, showing our Appliance and giving you prices and names of many people who have tried it and were cured. It gives instant relief when all others fail. Remember, we use no salves, no harness, no lies. We send on trial to prove what we say is true. You are the judge and once having seen our illustrated book and read it you will be as enthusiastic as our hundreds of patients whose letters you can also read. Fill out free coupon below and mail today. It’s well worth your time, whether you try. our Appliance or not. FREE INFORMATION COUPON Brooks Appliance Company I30-K State St., Marshall, Mich. Please send me by mail, in plain wrapper, your illustrated book and full information about your Appliance for the cure of rupture. Name ................................ Address ............................. City.................. State.........