MOOSEHEJlUr MAGAZINE 16 m ^ W** Be TIRE i SURGEON I ,Make $2500to $4000PerYear ! I Giving New Life to Old Tires Wm A Haywood Tire Surgeon can give mm4,000 to 5,000 more miles of new life WM to a tire, that two years ago would have been thrown on the junk pile. I Earned '2200“ FourMonfhs I I W Stations Are Needed Everywhere jsPgggay 20.000,OOOtirMwaarlnsdown •venday. Cuta.gashea. xäSgtßg&ip tears, bruises, broken fabric, every kindioi an acctaeni ggassjajsSy that can happen to any tire, inside or out, you can repair 1§b||§9V and save for long service. The chance to make money ia Mr simply wonderful. _ _ . WW Send Today For IVIy Free Book Mr I have ready to mail you the day I get your request, a fasclnat-IT tng book—all about toes—how to repair them by the Haywood Method—how to start in business—how to build up trade—what to Charge. Send for it. It’s free. M. HAYWOOD, Pres. t3HAYW00DTIRE& EQUIPMENT COMPANY Capitol Avenue Indianapolis, Indlanai Is the way Richard A. Oldham tells of hia success, repairing, rebuilding, reconstructing old automobile tires, by the new scientific method of TIRE SURGERY. Many other successes-some as big, others greater. We teach you TIRE SURGERY at Indianapolis or by mail. A new profession, an unusual opportunity. Write TODAY for BIG BOOK, that tells everything. Sent FREE. Address Haywood Tire and Equipment Co. 9gg N. Capitol A▼«. ladisoapolia, lad. ike your choice. Just send your name and address id we will send to you at once any pair of these shoes examine and try on at our risk without a nt of advance payment. We ________iSl» ant to prove toyou that ere’s no need for you pay $6 or $7 or more r shoes When you י Built •׳ to meet §£$? : :¡^^^׳,thedemand for C a city workers’ shoe as well as for the farmer. Stylish lace Blucher last. Special k process makes the leather proof against acids of milk. manure, soil, gasoline, etc. Outwear ry pairs of shoes. Choice of wide ,medium Very flexible, soft and easy. Made by a :ess which leaves all the “life” in the gives it wonderful wear-resisting quality, ler soles and heels. Dust and waterproof !avy chrome leather top. See if they are >st comfortable shoes you ever wore. £9 for shoes on arrival. If, after care-— ful examination, you don’t find them ect, send them back and we will return ׳. State your size and width. Sizes, 6 r above shoe by No. A18027. You must see these shoes to realize wl a remarkable value they are. Give wonderful wear. Very stylish and^S dressy, too. Made of specially selected fine quality gr■־» metal leather on popular Manhattan toe last. Blu-cher style. Solid oak lea-thersoles. Reinforced shank and cap; military heel. Best workmanship. You won’t pay $7.00 or $8.00 for shoes when you can have these at our low price. Only a limited KK&rajBRf quantity at this price. Remember you <: ^%$£&?■ _^&^/neod to send a p! your order, will do. Re state which s you want and give SsSwBmSmw^I^F^ and width. We shi once. When shoes ar pay amount stated for pair ordered. Examine I !¿&BSPrcarefully. If you think them W biggest shoe bargain you can find where, keep them. Otherwise send 1 ׳ expense and we will promptly return it your order in the mail today. News From The Lodges gave a reception Jan. 5th for its members who saw war service. The boys were entertained with a vaudeville show also selections by the lodge orchestra. The evening was concluded with a splendid banquet enjoyed by everyone. was an enthusiastic Moose. A wife and two children survive him. Westwood, Calif., Lodge No. 1472 recently entertained the citizens of its city with a musical program. One of the prominent features was a talk on “MOOSEHEART.” Everyone enjoyed the evening and went home with a better understanding of the worth of the Loyal Order of Moose to the life of a community. Winnipeg, Canada, Lodge No. 816 is conducting a membership campaign, with one of its members in charge of the drive. At the present time the lodge has a membership of 700 which at the close of the campaign is expected to be doubled. Spring Valley, (Illinois) Lodge No. 1648, has recently purchased a splendid piece of property in the town for a club house. The building is one of the best pieces of property in the city and will not need many alterations to make it suitable for the lodges’ purposes. An article appearing in the Shenandoah, Pa., Herald commends the Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 1179 of that city, for its liberal donation of $500.00 to the Locust Mountain Memorial Hospital. Shenandoah Lodge is one of the largest organizations in the city and is a big factor in local activities, which accounts for its success. Woodbury, N. J., Lodge No. 280, Tire Prices Smashed 1/2 Tremendous Reduction in Tire Prices Saves You More Than We have just purchased a carload of fresh rubber tires. These tires formerly sold for three times our prices and were guaranteed for 6000 miles. These high quality fresh rubber tires are not to be classed with seconds and double tread. There is only a limited number to be had at these prices. No. of Tires 1 No. of Tires For Sale Size Price For Sale Size 30___ 30x3 $ 8.90 96 33x4 $14.65 114 30x3y2 9.65 150 14.95 110 32x3y2 11.85 32 16.85 28 31x4 12.85 20__ 35x41/* 17.75 92 32x4 13.25 8 35x5 18.75 SEND NO MONEY Simply write us today stating the number and size of Tires wanted. We will ship Tires immediately C. O. D., with privilege of examination. You take no chances. If you are not entirely satisfied after inspection that this is the greatest Tire bargain ever offered, return the tires to us at our own expense. Orders will be filled promptly each day as received, until our limited supply is exhausted—so order today and make sure of the big saving. You cannot appreciatethe remarkable saving you are making on these Tires until you have seen them. We know you will be more than satisfied. GOLD SEAL TIRE COMPANY, 3836 ff• Lake st• CHICAGO. ILL. Norfolk, Va., Lodge No. 39 now boasts a membership of over 4,000 and is still growing. One of the reasons that success attends Napa, Calif., Lodge No. 516 is because all applications for benefits are immediately and properly taken care of. At a recent public meeting, one of the leading judges of the city commended the Lodge upon its work. Sioux Palls, S. D., Lodge No. 503 holds social gatherings each week which are proving a big success and are attended by a big percentage of the membership. Cortland, N. Y., Lodge No. 1512 is certainly making a big membership drive. Lately a class of 100 new members was initiated and another class of 50 is ready to take the work sometime during January. This will increase the membership to almost 700. Steubenville, Ohio, Lodge No. 619 is taking an active part in the affairs of the city. Two memberships in the Chamber of Commerce have been purchased. Memphis, Tenn., Lodge No. 153 is planning a vigorous year, not only in increasing its membership but also in social activities. A program has been made up for the next few months and the membership has been assured that many good times are in store for them. Dayton, Ohio Lodge No. 73 has a class of 235 candidates ready to be initiated. This event is to take place the latter part of January and a big time is assured. Hamilton, Ohio, Lodge No. 1437 is certainly making great gains in the membership campaign now in progress. On Jan. 14th a class of 100 was initiated. Elyria, Ohio, Lowge No. 778 delayed sending in a Christmas contribution, thinking same could he added to. The amount through the delay was increased considerable and totaled $150.00. Findlay, Ohio, Lodge No. 698 has purchased the Mountaville Block for a home, the price paid being $25,000. The building is a source of considerable income and has been the meeting-place of the lodge for several years. Bucyrus, (Ohio) Lodge No. 669, has approved plans for a new “Home”. An option has been obtained on a good location in the heart of the city. Brother Judge Wright, George Willie and Frank A. Luce are the committee in charge. Chillicothe (Ohio) Lodge No. 1626, is Moose territory and good grazing ground, a membership campaign has just closed and resulted in nearly doubling the membership of the local lodge, as stated in the news column of the Chillicothe Gazette. The chairman of the entertainment committee of Walla Walla, Wash., Lodge No. 409, reports that plans are now being laid for a Spring Festival. He also states that the big four-ring circus held on New Year’s eve was a huge success. Brainerd, Minn., Lodge No. 1246 celebrated its seventh anniversary during the month of January. A large number of the members were in attendance, enjoying the entertainment and supper which followed the ceremonies. DontSend a Penny Norwalk, Ohio, Lodge No. 1248 at its last meeting has wiped out every cent of indebtedness and also has a comfortable balance left in the bank. This speaks well for Norwalk Lodge. Sf foaelc nt. nnr Take and we to cent want to there’s : at expense. You won t be out Work Shoe ever wore, after care-find them ill return three ordinal or narrow, special process leather and gives Double leather tongue. Heavy chr< not the most 5429 all you your money, to 11. Order Stylish Dress Shoe You have noth lose,so can price, quantity Order now. We send them at once. When they arrive, $4.69 pay for shoes. If not a stunning bargair return them and getyour money back. You don’t penny your orders A will do. Be sure which shoes and give size We ship at arrive, each them the any-them your back at our expense money. Get your lEOHARD-MORTON & CO״ Dept. 2836 Chicaga WATCH & RING GIVEN ^ YEAR GUARANTEE We Positively give a Genuine ' American Stem Wind, Stem Set Watch, Beautifully EngravedCase, guaranteed time-keeper, for selling only 20 of our Large, Beautifully Colored Art & Religious Pictures at 15c each. ׳Order 20 pictures. We trust you. When sold, return $3.00 collected and this Watch & Handsome Stone Set Ring are yours. Big Premium list,showing many other valuable gifts sent with pictures. Liberal cash commission if preferred. GAIR MFG.COMPANY, Dept, !!^CHICAGO. ILL■ AEROPLANE HoyB. we have a rea I A eroplane for you. Modeled after famous warmonoplanes.Called the Eagle , Th« 5* ®cause of i ta 1 ong b oaringfiich ta. Ls "®JPowerful motive power carries ifc rigftt off the ground. Looks fine Bailing In the air. Strongly built. Will last longtime. Length 23 in. Wing spread 21 in. Free for selling 2 4 packages Bingo Household Products at 10a each. Ordertoday. Send nomoney, 'Bingo Co. Dept.203 Binghamton,N. Y* Columbia Lodge No. 126 (Washington, D. C.) held a big masquerade and dance on Jan. 15th. The occasion was proclaimed a big success, every-bod yenjoyed the evening and all are looking forward to the next affair to be given by the lodge. The membership campaign of Spokane, Wash., Lodge No. 161 came to a close on Dec. 31st. Over 400 new members were secured during^ the drive, which exceeded all expectations. The year of 1919 was the most prosperous in the history of the lodge. BOOK ON DOG DISEASES * And How to Feed • ' % Mailed free to any address by America’s the Author Pioneer H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. Dog Medicines 118 West 31»t Street, NewYerk Albion, Mich., Lodge sustained a serious loss in the recent death of its Secretary. Brother Frank J. Simon. He was city attorney and a graduate of the University of Michigan. He I C A DU With the aid of simple instruc-L L n l\ n tions anyone can mold wax Ilf A Y fruit, nuts, vegetables, etc., very " M A interesting and instructive. M 0 L DIN GI'Staefr‘“־day• Price150־ coin2 ־e E. W. MOODY CO., Box 1316, Pittsfield, Mass.