I Pay $5,000 a Year HHf 1 .............. For Eight Average Orders a Day That’s a plain, definite proposition. Conners takes 12 orders in a day, Purviance 13, and other men even more. Cooper’s profit for one morning’s work alone was $100. When these men are making money hand over fist, think of what a chance it is for you! Full Equipment Send No Money—Just Mail the Coupon MaiI the couP°n at once and get all the facts about r urnisneu this proposition. I will give you full particulars about styles, materials and prices, and how the representatives It doesn’t cost you a cent to get started. go about the work to make their big profits. You don’t have to make any investment. You Remember, no investment of any kind is required of don’t have to wait for your profits.—You you when you become a Comer agent, nor afterward, get them immediately. There is no waiting for commissions. You get the cash I tell you exactly what to do ; the people immediately upon earning it. to go to and what to say to make big money. In this advertisement there is only space to state the I have started thousands to success. I will bare facts briefly. The complete details are more instand back of you and help you succeed if tensely interesting and I send you all the details as soon you show that you mean business. as I receive the coupon from you. If you want to make $5,000 a year, or if you want to earn from $2 to $5 an hour ^ during your spare time, write your name on the coupon with pen or pencil, tear it off and mail it at once. Do this right now! Do this right now THE COMER MFG. CO L. Dept. V-114, Dayton, Ohio jjg—ÌH» mmÊËfcÆÊÊMÈÈsk A. M. McDonough $1687.58 net profit in three months B. E. CONNERS made $375.70 in a month J. J. MAHER Are you satisfied with your present earnings? Are you making as much money as your ability entitles you to? Are you making $5,000 a Year? I am paying more than that to representatives like you and I want more. I want men and women to act as representatives in every city and town. Y ou Can! C. E. Purviance of Ohio, a new man, made $53־^ profit for himself in one day; J. J. Maher of Maine, $131 •te a week; J. J. Morrissey, $379.22 in a month; A. McDonough, $1687.58 in three months. That’s the way it goes—big profits quick and continuing right along. You don’t have to be a “star.” These ree- J ords are of ordinary men and you can do as M well and even better. This is your opportunity to break into the class of big money-makers. Don’t let it slip away from you. Don’t hesitate from* lack of experience. Many of my most successful representatives had no previous selling experience at all. .Comer Raincoats and Raincapes are easy to sell. Their high quality and remarkable low prices are the most convincing argument in the world. I am Paying $2 an Hour for Spare Time low. Think of it!—You can get a genuine Comer raincoat as low as $6. That’s one of the reasons why demand has grown so enormously for the famous Comer raincoats, sold direct to wearers by factory representatives. Can you imagine any one who needs a ranicoat turning down your offer of a genuine Comer raincoat, up-to-the-minute in style, perfect in workmanship, made to the customer’s individual order, when the prices are so olw? Every man, every woman and every child needs a raincoat and you can make from $3 to $30 clear profit on sales 'to one family. I want a representative to take the orders waiting in your territory right now. No matter what you are doing, this is your great chance. The big season for raincoats is at hand. I want quick action. You can begin immediately in spare time; and arrange for full time as soon as possible. Make your extra hours bring you extra dollars—two dollars easy every hour you put in. tSimple, easy, dignified and pleasant work. Raincoat prices are high in stores. You know that and so does everybody else. Comer prices are astonishingly profit for one week $131.00 The Comer Mfg. Co. Dept. V-114 Dayton, Ohio Gentlemen: Please tell me how without investing any money I can become your agent and make $5,000 a year or from $2 to $5 an hour for my spare time. Also send me without charge, your offer of a raincoat for myself. Name Add ress * - " Post Office State.