MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 8 Mooseheart Legion for Men and Women Women of Mooseheart Legion Free Trip Contest Grows Rapidly Chapters are Now Showing Big Increase in Membership The free trip to MOOSEHEART contest which is being held by the Women of Mooseheart Legion has already taken big form. This contest in which TEN free trips to MOOSEHEART are oifered is being competed for by practically all of the chapters. The ten chapters showing the biggest percentage of increase during this contest which began on January 1st, 1920 and ends May 31st, 1920 will be selected as the winners, and each will select one of it’s members to make the trip. The chapters have been divided into two groups, A and B. Class A represents the chapters where the Moose membership is over 1000, while Class B represents those with a membership under 1000. The percentage of increase will be determined in each chapter according to the membership of the Loyal Ordder of Moose in that city, thereby giving each chapter an equal chance regardless of the size of the chapter. The small chapter can win as easily as the bigger one. The Legionaires in the various chapters have gone into this contest with the proper spirit, because already extensive membership campaigns have been started. Every Chapter cannot win and the women are aware of that fact, but they do know that they will benefit from the contest because they will have increased the membership of their own Chapter, and by increasing their membership, they will at the same time increase the volume of dues coming into their treasury so that they will have a much bigger society in general. They will be able to promote their affairs on a bigger scale, thereby making their chapter a more noteworthy element in their particular community. New people in an organization mean new ideas the infusion of new blood means renewed vigor and such is the aim of all progressive people. Last year ten Legionaires from ten different chapters came to MOOSEHEART as the representatives of their chapters and enjoyed a week’s visit at MOOSEHEART with all expenses of the trip defrayed by the Regents of Mooseheart Legion. This year the Regents expect to provide for these representatives in even greater style so that their trip will be complete in every way. There will be much more to see at MOOSE- (Continued on page 30) that this coming Frolic will be a record breaker. Golden Gate Legion No. 15 recently held a monster Frolic at Martinez, Calif. The Mayor of Martinez turned the key over to the Legionaires and they used it to good advantage. A class of 90 candidates was initiated and everybody had a good time. Regent Vander Naillen who had been very sick attended the Frolic in company with a nurse (No! it was a male nurse) and was then hurriedly driven back home and put to bed. Van is determined that California will be one of the leading Legion States, and it appears that he is going to be successful. a new Legion is now being organized consisting of lodges at Vancouver, West Minister and Nanaimofi British Columbia, and Bellingham, Wash., and according to the lively interest which is being taken will be an organization of the highest caliber. This Legion already has a nucleus of members to start operations on because many of the boys in these lodges have been members of Wild West Legion No. 167 which was instituted at Seattle over a year ago. The institution will be held at Vancouver in the very near future. Bro. F. E. Hill of Vancouver is now giving the institution meeting his attention assisted by a committee. Every Lodge in this district will be represented with a big class of candidates. The big Men’s Legion in the vicinity of Wolverine Legion No. 107 will be instituted at Detroit, Michigan on April 2nd. Brother Billie Davis has notified the Grand Regent’s office that this big institution will be represented by hundreds of legionaires representing all of the Michigan cities in the vicinity of Detroit. Wolverine expects to start off in the legion work with a great rush and make a particular effort to become one of the biggest legion districts in the Legion. There are of course several big legions now in operation which have a big strong-membership, but the boys in the Michigan Lodges declare that all they want is a little time in order to prove their statement, that they will have a legion which leads them all, not only in point of membership but in enthusiasm as well. Grand Regent, Rodney H. Brandon will institute the new Wolverine Legion and arrangements are now being made for other supreme officers to be present. The State of Michigan now consists of two legion districts. Michigan Legion No. 165 was instituted at Kalamazoo over a year ago and has been growing very rapidly. Herder, J. H. Carr of Ely, Nevada Legion No. 164 reports that the Legion in the Ely district will show a big increase during 1920. Because of unsettled conditions they have been slightly hindered in their progress but are now planning on several big Frolics. Westwood Lodge, California which is in District No. 172 is planning on starting the Legion along with the other lodges in that district. Many of the boys from Westwood attended the recent Martinez Frolic and are convinced that the Legion in their home district should not be delayed in starting any longer. Beaver Legion No. 171 which was instituted at Eugene, Ore., over a year ago was re-organized recently at Corvallis, Ore. The growth of this Legion will be watched with interest. Brother H. S. Cornell, who is assisting the Legion in Beaver district, is confident that this district will make them all hurry in the North-West. Miami Valley Legion No. 103 instituted at Dayton has the biggest Convention Club up to date, and expects a big increase in membership at their next Frolic. These Ohio Legionaires will be very much in prominence at the Convention, and they will be here in large numbers. Great North Moose Harry Georgi on a recent trip to MOOSEHEART reports very fine progress and many good times at recent Frolics. Tar Heel Legion No. 158 is a new one,—yes it was instituted in North Carolina and the Legionaires all wanted the name “Tar Heel”. The big institution Frolic was held at Greensboro. R. L. Blaylock is the new Herder. This district emprises the entire State of North Carolina and they are planning some Frolics which will be worth going miles to attend. All lodges in North Carolina wishing information as to the date and location of the next Frolic will get in touch with the Herder at Greensboro. Pittsburgh Legion No. 1 recently elected Director General James J. Davis as their new Great North Moose for 1920. The new leader has given his promise that Pittsburgh will make an enviable record during the coming-months. Brother Fred Brigam is the new Herder for this district, and we all know that Fred is going to see to it that he is the Herder of a first class organization. A big Frolic is being arranged for at this time and all lodges surrounding Pittsburgh are expected to be represented in big numbers. Great North Moose Davis says Men’s Legions Growing to Great Size Extremely Large Classes Mark Recent Frolics Particularly large classes of candidates have marked the recent progress of the Men’s Legion which may foe accounted for because of the more extensive Frolics which each Legion district is now promoting. It is true that the system of holding fewer Frolics during the year and increasing the magnitude of each Frolic is a factor, because it allows more time for preparation such as the writing of candidates and preparations for the ritualistic and burlesque sections of the ritual. Added to these factors is the substantiality of the Second Degree. Every member of the Loyal Order of Moose wants to be a member •of the Second Degree, and he is particularly desirous of the same ever since this philanthropic Order has proved its merits. The great assistance given to MOOSEHEART is alone sufficient evidence to all, that they should associate themselves with this degree in a very active way. The social good time, however, which is enjoyed by all Legionaires is an added attraction and indeed the Legionaires are to be envied for the good times they enjoy at their big Frolics. The plan which has been inaugurated by the Legion of holding the various Frolics in all the different cities within the district creates a condition whereby every Moose in that territory is going to become acquainted. The little fellow is going to be taken by the hand and lifted up into bigger circles, and everybody is going to profit, because, after all, we all have *our good points, but the world will never know it if we stay ; t home all the time and nobody comes i o see us. Every lodge is growing and prospering under these conditions and they will continue to do so. Now is the time to join in. Cnvention Delegation Forming Already many different Legions have started a Convention Club. All nembers of the Legionaires Convention Club will have their expenses paid to the convention at MOOSEHEART this Summer. These Conven-f ion Clubs require a small payment of c ues by each member, and the Club then holds social affairs and various Hunts to raise additional money so fiat the members will travel to the -Convention in style. Many of these Clubs will come to the Convention this year with a big membership. MEN’S LEGION NOTES The Fez Fund offering at the Martinez Frolic was $150.00. ON TO MOOSEHEART THIRTY-SECOND ANNUAL CONVENTION AT MOOSEHART - WEEK OF JUNE 20th, 1920 Band Concerts—every day—by Mooseheart Student Band. Ritualistic Contests for Degree Teams. Athletic Contests—Bring your Ball Team. Prizes will be an- | nounced later. This will be a MOOSEHEART CONVENTION. The only legislation considered will be that which refers to MOOSEHEART. Exercises will include Graduation of Class of 1920. COME AND GET ACQUAINTED WITH YOUR CHILDREN