8,320 Burlingtêfis in the U. S. Navy 8,320 Burlingtons have been sold to the men aboard the U. S. battleships. Practically every vessel in 1־Ьа tt c at ! my Burlington watches aboard. Some have over 100 Burlingtons. The vie _ i among the men in the U. S. Navy is testimony to Burlington superiority. Wrist Watch for Real Men This is the day of the wrist watch. Practically every officer in the U.S. Army wears a wrist watch. Experience, use—field service—have proven it to be the most convenient watch in the world Here is the Aviator’s model. This new Burlington is built to suit aviators. It is adjusted to keep time anywhere—under all conditions, High grade — the finest nickel movement. !Square design. Extra heavy hands. The sturdy pig skin buckle strap cannot slip. Clear, distinct, military Radium dial. We use only the highest grade radium — exactly the same that is used on the very best scientific instruments. While we can not tell if radium will last a life-time as the metal is a recent discovery, we know positively that this radium will not lose its radiance for a great many years—as do so many radium dials. С Г¡' й' Г ПН ТГТt? Q У / You don’t pay a cent to anybody until you see the watch. We ship the watch to you on approval. Kjj—ij—t л. л JL л Ли a • You are the sole judge. No obligation to buy merely because you get the watch on approval^ has to be made of sturdy stuff in order to “make good” on a i¡ iiictii-oi-war. The constant vibration, the extreme heat in the boiler rooms, the cold salt air and the change of climate from the Arctic to the Tropical are the most severe tests on a watch. If a watch will stand up and give active service aboard a man-of-war, it will stand up anywhere. The superb 21-Jewel Burlington watch, with all these exceptional features, sold direct to you at the rate of only $3.50 per month. You pay only rock-bottom price — yes, “bed rock-bottom price”—the lowest price at which the Burlington is sold. Think of it. Only $3.50 per month for this high-grade guaranteed watch direct at a remarkable price. Don’t miss this wonderful offer. PF’atch Book on Request! Г» 1 ״ - _ __ • Put your name and address in the AJ6 tí Cl \jOllT)Otll coupon or on a letter or post card --------------—---- now and get your Burlington Watch book free and prepaid. You will know a lot more about watch buying when you read it. Too, you will see handsome illustrations in full color of all the newest cases from which you have to choose. The booklet is free. Merely send your name and address on the coupon at once. Act NOW! icago, HI. Burlington Watch Company and Marshall Blvd. Dept. 2882 Chi( Dept. Canadian Office: 338 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Man. 19th St Burlington Watch Co., Dept. 2882 19th Street & Marshall Blvd., Chicago, HI. Please send me (without obligations and prepaid) your free book on watches with full explanation of your cash or $3.50 a month offer on the Burlington Watch. Käme.