y*iOOSEHEJ1RT MMGfJZINB 22 MOViE MACHINE EDCE Have Your Own “Movie’״ ® ■ ■■»la HSPderful movinar picture machine, c״jP¿?to Wlt8״as generator and 3 sets r׳-ela ini.' uST0״™ 96' ?״s, ״»,¿ ־erf״! lens¡ show! ing large, clear pictures. Given for selling 20 Is' °,X j° Pac*faKes beautiful poB^carda at 16c each .,Order choice today. CATES MFC. CO. DEPT. 836 CHSCAGO ___________& serviceable Wrl*t F if P p Watch-Also Lace Curtains,Si I- 1 S1 £= Sa® " !,Kodaks ,Gold Lockets ,Ladies Guaranteed 10 Yea* il Gents batches, etc. easil: earned. Distribute just a few o. our Beautiful Art& Religious Pic .......... U l" " ._ ' tores at 15c. They sell like Hot Cakes. Send no money-Ju3t your name and address. We take dll the risk & send ou 20 Pictures on Credit, Postpaid. When _ ___d send us money ai.d select prize you are entitled to as described on our big premium list. .. . GAiR MFC. CO., OepttSld CHICAGO. ILL. AGENTS We need special agents to trat.. by Automobile introduciug our great line of Nationally-advertised Pure Food Products, Soaps and Necessities. Here is on opportunity to earn 96 to $12 a day, all or spare time and obtain an Automobile FREE besides. Write at onoe for full particulars. Address y AMERICAN PRODUCTS CO. 19 ׳a8 Americas Bldg,, Cincinnati, 0. 40 packs vegetable____ at 10c per large pack. Easily sold—EARN BIG MONEY or premiums. Get sample lot TO-DAY. Send no money. We trust you tiU seeds are sold. AMERICAN SEED COMPANY 154 Lancaster׳, Pa־ AGENTS: $10 a Day NEW-KANT-KLOG COAL OIL BURNER Nothing else like it. New-patented. Not sold in store׳ vm(-״׳i er‘a Most perfect burner ever ir vented. Absolutely safe. Can't clog up Turns an coal or wood stove into a gas stove. Cheaper than coa JKrite Qulcls for agenoyTid temtoq PARKER MFG. CO, 164 COAL ST, DAYTON, OHil Distribute only 6