MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 29 Howto Save $10 on Your Next S r An Amazing Offer! , You don’t have to pay a prohibitive price for your suit. No matter what style or grade you select, $20, $25, $30 and up, we can show you how to save at least $*10, never less, often more. It is true that the wool shortage, high labor cost, the heavy demand and limited supply have made clothing prices higher than ever before; but our direct plan brings your suit to you at practically wholesale cost. We have no agents, no salesmen, no dealers. The great overhead expense of middlemen is all cut out of the price you pay. ,flUForareaTSOMorsd lw to Measure Suit is an example of the savings you make in buying your clothes on our economical plan. Write quick for our beautiful new Spring and Summer Style Book—it is free. Select the style and fabric you like best. Send only $3 deposit with your order. We will make the suit to your measurements and ship it to you, all transportation charges prepaid. Pay the balance when your, suit arrives. We guarantee a perfect fit—we guarantee the style, workmanship and material. You must be satisfied in every way or we will refund your $3 deposit immediately. rajgfi New Spring and Summer Style Book With prices of clothing soaring skyward everywhere, you cannot afford to be without this great guide in getting full value for your clothes money. Our beautiful new Spring and Summer Style Book with cloth samples is just off the press. It contains all the season’s leading styles and a wide selection of the favorite fabrics. Also a wonderful showing of Men’s Furnishings, Hats and Shoes at amazingly low prices. Send for your copy at once. We pay ali shipping charges AGENTS: $4 an Hour As salesman in your territory for this new Convertible Gas Burner. Makes any stove a gas stove. Burns common kerosene (coal oil); makes its own gas. Pays for itself in a short time Fits Any Stove Cooks Meals Easy to install. Just shove into the fire box. No troublé to operate. Clean, odorless. No more coal or ashes to carry. No kindling to cut. Wonderful labor saver. Low price. 15 Days* Free Trial We want 100 men and women quick to take orders. The high price and scarcity of coal makes this burner sell everywhere. Big money for spare time workers. Acker made 8 sales last week working 2 hours in evenings. Carleton writes: “It;s the easiest seller I have ever handled. I expect to take orders for 50 burners right here in my neighborhood.” Alton sold 12 first day. Write quick for sample and territory. THOMAS BURNER CO..480Gay St.,Dayton,Ohio LEARN TO BE AN UTOanrf^rmTrador iwMECHANiC. ilWEARN $100 TO $400 A MONTH ^ Right at home. AU you need is 6 3 8 weeks’ practical training here and . jk Hand Kit of tools. Come to Kansas I City—“Th• National Training Center.” ׳SPECIAL RATES NOW. rQPf Full information and 15• f" if If B DAY TRIAL OFFER, ■ KANSAS CITY AUTO & TRACTOR SCHOOL EDITOR OP ST. LOUIS TIMES VISITS MOOSEHEART Not long ago Mr. L. H. Foreman, the “City Editor” of the St. Louis Times, visited MOOSEHEART, wanting to give it a page in the feature part of that paper. On his visit’ he was accompanied by Mrs. Belle Gold Cross, a former Y. M. C. A. War Worker and a MOOSEHEART enthusiast. Soon as he arrived he was met by one of the students and all was made ready to tour the grounds. Mr. Foreman did not miss a thing and attended both ■Junior and Senior Assemblies. Many interesting things were noted in his write-up on December 29th, 1919, which was illustrated with several pictures of-׳the students, during their work and play. Mr. Foreman ;said it was the “most unique place in the world and is soon to be a great Democracy.” Buffalo (N. Y.) Lodge No. 8, announced that Brother Martin J. Mulligan had been selected as Captain of the Degree Team and that each class admitted during the present campaign would receive the full work by the team under the guidance of the good brother. No. 8 has evidently been successfully handling a number of social events that have aided in i;he popularity of the Moose in Buffalo, the most notable is said to have been the December masquerade ball at which the attendance was larger than any previous social affair handled by the Lodge, Fit for Luck (Continued from page 6) beat Franklin tomorrow and I would lose twenty thousand dollars!” “You would lose. Colonel? Have you wagered so much?” “Yes, my boy, I have. Partly to' recover from the effects of several unfortunate investments, and partly because I had to do something to repair my shattered fortune.” Colonel Wayne rose and walked to the window. For a moment he stood as motionless as a marble statue; then he turned and spoke. “You can no longer wonder why I was so eager to enter partnership with you in the restaurant, or why I was willing to finance any promising scheme that happened my way. I needed money—I still need money. Not for myself, Dick, I ask you to believe.” There was a note of pleading earnestness in his voice. “I am thinking• only of Daisy. True, there is more than a modicum of the gambler in me. I have made and lost fortunes unknown to Daisy., but I have never in my life been so near financial annihilation as I am at this moment. My boy, I am mortified to have to confess that my friendship was not without self-interest, but I believe in you, your business ability, your skill on the gridiron, and your personal Worth and cleanliness. More I cannot, I will not say.” “Coloned Wayne,” said Dick gravely, “I love your daughter and hope to make her my wife. I havn’t any fortune to give her, but I somehow feel that I can get out in this world ' and make her one if she should require it. In the meantime, I am earning more than enough to pay my way through college, and when my education is completed I hope to face the world with her by my side. And I think I’ll win in the battle of life as I have won in football for old Franklin!” “I hope and believe you will, Dick!” “And as for the money you have wagered on tomorrow’s game, I can’t see how you can lose it.” “Warner can. He says Franklin cannot win withotit you, and that you will not play.” “What a mistake he is making! If my presence on the Franklin team, spells victory, then we’ve won already.” “He told me, Dick, that Jim Drex-ler, through sheer jealousy, had ordered you crippled in scrimmage this afternoon^ and that when Franklin 5000 MILES ©FSERVICE AT 1/4 THE PRICE Guaranteed lor 5000 Miles STANDARD GUARANTEE Strong Double Tread Tires are recon Btrncted by our skilled mechanics, made of double the amount of fabric than any ordinary tire. Free from punctures or blowouts. Our customers receive from 4,000 to 10,000 miles of service. Reliner Free. Order today at these low prices: Price Size Tiro a Tube■ Price 30x3 $5.50 $1.60 84x4 $2.60 30x3)4... 6.50 1.75 84x4)4.. 10.00 3.00 31x334... 6.75 1.85 35x4)4.. 11.00 3.15 32x3)4... 7.00 2.00 86x4)4.. .. 11.50 3.40 31x4 8.00 2.25 “ 12.50 3.50 32x4 8.25 2.40 12.75 8.65 33x4 8.50 2.50 87x5 .. 12.75 3.75 Send $2.00 deposit for each tire ordered, balance C. O. D. Tires shipped subject to your examination. State whether S. S. or Cl, plain or non-skid is desired. All same price. By sending full amount of order you can save 6 per cent—our special cash• with-order discount. STRONG TIRE AND RUBBER GO. 3019 Michigan Ave. Dept. 44 Chicago, III, Reference Lincoln State Bank, Chicago PuncfureProof ! Q fin A Miles Guaranteed OfUKiXJ Or a New Tube Free Remarkable new discovery makes punctures impossible. Think of it—drive at any speed, anywhere without \fear of puncture \ from nails, wire, \ tacks, etc.; does \away with all tube ^trouble. As cheap as rdinary .jfcubes — write 'l today for f. prices. Reliable Tire & Tube Co, 3497 flickigaaAve״ Chicago, in. Live Agents and Dea^i Wanted—Ex- ^ elusive Territory Band Instruments ! Powerful in Tone—Easy to Blow Send for FREE CATALOG Leading Army and Navy Bandsmen are enthusiastic about the tone a n d action o f Lyon & Healy Own Make Band Instruments! Ask to see them at your dealer’s — if he cannot supply you, write for catalog. Cornets, Saxophones, Trombones, Drums, and all band accessories are listed. Tell us what instrument you are interested in. Fill out and mail this coupon. Name.............................. Address........................... Mark instrument you wish.:........ If you are now playing the clarionet or saxophone send forour Seymour Clarionet and Saxophone reeds —the highest quality reeds. 58-98 Jackson Boulevard Chicago DOLLARS IN HARES We pay $7.00 to $12.50 a pair and express charges. Big Profits. We furnish guaranteed high grade stock and buy all you raise. Use back yard, bam, cellar, attic. Contract and Illustrated Catalog Free. Standard Food & Fur Ass’n, 309F Broadway, New York. ä 62 BREEDS B.°-K2A<8i£ "■ ens, Geese, Ducks, Turkeys. Hardy Fowls, Eggs and Incubators at lowest prices. Pioneer Poultry Farm. Valuable poultry book and catalog FREE. F. A. HEUBERT.Bts 401 ,Mankato, Minn. Y Tobacco Habit Banished In 4$ to 72 Hours " Results It doesn’t make a particle of difference whether you have been a user of tobacco for a single month or for fifty years, or bow much you use, or in what form you use it—cigars, cigarettes, pipe, chewing of plug or fine cut, or using of snuif—Tobacco Redeemer will positively remove all of your tobacco craving in from 48 to 72 hours. Your desire for tobacco will begin to decrease after the very first dose—there is no long waiting for results. Not a Substitute Tobacco Redeemer is a positive, radical, efficient treatment. It is the most marvelously quick, absolutely scientific and thoroughly reliable remedy for the tobacco habit. It contains no habit-forming drugs of any kind. After finishing the treatment you have absolutely no desire to use tobacco again or continue the use of the remedy. It quiets the nerves, and will make you feel better in every way. If you really want to quit the use of tobacco, here is your chance. It will so completely rid you of the habit that when you see others using it, it will not awaken the slightest desire in you to begin its use again. Results Absolutely Guaranteed A single trial will convince the most skeptical. Our legal, binding, money-back guarantee goes with each full treatment. If Tobacco Redeemer fails no banish the tobacco habit when taken according to the plain and easy directions, .your money will be cheerfully refunded on demand. , Let Us Send You- Convincing Proof Mail the coupon below or send your name and address on a postal and receive our Free Booklet on the deadly effect of tobacco on the human system and positive proof that Tobacco Redeemer will quickly free you from the habit. If you are a slave of the tobacco habit you know that it is undermining your health and is a needless drain upon your pocketbook. Therefore you owe it to yourself and to your family tofindouthoweasily.quick-ly and surely you can # Bra “ *quit for keeps” with / NEWELL PHARMACAL COMPANY, the aid of Tobacco * Dept. 572 St. Louis, Mo. g «e f Send, without obligation to me in any way, ® S P100^ that Tobacco Redeemer will positively free B tod^t‘ / from habit• I Newell / Name.................................I Pharmacal Co. / street and No.................... |