18 . if they missed anything it was not their fault. Mayor Smith of Philadelphia was present and greeted his many friends, and said he wanted to take a more active part in the Moose affairs in thè future. Al Ladner sure believes in doing it right. Do you notice Bair, Ladner and Grakelow, the three big guns of Lulu Temple. More power to you, Al. Artie Bittong sure is some boy! Always on the job and ready to do anything. And he would make a good chorus girl, too! By the way, how do youvlike Artie’s Fife and Drum Corps ? Billy Ford and his Assistant Herders were doing a land office business and they sure did separate the Legion-aires from their bank rolls. The Stewards had some job feeding the herd and the only thing that was left was the tables. If Mayor Donnelly can run Trenton with the same pep that he can beat a drum—boys, keep your eyes on Trenton. Mayor Ellis of Camden greeted his many friends in No. 3 and-believe us, “Camden’s perpetual Mayor” is a Moose all through. Supreme Dictator Wm. F. Broening of Baltimore was unable to be present and was missed by the Legionaires. Bro. Broeningvis an honorary member of No. 3. We wondered why Jim Davis was absent but learn he was in Canada. Knew he was not in the United States or he would have been on hand. Past North Moose W. Freeland Kendrick, who is now Imperial Potentate of North America, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, was absent from the city, making the circuit of Shrine Temples. We missed you, Freeland, and, your helping hand. WOMEN’S LEGION NOTES Pansy Chapter No. 282 of Powers, Ore., is among the leading western coast Chapters which appears to be increasing above the average. Oregon now has a number of first class Chapters and more are being added each month. Rock Island, 111., Chapter No. 351 is growing very rapidly since its institution which was but a short time ago. Mrs. E. J. Humes, deputy for the Chapter, advises that the membership will show a particularly large increase in the next few months. Erie, Pa., Chapter No. '269 is perfecting plans to organize a top notch drill team which will be contending for honors among the Legion teams. Senior Regent Ida Adams of Buffalo is assisting the Erie Chapter in developing the team. City of Roses Chapter No. 250 at Little Rock, Arkansas, is one of the leading Chapters in that State. The Legionaires of Little Rock Chapter are anxious to see more Chapters in Arkansas and are willing to assist all new Chapters in the work. Covington, Ky., Chapter No. 230 is one of the new Chapters which are doing so well. The Legionaires from Cincinnati assisted in instituting the Covington Chapter which means that (Continued on page 23) )PUBLIC SALE GOVERNMENTCONTRACTS Send for this big catalog today. Army Sweaters . . . . $6.50^ Hunting or Shell Bags . .75 A rmy Gray Wool Blankets 6.00 Wool Shirts, O. D- - 4.50 5.50 Army Shoes , . 8.00 _________ .... 6.50 ___tner Jerkins wool lined 7.00 /B Officer’s Sheeplined Coats 12.00 / g and all other articles for camp or outdoor use. SEND 10c FOB ARMY & NAVY CATALOG . 117—AND BUY AT AUCTION BARGAIN PRICES Army &. Navy Store Co. J 245 W. 42d St., New York ^ MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE on account of the feast of oratory, and the many impressive talks were greatly enjoyed by the Legionaires. The inner man was then provided for and judging by the quick disappearance of everything ¿a table or drinkable the majority of the Legionaires had not previously dined. Then came the big show with many and ever changing acts until the wee hours and then home (or was it work?). Notes of the Frolic: Past North Moose John W. Ford was the “official welcomer and custodian of guests” and he had his hands full, we can tell you. Mayor Bacharach of Atlantic City and Mayor Donnelly are some team, Pennsylvania of the 29th Division, who was decorated for valor in the recent World War and who is beloved by all who know him. He came from his home in Beaver Falls, Pa., just to see how Legion No. 3 performed and we are sure he was not disappointed. We assure him he is always welcome in Philadelphia. Two prominent Philadelphians also became Legionaires at this meeting: Hon. Charles S. Blair, Potentate of Lulu Temple A. A. O. N. M. S., and Charles H. Grakelow, Assistant Chief Rabaan of Lulu Temple. A cordial welcome was given to these honored personages, who have a host of friends in No. 3. The ritualistic work was shortened Mooseheart Legion For Men and Women (Continued from page 8) and the second section evidently was enjoyed by the entire 200 as they one and all were entirely satisfied that they received 100 cents worth on the dollar. The Legion Fife and Drum Band made its first appearance ih new uniforms and made a distinct hit with the Legionaires. A special drive was made at this meeting for former service men and they responded in great numbers, their uniforms adding a novelty to the occasion. We were especially honored also in having Colonel Joseph H. Thompson of the 311th ״״•״ an hour during your spare time write' your name on this coupon with a pen or v pencil, tear it off and mail it at once. i %. Act right now. % ■ Yes, $5,000.00 a year. I want men and women to act as my representatives m every city and town of the United States. No matter what your past experience has been, no matter how much money you are making now, you can make from two to five times as much and your work will be easier and much more pleasant. I manufacture the Comer line of raincoats, raincapes, and waterproof aprons. It is a high quality line of goods. The finest that can be manufactured with the most modern machinery and the best skilled help in the country. People know that a Comer coat is right in quality and right in style. They know that every Comer coat is an excellent bargain. Big New Factory Now Being Built Last year my factory could a beautiful, big I־ 1'״״ I paid A enough coats to fill our orders and right now I am building ' that will have five times the capacity of my former plant. $813.89 for one month’s work. W. IL. Shew of N. Carolina, tnree days. C. E. Purviance of Ohio, made a net profit of - ■c working days. In one day he made $53.00. Fred Cooksey of Ohio, , ms month with $333.00 added to his bank account. These are records of ordinary men. They are not experts and you can do just as well as any one of them. Think of this: Overcoats this year are costing anywhere from $35.00 to $100.00 and still you can sell a genuine Comer raincoat made to the customer individual measure up-to-the minute in style, ־־“”־־־B“1 perfect in workmanship as low as $6.00 and you would make a handsome profit out of the sale. Every man, woman and child needs a raincoat and you can make from $3.00 to $30.00 profit on the orders from a single family. I Will Pay You $5,000 a Year for Eight Average Orders a Day That’s a plain, definite proposition. Conners took 12 orders in ©ne day. Shew took 25 orders in three days. Purviance took 13 orders in one day. If these people can do that well and if Cooper can make $100.00 in one morning’s work then think what a chance this is for you. Just Mail the Coupon—Don’t Send Any Money It doesn’t cost you a cent to get started and it will mean thousands of dollars to you if you act quick. Mail the coupon and get all the facts about this proposition. Remember, if you become a Comer agent you get the cash as soon as you earn it, there is no waiting and no investment in stock. If you want $5.000 a year or if you want to make from $2.00 to I Furnish Full Equipment A. McDonough $1687.58 net nrotlt in three months. I have started thousands of people on the road to success. I tell you where to go, what to say and how to make the money. You don’t have to wait for your profits, you get them immediately. I finance you. If you mean business I will stand back of you and help you to succeed. PI : RAI N COAT J. J. Maher whose profit for one week was $131.00. COMPANY DAYTON, OHIO THE COMER MFG. Dept. V113