T ** MOOSEHEART MAGAZIN tions, we shall not only• help ourselves, but we shall also do our bit toward supporting and advancing that Government, which is of the people, and for the people. We may not be religious men in the orthodox meaning, but we can believe that the World’s hope lies not in international treaties, but in the law of Christ that you love one another. The idea of a World Peace through the Brotherhood of man is no idle dream. Those who now behold it may yet become the great adventures of the spirit, the prophets and sers of the new age for mankind. means not merely tyranny of the many, instead of a few. It means equal obligation and responsibility, as well as equal rights and opportunity. If we fail to reach this ideal, it will be because the individual citizen has grasped at opportunity while he evaded responsibility and the remedy for the failure will lie, not in any change of institutions, but in a change of heart. If this great fraternity will keep to this mood; if our only reward is the opportunity to do good; if we keep fast to this ideal and embody its meaning in our fraternal life and ac- . lished so much for humanity must not overlook the future development of the moral fibre of its rapidly increasing membership. *We must teach and preach that which may be justly referred to as Courageous Fraternal Americanism. Before we start to police the World, we must put our own house in order. National greatness cannot flourish for long over a sewer of oppression and official corruption. Power is nevermore relentless than when it has transformed the oppressed of yesterday into the oppressors of today, and it is well to remember that democracy MOOSEHEART GRADL־ATFS BECOME MOOSE Guaranteed 29Years MOWN at one time; a muffin pai poaoher that poaches 5 triple steamer; an Order by No. A-104. Send for this set today , Send coupon with $1.00 for this Wonder Pure Aluminum Set Extra heavy weight.’ 99.4% pure aluminum. Absolutely guaranteed. Seam less, sanitary, easy to clean. Guaranteed for 20 years. It will not flake, chip ________ _______ ____ _ peel or corrode—heats quickly and evenly and saves fuel. Shipped direct to yot for 30 days trial on our special offer. The only way to appreciate this wonderful bargain is to see and־ use this set Let us ship it to you right away. Only $1.00 down—then $2.25 per month—total price $20.85. Send coupon now This Wonder set consists of IK quart rice boiler (3 pieces), 6 quart panel pieces, these pieces are so formed and fitted that they may be converted into th׳ tea kettle (2 pieces), 8 cup percolator (4 pieces), 3 quart sauce-pan, 4 following utensils: A self-basting roaster; a double^ boiler; cereal^cooker biscuit baker with 6custard or jelly moulds; a bread or bake pan; a pudding pan a mixing bowl; and a stew pan. The entire_ set _ consists of 27 actual pieces Shipping weight about 15 pounds. quart covered sauce por (2 pieces), 1 quart sauce pan, 2 9־mch pie plates, 2 9K-inch bread pans. 10K־inch fry pan and our special 9־p!eee combination set.Thia wonderful combination set gives you practically every utensil needed to do your cooking, roasting, baking and frying. While it consists of 9 actual L. FISH FURNITURE CO., Dept. 2882, Chicago Enclosed Is $1.00. Send me your Wonder Aluminum Set No. A-104 on 30 days' free trial. If satisfied I will pay the balance at $2.25 per month. If not, I will return the set to you and you will immediately refund my $1.00 and freight charges both ways. No. A-104—$1*00 down, $2-25 por month. Complete prico $20.85 Back Send Coupon If Not Satisfied r big bargain. Don’t Wonder set at this your kitchen work a coupon now—today! pleasure. Name. Address. only want Furniture, Rag, Stove, Phonograph, r-t i and General Soaa»hold Catalog, put K la box Post Office,. 30 days״ free trial in your own kitchen. If satisfied pay balance at only $2.25 per month. If not, return to ns and we will refund your $1 and freight charges both ways. L.Fish Furniture Co. Dept. 2882 CHICAGO Follow in Paths of Fathers The first graduates of MOOSE-HEART to take their obligations as members of the Loyal Order of Moose did so holiday week. Albert Dewey Patterson (’19), Past Dictator Moose-heart Lodge No. 1, Junior Order of Moose, became a member of the Loyal Order of Moose at Columbus, Ohio, Lodge, and Arthur Hower (’19), Past Dictator of Mooseheart Lodge No. 1, Junior Order of Moose, was initiated into Oil City, Pa., Lodge No. 78. The ceremony incident to the initiation of■ Brother Patterson was made a big event in the history of Columbus Lodge. The persistence with which the figure “1” appears in the Lodges of prominence in the Order has often been a matter of comment. Anderson Lodge No. 1 was of course the orig inal Lodge of Director General Davis and is still the home Lodge of Su preme Secretary Brandon as well as that of a number of men who have been associated in the work. Lodge No. Ill, Camden, N. J., produced Past Supreme Dictator Ralph W. E. Donges and present Supreme Outer Guard David B. Petterson and in addition has given the fraternity many men of very high type. Columbus Lodge No. 11 has not done anything to cloud the importance of the figure “1”. Columbus Lodge produced Past Supreme Dictator Edmund E. Tanner, who was elected Supreme Dictator at the Convention at which the first MOOSE-HEART resolution was considered and who was Supreme Dictator when the first dollar a year for MOOSEHEART resolution was adopted at Detroit in 1911. Brother■ Tanner is now Supreme Justice of the Supreme Forum. Columbus Lodge also produced John J. Lentz who has either been Trustee or Governor of the MOOSEHEART movement from the time the first resolution was introduced. You can hardly conceive anything more fitting׳' than to have the first initiation of a MOOSEHEART graduate in the Lodge which gave Brothers Tanner and Lentz to the fraternity. The initiation was attended by a great gathering of Columbus mem'-bers and the obligation of membership was given to Brother Patterson by Director General Davis in person. On the same evening Arthur Hower was initiated into Oil City, Pa., Lodge No. 78. Both of these boys wall make prominent and able members of the Order. PITTSBURGH OFFICIALS TAKE NOTICE The County officials who were elect ed by the citizens of Pittsburgh, Pa., in November last were inaugurated into office on January 5. Among these officials were: Judges James B. Drew and Charles H. Klein, City Treasurer Joseph G. Armstrong, County Commissioner Addeson C. Gumber and James C. Hollahan. It is significant that each of these officials are members of the Loyal Order of Moose as well as practically all of their subordinates. The new County Treasurer, Brother Joseph G. Armstrong, is a Past Supreme Dictator and was Mayor of Pittsburgh at the time of the Pittsburgh Convention. COURAGEOUS-FRATERNAL AMERICANISM (Continued from page S) not in the Halls of Congress, but in the cradle; and we must build, not on theory, but on personal rectitude. There never was an age in which personality is of such tremendous signicance, as it is today. Nationalism is nothing, internationalism is nothing. our great fraternity is nothing, unless it is an expression of individual aspiration and ideals. This great Moose family has already aceomp•