With Wild Rose and MOOSE Emblem in Gold and Colors You Pay Nothing—Jt’s FREE Simply Use the COUPON Below In spite of the enormous advance in the price of fine china ware, we are able to make this startling offer tcj the readers of the Mooseheart Magazine. We have contracted for practically the entire output of one of the big potteries on such favorable terms that we can put this set in your home absolutely free. • v A New Departure in Fine China Making This set is made up especially for us and contains besides the lovely wild rose design, the emblem of your favorite order on all the larger pieces. If you prefer, you may have your initial instead of the emblem, without extra expense. Read the description carefully. This beautiful and artistic set of dainty china comprises six large dinner plates, six tea or dessert plates, six large cups and six saucers to match, six butter plates, six oatmeal or sauce dishes, one sugar-bowl, one large oval vegetable dish, one round vegetable dish, one large meat or game platter, one fancy plaque, one fancy cake or bread dish. All with the Moose emblem (except cups and saucers) also the artistic wild rose design in natural colors and gold traced around the edges. If preferred, they can be furnished plain or with initial or the emblem of any other lodge you may desire. 42 pieces you will be proud of. ^ No Monev in Advance. No Reference Required. Read What Others Say Amanda Bowen of Conway, Ark., says: My husband thinks they are a grand present to him with the emblem on them.” Mrs. Alice Printed of New Bedford, Mass., says: “I am very much pleased with them. I called some of my friends in to see them and they said they were worth ten dollars.” Miss Comilla. Porter of Jacobs Creek, Pa., says: “I thank you very much for them and if you wish I will sell another case of the All-Round Oil, as all my friends who have tried it think it is grand and ask for more of it.” Mrs. Tom Shealy of Irmo, S. C., says: “They were much prettier and better than I expected.” Amanda E. Trissel of Brookville, Ohio, says: “I am the proudest woman in Brookville to think I have been so well paid for the short time I worked.” This offer is unique in that we do not SELL you these dishes but GIVE them to you. We trust the people because they trust us. No matter how many fine dhhes you now have, you have nothing like this set. You can be the first among your friends to own and use this newest thing in fine table china. Good dishes are scarce and hard to get at any price. If you want a set, do not wait until it is too Jate, act now. These dishes cannot be bought in the stores. They can only be had from us and under the plan set forth below. One or two hours’ time will get you this set of splendid dishes and win the admiration of all your friends. Here is the secret. We take this costly but effective way to advertise Kib-ler’s All-Round Oil, the most wonderful, quick-selling, cleaning, polishing and lubricating oil ever made. It works like magic. You and your friends need a good cleaning and polishing o 1 in your home. Kibler’s All-Round ^Oil Is the best. Once used, always used. Put up in large size bottles selling for only 50 cents per bottle. We are selling millions of them. Send No Money--־Simply Mail Coupon We will send you without any money in advance or delay for references thirty bottles of the oil. Sell the oil for 50 cents per bottle. Send the $15 you collect to us and we will immediately ship youV the entire set of 42 ^dishes. Avoid Disappointment We can only guarantee you a set of dishes if you act promptly. We guarantee your sale!. ־ Any oil you do not sell we will take back. Could we do more? Write today and be sure of your dishes. If you care to send the $15.00 WITH YOUR ORDER we will include EXTRA FREE PREMIUM with oil, and ship the dishes to you at once. THE KIBLER COMPANY Dept. P22, Indianapolis, Indiana FILL OUT THIS COUPON NOW. SEND NO MONEY. JUST SIGN AND MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY ^ THE KIBLER CO., Dept. P22, Indianapolis, Ind. I have read the above offer. Ship me the thirty bottles of oil. I will sell the oil at 50 cents a bottle and remit you the $15.00, on receipt of which you will at once ship me the full set of dishes shown and described above. Name ___________________________________ P. O. Address. Town_____________________ R. F. D. Route_____״State--------------- Nearest Express Office------------------ ■inni mwwninuwmnanj