13 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Perfect hearing is now being restored in every condition of deafness or defective hearing from causes such as Catarrhal Deafness, Relaxed or Sunken Drums, Thickened Drums, Roaring and Hissing Sounds, Perforated, Wholly or Partially Destroyed Drums,Discharge from Ears, etc. “A Little Child Shall Lead Them” All-Wool Sweater Slip-on Ripple Style There never was a more charming garment for women, young and old. This wonderfully fashionable ripple style sweater has taken women everywhere by From no other gar-a women get such wear, such complete and such freedom comfort combined with stylish smart appearance. These sweaters will be the craze of the new season. Genuine All-Wool Only long fibre specially selected yarns are used. Knitted in a close even plain Btitch above the waistline and a fancy rack stitch below—just like grandmother would do it. The weight is exactly right for all the yearround wear. Slips on over the head. New Ripple Style The fitted waistline is offset with a contrasting color, run through with a knitted cord ending in pretty tassels. Strikingly handsome flare toskirtand youthful ׳ blousy waist. Below the waist it drapes in soft folds all around. Being knitted form fitting, the shoulders and sleeves set snug and smart, not bulky. Tbe stun- • ning bell shaped cuffs are perfectly delightful and are • caught at wrists with a tighter knitted contrasting I'•־ bi.nd, run through with knitted tasseled cords. The % lovely rounded neck 13 also set off with a contrasting ־ color shell edge and knitted cord and tassels in front. $lOO With 1 Delivery Prepaid oval and Send Only pprov $1.00—Pay Only $1-00 Monthly If Satisfied Colors: Turquoise or Liberty Blue, with salmon n-nk trim; Salmon pink or Coral, with torquoise blue trim; or American Beauty with black trimming. Sizes to Gt. misses 14 to 20 years, and women, 32 to 44 Bust Measure—no larger. No. P4S6401. Price, prepaid, $6.48. 1001 Other Styles Prices Like Memories in My Newest Free Book This sweater is just a sample of my other values in coats, dresses, waists, shoes, suits millinery etc Don't worry and fret about high prices and overlook the chance I bring to you without promise or obligation on your part. Look around to your heart’s content and see what others offer. All I ask is not to forget my new book. It shows all the most beautiful and practical styles at sensible fi ori Order prices. My own designs are recognized as themost copied of all fashions shown anywhere. Everything a Woman Wears Sent Prepaid on Approval My new book will tell you in advance of the season what styles will be most popular. It will help you compare values. Evenif you intend to buy elsewhere I want youito have it anyway. It costs you nothing. 3S8 Style-Price and Credit-Take Many Months to Pay The Secret of My Bargains I do away with all extravagances. I never have left-over stocks or sacrifice sales. I have no high-priced salespeople. I deal direct with mills and makers. So I cut out all the profits of the retailer, the wholesaler and the jobber. I never charge any thi ng extra because a style turns out unusually popular. Ask for It Early—A Penny Postal Card Will Do My new book will bring you many moments of real pleasure. You will love to rove through its_ myriad styles. Many thi ngs are shown in actual colors. Nothing has been overlooked. I will send any selection prepaid on approval. If you return it, I pay the cost back to me and immediately refund your payment. I Show Below a Small List of Departments Aprons Caps Corset Lingerie Baby Needs Chamises Waists Shoes Children’s Coatees Underwear Slippers Clothes Ladies’ Dresses Stockings Bath Coats Gloves Suits Robes Combinations Hats Sweaters Bloomers Corset Hosiery Veils Brassiers Covers Kimonos Vestees Capes Corsets Millinery Waists WRITE ME TODAY-A PENNY POSTAL CARO WILL DO. I allow you to pay just about as you please. You don’t even need to ask for credit. I take care of all that in advance. You can have the loveliest things without waiting. -Look your prettiest at ail times and take months to pay. But my Credit Plan alone would not make many women want to have my Style Book. Style, quality and value must come first. The credit can be considered simply as something extra. Write for my Style Book because of its beautiful fashions. Get it because of its Bplendid bargains. Expect prices that will seem like memories. Your copy is waiting your request. Be Posted On the New Styles My new Style Book will tell the new width and length of skirts; the right height and design of shoes; the newest clothes ; the latest weaves; the smartest trimmings. You will learn from it the most popular modes in dresses; the fashionable colors; the correct ideas in millinery, lingerie or children's wear. Having it in your home is like chumming with a famous style authority. Why not write for it today ? Martha Lane Adams, 3843 Mosprat Street, Chicago This collection of four rose bushes will be FREE and postpaid to any person sending us 40c for ONE YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION to our big monthly magazine, a paper of interest for men, women and children. The biggest magazine value in America for the price. Countess Clan*William—Flowers very large and full produced In endless abundance, buds long and ׳pointed, ■opening to large, full, high centered flowers of great beauty and refinement. Color delicate peach-pink at the base of the petals, which are flamed and heavily edged with deep, cherry-red, a beautiful contrast of color. Hoosier Beauty, Red—This is the most wonderful of all Red Roses. It is as fragrant as Richmond; in color glowing velvety crimson, scarlet with shades of garnet. This Rose will make its mark as a garden variety7. None better. Ophelia—Salmon-flesh shaded, large and of perfect shape. Fine decorative variety. Ivory—A pure white sport of the Golden Gate. The most popular white rose. Our supply of roses is very limited because of the coal shortage, so rush yoar order. We guarantee delivery in good condition. THE ROSE GROWERS, 196 Morton Street BATAVIA, ILLINOIS and the sacrifices of the sons and daughters of those members of the Order. « For one child to sacrifice foi the benefit or another child is the start of real greatness. When this is done for a child without a daddy it always brings to mind the wonderful blessings that parents so continually bestow upon their own children and makes the child at home realize to a greater degree the benefits of a home. Briefly? the children of Moose whose lots have been cast in pleasant places will make sacrifices to aid those other children of Moose on whom fortune has not so smiled—or had not until MOOSEHEART took them for its own, to offer them homes and the opportunity to prepare themselves, to battle with a world hitherto unkindly to them. Little Miss Evelyn Mann is. the niece of Erother G. B. Mann, a Detroit business man and member of Detroit Lodge. Her uncle recently found Evelyn absorbed in the doings in MOOSEHEART as pictured in our Mooseheart Magazine. He told her of bow we care for and educate 800 boys and girls who have nc daddies She became so interested that she wanted to know if she couldn’t help in the MISS EVELY,N MANN movement. This thought has been developed by her uncle and other Loyal Moose to the extent of having little savings banks made. The idea is to place one of these banks in the home of every Loyal Moose who has children. When a child sacrifices a dime to help feed, clothe and educate other children less fortunate than themselves, they realize the blessings of a home and parents. We have already ordered 1,000 such banks and it is out-firm belief that at least 100,000 banks will be necessary in the near future. When the fathers and mothers of the children at home see how their own children are growing in good thought because of their helpfulness to other children they wil find the family repaid a hundredfold for the sacrifice made and in time we will be able to care for many more boys and girls than we now do. The idea is to allow the child to give up a part of what would be his to spend of his own free will and not force him to do so in any way but simply to furniih him the opportunity. The fathers wall bring in the banks twice a year and the total proceeds of all the banks will be forwarded to the Governors at MOOSEHEART. While Detroit Lodge happens to be the starter of this movement we all feel that none of us deserves any particular credit because the real credit will always remain with the child that makes the sacrifice for the benefit of another child. “DETROIT MEMBER.” “A Little Child Shall Lead Them” Somewhere in the Scriptures it- is written that “A little child shall lead them.” And it is a prophecy now fulfilled, or about to be, in connection with MOOSEHEART. Inspired thought of a little Detroit girl, eight years old, has led the way to a movement, inaugurated by Detroit Lodge No. 160, by which the enterprise that is the pride, and that is maintained by 600,000 Loyal Moose, shall be further aided by the' support FREE EASTMAN Premo Fiim Pack Camera, for selling 20 large colored pictures or 20 pkgs. post cards at 15c each. Order choice today. Sent prepaid. CATES MFC. CO.. DEPT. 236 CHICAGO evice, guides your hand; corrects days. Big improvement in three Complete outlica FREE. Dept. 37 St. Louis, Mo. HIGH POWER AIR RIFLE ¡:REE We give this Rifle for )elling 30 packs Quality brand Garden Seeds at 10c a pack. Send no money. We trust you. Many other presents. Send for big premium list, NATIONAL ?FED TO. Dept, G_____—________!,ANCASrgK P t UPIECE GENUINE Gut Glass Water Set Tall 3-pint pitcher and 6 stylish bell-shaped tumblers —real hand cut, thin blown clear crystal glass. Beautiful, popular “Vintage״ design. Regular $3.00 to $4.00 value. A set yon would be proud to have. Given for Belling only 20 large colored pictures or 20 packages of beautiful post cards at 15c each. Order your choice. Do it today. CATES MFC. CO. DEPT. 339 CHICAGO Wilson Common-Sense Ear Drums “Little Wireless Phones for the Ears" require no medicine but effectively replace what is lacking or defective in the natural ear drums. They are simple devices, which the wearer easily fits into the ears where they are invisible. Soft, safe and comfortable. Write today for our 168 page FREE hookonDEAF-NESS. giving you full particulars and testimonials. WILSON EAR DRUM CO״ Incorporated «7 Inter-Southern Bldg. LOUISVILLE. KY. NINE ■0NTHST0 PAY immediate possession on our®■—^ liberal Easy Monthly Payment pian—the most liberal terms ever offered on a high grade bicycle. FACTORY TO RIDER prices save you money. We make our bicycles in our own new model factory and sell direct to you. We putreal quality in them and our bicycles must satisfy you. 44 STYLES, colors, and sizes to choose from in our famous I RANGER line. Send for big, beautiful catalog. Many parent« advance the , first payment and energetic boys | by odd jobs—paper routes, deliv- ' ery for stores, etc., make the blcyctoeartM money to meet the small Payments. DELIVERED FREE on Approval and 30 ' DAYS TRIAL. Select the bicycle you want and terms that suit you־־cash or easy payments?“ YiQCC wheels and parts for all bicycles—at half ! lllCa usual prices. SEND NO MONEY but write today for the big new catalog, prices ana terms. CYCLE COMPANY Dept 3-141 Chicago IVIEAD Beautiful Rose n,. J- I, nr- OUR OWN SPECOLI Sties !AL COLLECTiON