MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 12 DontSend a Penny Take your choice. Just send your bame and address anc we will send to you at once any pair of these shoes to examine and try on at our risk without a cent of advance payment. We want to prove to you that there’s no need for you to pay $6 or $7 or more for shoes when you buy direct from ub for a great deal les3. Order any pair you want and if you don’t think them the biggest shoe bargain you can get anywhere, «end the shoes cent You won't be out Work Shoe Built to meet _iedemandfor a city workers* 8»3 ׳hce a.׳ veil as ....W for the farmer. ־ Stylish lace Blucher igp־־ last. Special tanning process makes the leather proof against acids of milk, manure, soil, gasoline, etc. Outwear three ordinary pairs of shoes. Choice of wide.medium or narrow. v ery flexible, soft and easy. Made by a special process which leaves ail the “life” in the leather and gives it wonderful wear-resisting quality. Double leather soles and heels. Dust and waterproof tongue. Heavy chrome leather top. See if they are not the most comfortable shoes .you ever wore. Pay 5^2,29 for shoes on arrival. If, after earsonly —— ful examination, you don’t find them all you expect, send them back and we will return your money.’ State your size and width. Sizes, H to 11. Order above shoe by No. A18027. Give StyiisSi Dress Shoe You must see these shoes to ret a remarkable value they are. wonderful wear. Very 3tylish a dressy, too. Made of specially . selectee ^ne quality gr metal leather on popular , Man hsttan toe last. Blu-cher style. Solid oak lea-iLea so l :.׳ a. P. yinfo^ced \ shank and cap; military I heel. Best workmanship You won’t pay $7.00 $8.00 for shoes when you can have these at our low price. Only a limited ¿, at this pric< Order now. We send them at once. Wher for shoes. It not stunning bargain, return them and get your money back. Y01 have noth-ing to Today 6 to II. State your size and width. Order by No. A15105. »Remember you don’t d to send a penny i your order. A »postal will do. Be sure rto state which shoeB , you want and give size and width. We ship at •nee. When shoes arrive, rpay amount stated for each pair ordered. Examine them ^carefully. If you think them the ^ biggest shoe bargain you ban find anywhere, keep them. Otherwise send them back at our expense and we will promptly return your money. Get your order in the mail today. 1E0NARD-M0RTGN & CO.. Dept. 2794 Chicago Wrestling Boob FREE Be an expert wrestler. Learn at home by mall. Wonderful lessons prepared byworld's champions Farmer Burns and Frank Gotch. Free booh Farmer Bums 8002 R-anga Bldg.. Omaha, Naturai on! One Dozen Stirle-AHWooí All wool medium weight Sox packed in neat box. Sold at terrific sacrifice by manufacturer, now per 40» pair ------------------Only 42c Astounding value — never another bargain like this. Fine extra long comfortable sox, made large and roomy like the Sox Uncle Sam supplied to our boys during the war. Two styles. Plain or Elastic top. Wool sox are healthier—that’s why the army uses them. Prices now slashed to the limit. Positively not seconds. Regular selling price $1.00 in any store—a clear saving of 48c• a pair for you. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Now is the time. Order quick. DOZEN PAIR SENT FREE (For examination—no collection charges) no postage, no delivery charges. Pay only when satisfied this is a marvelous bargain. Don't be deceived into buying cheaper hose of inferior quality at a lower price. SEND NO MONEY Just mail your name and address and state .size. ^ Sox will be mailed at once. Offer only good in U. £>. Write today. Color—natural gray only. If no preference of style is stated we will send plain top. Order Now—Once— Our Risk: Get twelve pair. Will keep you comfortable for a long while — and you can’t get any more at this low figure after these are gone. Smallest order we can fill is six pair, but you pay postman $2.75. For twelve pair you pay only $5.00. It will cost you noting to be convinced. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Order now. Mention size. Address Dept. 402. Rflpy |5PflQ Twenty Years of Satisfying Cuafcom-M V O y l\ U O• ers—References Dun or Brad Street N500 •Michigan Avenue. Dept 402, Chicago. III. 68,00 46.00 ״1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1:00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 00 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0b 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .50 House of God (Continued from page 10) er, $1 ; Clarence Green, .$1 ; John Scandool, $1 ; Charles Steele, $1 ; W. C. Smith, $1 ; C. A. Inhoff, $1 ; J. C. Schotting, $1 ; James J. McGwine, $2 ; Otto H. Lang. $1 ; George L. Biggs, $.50------ Tarentum Lodge No. 71, Members : C. O. Phillips, $5 ; T. E. Conway, $5 ; J. F. Conroy, $5 ; Dr. F. H. Manley, $3 ; Harry Ely. $1 ; L. W. Miller. $1 ; R. M. Hill, $1 ; G. V. Sterling, $1 ; T. B. Foley, $1 : J. L. Borland, $1 ; George G. Buck, $1 ; T. C. Fin-nin, $1; C. V, Barner, $1 ; Wm. Rubright, $1 ; F. E. McCurdy, $1 ; D. A. Patterson, $1 ; John Swasson. $1 ; Roy Jack, $1 ; W. H. Wood, M. D., $1 ; Joseph Klein, $1; H. F. Murphy, $1; Thos. Perry, $1 ; W. J. L. Potts. $1; G. A. Stewart, $1; Frank Specht, $1 ; H. E. Robbins, $1 ; Leon J. Gilboux, $1 ; Eddis Carney, $1 : O. H. Baughman, $,50 : Anton Johnson, > At A •t’vvr Buckley, $.50; Joseph opaiks, $.50; C. W. Black, $.50; J. Dei-ber, $.50; Issadore Moussiaux. $.25; Henry Dennis, $.25; W. K. Menger, $.25 ; Joseph Dennis, $.25 B. J. Damisn, Potiac (Mich.)------ C. J. Frey, Buffalo ( N. YJ_______ Joseph Mariarity, Livingstone (Mont.) Robert Cairns, Philadelphia (Pa.) O. H. McMahon ,N. Adams (Mass.) Fred F. Davis, Weed (Calif.)______ Jos. A. Friel, Athol (Mass.)״.״ Lee McCleary, Bridgeport (Ohio) Melchon Haberl, Buffalo (N. Y.)__ Lucien Dupoe, Chicago (111.)------ Lawrence Wimsalt, Pulaski (N.Y. ) E. C. Thomas, McMinnville (Ore.) Samuel P. Smith, Vineland (N. J. ) Mrs. Herman Koons, Wilmington (Del.) ________________________ Frank G. Koons, Wilmington (Del. ) A. H. Entsminger, Warren (Ohio) C. H. McCready, Warren (Ohio) — E. T. Parrish, Warren (Ohio)------ Jacob Snyder, Warren (Ohio),------ F. E. Gehrlein, Warren (Ohio)----- Ralph Speak, Warden (Ohio)-------- F. G. Koehler, Warren (Ohio)------ A. L. Ward, Warren (Ohio)--------- T. J. Abbey, Warren (Ohio)-------- B. F. Wamford, Warren (Ohio*,.. B. H. Jackson, Warren (Ohio)------ C. D. Phelan, Warren (Ohio)------- Clyde Goist, Warren (Ohio)-------- H. W. Blakeslee, Warren (Ohio) — A. E. Bates, Warren (Ohio)-------- Dr. J. Rudolph, Warren (Ohip)----- E. L. Riddle, Warren (Ohio)_____־__ Ralph Wager, Warren (Ohio)-------- G. H. Lacey, Warren (Ohio)-------- M. Hatfield, Warren (Ohio)________ D. Wager, Warren (Ohio)---------- George Moyer,- Warren (Ohio)------ John Jones, Warren (Ohio)--------- E. M. Blakeslee, Warren (Ohio)_> R. B. Shady, Warren (Ohio)-------- George Krouse, Warren (Ohio)------ P. F. Best, Warren (Ohio)--------- P. Buschagen, Warren (Ohio)------- W. D. King, Warren (Ohio)--------- S. Laka, Warren (Ohio)------------ C. A. Logan, Warren (Ohio)-------- A. C. Alleman, Warren (Ohio)------ Frank Porter, Warren (Ohio)------- S. J. Johnson, Warren (Ohio)------ James Fenton, Warren (Ohio)------- L. M. Miller. Warren (Ohio)------- Dennis Gates, Wari-en (Ohio)------ J. J. Geiger, Warren (Ohio).:—- D. J. Parker, Warren (Ohio)------- W. B. Cady, Warren (Ohio)---- L. R. Cottel ,Warren (Ohio)---- John Burns, Warren (Ohio)----» Howard Grass, Warren (Ohio)—- H. R. Chapman, Warren (Ohio)______ George Weaver, Warren (Ohio)_____» A, Guarnieri, Warren (Ohio)_______ Charles Kincaid, Warren (Ohio)____ Floyd Fritz, Warren (Ohio)-------- C. W. Barnes, Warren (Ohio)------- Charles St. Clair, Warren (Ohio) Samule T. Ford, Philadelphia (Pa.) T. L. Lindsey, Verde (Arizona) Joseph F. Kucera, West Cedar Rapids (Iowa) ______________________ John Geisberger, Moline (111.)---- Mrs. J. W. Hickey, Enola (Pa.)__ Wm. L. Roelcwell, Gettysburg (Pa.) A. L. Manley, Missoula (Mont. )__ C. M. Collins, Columbus (Ohio)___ Wm. C. Deming, Geneva (N. Y.) Wilils J. Reighard, Lock Haven * ( Pa. ) _______________________ W. G. Gallagher, Toledo (Ohio)-- Grand Total to Date..........$47,826.01 MOOSEHEART SPIRIT IN ROCHESTER. NEW YORK, LODGE At a recent meeting of Rochester, N. Y., Lodge No. 113, a resolution was adopted unanimously presenting to MOOSEHEART House of God Fund the sum of $1,000 and $500 for the Revolving Fund to help MOOSEHEART graduates. Lodge No. 113 is now one of the largest Lodges in the Order and the MOOSEHEART spirit has been spread through the membership by those big Moose leaders: Supreme Councilman Marakle, Dictator Thornton, Past Dictator Smith and District Supervisor Galvin. JAYS TRIAL __ Wo will send the famous ׳*VICTOR 51" razor to you Free for 30 Days Trial. If you wish to buy t' ial price for the razor and our f tions to buy, ‘‘THE VICTOR 51” _ _ _ Fo Money just a postal and we will send razor at once. Victor Razor Co. Dept180 Webster Bldg., Chicago Wrist Watch Given ft You can getihisfine Wrist Watch c. siotherbeautiful watch guaranteedfor 85 years. Also Lace Curtains, Rogers’ Silver Sets, fine Lockets, La Yalliers and many other valuable presents for tdimg our beautiful Art and Religiou* —— pictuy ta at lOcts. each. Order 20 picture# when sold, eend the $2.00 ana choose premium wanted, according lo big lirt. KAY ABT CO.. Dept. 6־, CHICAGO 5 GOOD $1 MAGAZINES I American Woman, (mo.) 1 Yr. Home life, (monthly) . 1 Yr. Gentlewoman, (monthly) 1 Yr. Household, (monthly) . 1 Yr. Farm & Fireside (monly) 1 Yr.J ORDER BY CLUB NUMBER 157 A Dollar Bill will do—We take the risk OurPrice $1.00 for all five Send all orders to WHITLOCK & SUMMERHAYS 25 North Dearborn Street, Chicago SOLVE THIS PUZZLE AND GET FREE SURPRISE PRESENT This picture shows one of our friends driving an automobile. In the scenery ana around the automobile are six partly hidden faces which it will be lots of fun for you find. Can you find them? Try it. It w pay you. When you have found four of the faces, mark each with a cross־ (X), cut out the advertisement and mail ׳ it to us and Inclose four cents in stamps for packing, postage, mailing, etc., and a beautiful free surprise present will be sent you. You will delight in owning this present. AUTOMOBILE GIVEN AWAY We will also make you a present of a Certificate good for 2,000 free auto votes and cell you all about this splendid touring car which we are going to give away free. MEN, WOMEN. BOYS AND GIRLS—You can also win an automobile in adaition to splendid prizes, such as phonographs, jewelry, silverware, bicycles, watches, cameras, and otn©» things you like: We will also send you a copy of two great national publications worth ten cents. Write your name and address plainly, and inclose the four cents in stamps for packing• «nailing, etc., of the free surprise present. AUTO PUZZLE DEPT. 978 W. D. BOYCE CO., 500 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111, Mother, Why Don’t You Take Nuxated Iron And Be Strong and Well and Have Nice Rosy Cheeks Instead of Being Nervous and Irritable All The Time and Looking So Haggard and Old?—The Doctor Gave Some To Susie Smith’s Mother and She Was Worse Off Than You Are and Now She Looks Just Fine. Nuxated Iron Will Increase Tht bvrenartJ nnd Endurance Of Weak, Nervous, Careworn, Haggait. Looking Women In Two Weeks Time In Many Instances. a consenquence you pale and sickly looking just like a plant trying to grow in a soil deficient in iron. If you are not strong or well you owe it to yourself to make the following test; See how long you can work or how far jmu can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of ordinary nuxated iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see how much you have gained. Numbers of nervous, run-down people who were ailing all thé while have most astonishingly increased their strength 'and endurance simply by taking iron in the proper form, and this, after they had in some cases been going on for months without getting benefit from anything. But don’t take the old forms of reduced iron, iron acetate, or tincture of iron simply to save a few cents. The iron demanded by Mother Nature for'the red coloring matter in the blood of her children, is alas, not that kind of iron. You must take iron in form that can be easily absorbed and assimilated to do you any good. Otherwise it may prove worse than useless. Manufacturers’ Note: Nuxated Iron which is recommended by physicians is not a secret remedy but one which is well known to druggists everywhere. Unlike the older inorganic iron, products, it is easily assimilated does not injure the teeth. make them black, nor upset the stomach. The manufacturers’ guarantee successful and entirely satisfactery results to every purchaser or they will re'und your monev. It is dispensed by ail other druggists. “There can be no healthy, beautiful rosy cheeked women without iron,”-says Dr. Ferdinand King, a New York Physician and Medical Author. “I have strongely emphasized the fact that doctors should prescribe more organic iron — Nuxated Iron — for their nervous, run-down, weak, haggard looking women patients. When the iron goes from the blood of women, the roses go from their cheeks. “In the most common foods of America, the starches, sugars, table syrups, candies, polished rice, white bread, soda crackers, biscuits, macaroni, spaghetti, tapioca, sago, farina, degerminated cornmeal, no longer is iron to be found. Refining processes have removed the iron of Mother Earth from these impoverished foods, and silly methods of home cookery, by throwing down the waste pipe the water in which our vegetables are cooked are responsible for another grave iron loss. “Therefore, you should supply the iron deficiency in your food by using some form of organic iron, just as you would use salt when your food has not enough salt. “I have used Nuxted Iron widely in my own practice in most severe aggravated conditions with unfailing results.” It is surprising how my ny people suffer from iron deficiency and do not know it. Iron is absolutely necessary to enable your blood to change food into living tissue. Without it, no matter how much or what you eat, your food merely passes through you without doing you good. You don’t get the strength out of it, and as Dr. F'erdinand King, New York Physician and Medical Author, says that physicians should prescribe more organic iron — Nuxated Iron — for their patients — Anaemia—iron deficiency is the greatest curse to the health, strength, vitality and beauty of the modern American woman. —Sounds warning against use of metallic iron which may injure the teeth, corrode the stomach and in many cases do more harm than good; advises xise of only Nuxted Iron.