9 SiOOSBHE/lRT MAGAZINE Send this coupon. All clothing material is very scarce. We have only ® limited quantity of these outfits. First come, first served. Mail the coupon today P.O order or a dollar bill, Remember, you take no risk. Send coupon now. Elmer Richards Co. Dept. 3002—West 35th Street, CHICAGO ■■aiiiiaaiiiiBBBBBiaiiBBiiBaiiBBBBisiRSBBssBaiiBiRiBiiBiBBBBBBBeBiiiBisBBBBii Elmer Richards Co. Dept 3002, W. 35ih St., Chicago I enclose $1.00. Please send the Ladies' 3-Piece Outfit No. S30־. Color of skirt. Skirt sizes—Belt.Hip... .Length.......... Bust size for waist.. If for any reason I wish to return the outfit after examination I may do so and every cent I have paid will be returned instantly without question. Otherwise, 1 will pay the advertised price, $11.95, on your terms of $1.00 with coupon, balance $1.85 monthly. Name............. With a Sent on Approval Down Brings You This Ladies’3-Piece Outfit Lace Trimmed *N Voile Waist Handsome Flounced Petticoat Smart Silk Poplin Skirt We will send you this useful, fashionable ladies’ outfit on approval for only $1.00 down. If you decide to keep it, pay in small monthly sums. If for any reason whatever you decide to send the outfit back your money will be returned instantly. We are offering this bargain only for a limited time. Send coupon today. Skirt• Fine laalitr. genuine Susquehanna Silk Poplin, u a serviceable and attractive material. The unique belt effect is trimmed with buttons and the attractive shirred pockets are trimmed with buttons and tassels. Colors, Navy Blue and Black. Belts 22 to 80. Lengths 34 to 40. Wilfcf• Voile, having collar and front en- vv aioi, livened with insertions of lace ¿nd dainty embroidery. Made with full length sleeves. Colors, White only. Bust sizes 84 to 44. ^*ne quality Black Sateen with flounce jl indues.l. eniivened with neat tucks and sections of accordion pleating. Black only. When ordering be sure to give color of skirt wanted also bust, belt, hip and length measurements. Order by No. S-30. Terms $1.00 with coupon» $1.85 monthly• Total $11.95• 6 Months to Pay Open a Charge Account Think of it. This handsome 8- pieee outfit only costs you 6 cents a day. Order now on our liberal terms. No need to pay cash down to get the latest styles and amazing values in anything you wish to wear. We trust honest people no matter where they live. Not a penny charge for the credit. No discount for cash. All business men use their credit. Use yours. Order Now Write for our Free Catalog of Men’s, Womens and Children’s clothing on small monthly payments. Address.