A Room Full of Furniture Send only $1.00 and we will ship you this handsome 6-piece library set. Only $1.00 down, then $2.90 a month, or only $32.90 in all. A positively staggering value and one of biggest bargains ever offered. Look at the massive set, clip the coupon below and have it shipped on approval. Then see for yourself what a beautiful set it is. If you do not like it, return it in 30 days and we will return your money. All you have to do is send the coupon with $1.00. This magnificent library set is not shown in our regular catalog. The value is so wonderful and the demand so great that there aren’t enough to go around. So send today — Either have library set sent for you to see, or tell us to mail the catalog. with roomy magazine shelf below, and beautifully designed ends. Jardiniere stand measures 17 in. high, with 12 in. top. Clip the coupon below, and send it o us with $1.00, and we will ship the entire six pieces, subject to your approval. No ©. O. D. Shipped knocked down so as to save you as much as one-half of the freight charges. Easy to set up. Shipping weight about 175 lbs. Money back if not pleased. Order by No. B5971A. Send $1.00 with order, $2.90 monthly. Price $32.90. No discount for cash. sure. This superb six-piece library set is made of selected solid oak throughout, finished in rich, dull waxed, brown fumed oak. Large arm rocker and arm chair are 36 in. high, seats 19x19 in. Sewing rocker and reception chair are 36 in. high, seats 17x17 in. AH four pieces are padded, seats upholstered in brown imitation Spanish leather. Library table has 24x34 in. top, 6 Pieces 1׳ Don’t wait a dav longer. Sit down today and send in the coupon for this 6-piece fumed Solid Oak Library Set. For a limited time only are we able to offer vou this stupendous bargain. Prices, as you know, on everything are going up, up, up. It is impossible to tell you just what day V it 11¡.״ be necessary for us to increase the price of this wonderful fumed Solid Oak Library Set. So act, but act quick. Fill out the coupon and V sen(j ¡t t0 us with the first small payment and we will ship you this wonderful 6-piece fumed Solid Oak Library Set. Pieces not sold separately. Free Trial Coupon Send this Coupon Ea Payments! Straus & Schram Dept. 3001, Open an account with us. We trust honest people. No matter where you live. Send for this wonderful bargain shown above or choose from our bif catalog. One price to all cash or credit. No discount for cash. Not one penny extra for credit. Do not ask for a Bpecial cash price. We cannot offer any discount from these sensational prices. No C. O. D. 30 Days’ Trial FREE Bargain Catalog Our guarantee protects you. If not perfectly satisfied, return the article at our expense within 30 days and get your money back — also any freight you paid. Could any offer be fairer ? Send for it. Shows thousands of bargains in furniture, jewelry, carpets, rugs, curtains, silverware, stoves, porch and lawn furniture, women’s, men’s a n d children’s wearing apparel. Send the coupon today. Chicago, Illinois Along with $1.00 to us now. Have this fine library set shipped on 30 days’ trial. We will also send our big Bargain Catalog listing thousands of amazing bargains. Only a small first payment and balance in monthly payments ► for anything you want. Do not delay. Send the coupon today—now. ♦♦ West 35th Street . CHICAGO. ILL. ♦ Enclosed find $1.00. Ship special advertised *V 6-piece Fumed Oak Library Suite. I am to ^ have 80 days’ free trial. If I keep the suite, I ^ will pay you $2.90 monthly. If not satisfied, I am + to return the suite within 80 days and you are to w refund my money and any freight charges I paid. ♦. □ 6-Piece Library Set, No. B5971A. $32.90. Dept. 3001 West 35th Street STRAUS & SCHRAM □ Roofing Name............................................. Street \ R. F. D. or Box No.......................................... Shipping Point.................................................. Poet Office...............................State............. I • yon ONLY want catalog put X in proper box below: □ Furniture, Stoves and Jewelry LJ Men's, Women’s and Children’s Clothing