31 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Puritan Pattera Co., Batavia, Illinois Successor to PRISCILLA PATTERN CO. Merely Change in name; no change in patterns. Each pattern guaranteed or money refunded. CATALOGUE NOTICE Send 12c in silver or stamps for our Up-to-Date FALL & WINTER, 1919-1920 CATALOGUE Ladies’, Misses’, and Children’s Patterns, a CONCISE AND COM-PREHENSIVE ARTICLE ON DRESSMAKING, ALSO SOME POINTS FOR THE NEEDLE (illustrating 30 of the various, simple stitches) all valuable hints to the home dressmaker Size 33 will require 5% yards of 44 Inch ma-terial. Width of sk rt at lower edge is about 1% yards. Price, 12c. 3086.—Lady’s Apron. Cut in 4 sizes : Small, 3234־ ; medium, 36-38 ; large, 4042־ ; and extra large, 4446־ inches bust measure. Size medium will require 3% yards of 36 inch material. Price, 12c. 3091.—A Pretty Frock. Cut in 4 sizes: 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. Size 10 requires 4% yards of 27 inch material. Price, 12c. 3081.—Girl’s Dress. Cut in 4 sizes: 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. Size 12 requires 3% yards of 44 inch material. Price, 12c. 3064.—Lady’s Night Dress. Cut in 4 sizes : Small, 3234־ ; medium, 3638־ ; large, 40-42, and extra large, 4446־ inches bust measure. S ze medium requires 4VS yards of 36 inch material. Price, 12c. 3094.—Dress for Work or Leisure. Cut in 7 sizes : 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. Size 38 requires 6% yards of 36 inch material. Width of skirt at lower edge is about 234 yards. Price, 12c. 3096.—Girl’s Dress. Cut in 4 sizes: 4. 6, 8, and 10 years. Size 10 will require 3V» yards of 36 inch material. Price, 12c. 3102.—Child’s Coat. Cut in 4 sizes : 4, 6, 8, and 10 years. Size 6 will require 2% yards of 44 inch material. Price, 12c. 3090.—Set of Short Clothes. Cut in 4 sizes: 6 months to 1 year, 2, 3 and 4 years. Size 4 will require 2% yards of material 36 inches wide for the dress, % yard for the drawers, and 1 Vs yards for the petticoat. Price, 12c. 3084. —Child’s Dress. Cut in 4 sizes: 2, 3, 4 and 5 years. Size 4 will require 3 yards of 27 inch material. Price, 12c. 30773078־.—A Pleasing Costume. Waist 3077 cut in 8 sizes: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48 inches bust measure. Skirt 3078 cut in 7 Sizes: 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 and 34 inches waist measure. For a medium size, 5% yards of 44 inch mater;al will be required for the entire^ costume. _The width of skirt at lower edge is about 1%• yards Two separate patterns, 12c for each pattern. 3085. —Misses’ Dress. Cut in 3 sizes: 16, 18, and 20 years. Size 18 requires 5% yards of 44 inch material. Skirt measures 1 y2 yards at lower edge. Price, 12c. 3107.—A Smart Gown. Cut in 6 sizes: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, and 44 inches bust measure. . }f y״’׳ are interested in fancy work, crocheting or knitting you could do no better than to send 12c for our Puritan Yoke Book showing many splendid and artistic designs. Just add 12 cents to your pattern order and say “Send the big Yoke Book.” In Ordering Patterns sign your NAME and ADDRESS very plain and be sure to give SIZES you want. n_ ORDER PATTERNS—Write your name and address in full. Send 12 cents in cash MEOT PURITAN>SPA0TTF»N ™*,r/•" 7״-nt■- AidrJ3 °rder to PATTERN DEPART-MfcNl, PLKilAN PATTERN CO., Batavia, Illinois. Send money, if possible but if more convenient, send two-wnt etor״ ”־ -.״״ ’ UUL 11 more January Fancy Work (Continued from page 12) Foot: Start at seam, ch 1, 1 s in each of 22 ch sts, 1 s in each of 17 rows on side of instep, 1 s in each of 18 sts across toe of instep, 1 s in each of 17 rows on side of instep, 1 s in each of 22 sts, join with a si st, ch 1, turn, having 96 s in round. Second Row: 1 s in each of 39 sts, skip 1 st, 1 s in each of 16 sts, skip 1 st, 1 s in each of 39 a si st, turn, ch 1. Make 3 rounds, having 1 s in each st around. Sixth Round: 1 s in each of 39 sts, skip 1 st, 1 s in each of 14 sts, skip 1 st, 1 s in each of 39 sts. Make 9 rounds, having 1 s in each st, turn boot on wrong side, fold in half and join together with a si st. Embroider with Rambler Roses as illustrated, draw ribbon through space to tie. through 2 loops, repeat from * to end of row, turn, ch 2. Repeat 2nd row until there are 17 rows from start. Leg: Ch 26 sts on 1 end, do not break off silk. With an extra ball of silk , ch 24 sts, join with a si st to 1st st at start of last row, chi, break off silk. Start where silk was left, turn, skip 2 sts, crochet following pattern from 1st row on the ch sts, and crochet following pattern across instep having 64 sts in row, turn, ch 2. Crochet following pattern of 2nd row on 64 sts for 37 rows, then increase 1 st on each end of every 7th row until there are 68 sts in row. Make 12 more rows on these 68 sts, sew up leg. Edge around top: With Blue. See directions of edge around top of thumbless mittens on page 6. An Appreciation of Mooseheart By Miss Francis H. Haire Formerly Government Social Service Worker at Nitro, W. Virginia there wasn’t another boy on the campus dressed like him or any other boy, and he told me each one selected his clothes out of the MOOSEHEART clothing store. He knew and could explain everything of interest about the place and was as proud of it as if he owned every acre. The fact that he didn’t had probably never occured to him. I found the school equipment up to city standard and the play facilities combining the best of the open country’s acreage with up-to-date playground apparatus. The place resembles a modern college with its beautiful buildings and campus, its halls and its large farm. The boys and girls acted like college students. There was the laughing, talking groups on the walks find the excited calling back and forth, and that special kind of atmosphere, a college spirit not associated in my mind with an orphanage. As far as that, neither were the pet animals of the boys, the dolls of the little girls, the lake with its club house the boys had built, the many graphonolas.the excellent food on the week days and a million other things I haven’t the space to mention, ever before been associated in my mind with many boarding schools much less an orphanage. In fact orphanage slipped out of my mind when I had talked to the first child and had seen inside the firgt dormitory, and Home in big letters took its place in my mind and remained my lasting impression. If I were a big education man, a progressive philantrophist, or a director of community betterment, I would make an observation trip to MOOSEHEART. And were I any of these three, I would come away saving that MOOSEHEART had fullfil'id my own ambitions and could be sighted as a successful demonstration of my own Utopia. But I am not famous and I will never be a man so I give you my report of MOOSEHEART with these modifications. Since my whole life has been taken up with getting all the pleasure there was out of being a child and since then in working to the same end with whole communities of children, I felt I knew how to observe and criticize MOOSEHEART. I observed, but I could not criticize. I wish my little brother just now entering high school could instead have MOOSEHEART’S preparatory training for college. I wish some of my rich little boy and girl patrons could have the loving personal home attention that MOOSEHEART gives each and every child; and I personally bemoaned the fact that it has taken me four years of experience to learn how to wisely handle my money after having been raised by the “charge it to Father” methods, while these children earned, banked and checked out their own money. A twelve year old boy showed me over the place. His face and hands were freshly washed and his clothes were neat and clean. To my surprise THIS 7-PIECE WATER SET Your Own Initial In Sterling Silver On Every Piece Don’t Delay Send Coupon NOW We must appoint some one in your locality at once. “First come, first served " Send your name and address on the coupon and state what initial you select on the seven-piece set. Set consists of six one-half pint tumbl and a three-pint pitcher. Around the top of every piece is a Sterl: °n the side a Sterling sil v, i eath with your initial, also silver. Just i tning for summer. How to Get it FREI Just send the coupon below and st; 1?111fj you want on set. I will send you oi six 16x20 inches beautiful patriotic and see! pictures. Distribute them among your frier £iK«Jel^t,ves׳ «on our greatest, most libei introductory offer, free. You can do it in flfte minutes to an hour. When you distribute t pictures the Water Set is yours, free. O TJ 3=» O I M. M. SIDDALL, Dept. 113. 512 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Dear Sir: I want the handsome seven-piece, silver mounted, initialed Water Set. fix Plctures, free, to distribute and details of your profit-sharing plan. Nam• P. O., R. F. D. or St. No.... Tow° ......................... Stat. Initial wanted ................