MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 28 Canada, is confident that the goal will be reached. Hon. Walter Rollo, newly appointed minister of labor in the Provincial cabinet of Ontario, is an active member of Hamilton Lodge No. 1142. Mr. Rollo and Rev. S. Banks Nelson, another enthusiastic Moose, headed the big Moose parade on the occasion of the frolic of Ontario Mooseheart Le-gicn. Toronto Lodge No. 1600 is showing signs of new life and many new names are being added to the membership roll. This lodge bids fair to become one of the largest in Canada before long. Secretary Norman G. Heyd is confident that before another year the lodge will have a membership of over 5,000. Commodious . quarters are maintained by this lodge at the corner of Yonge and Alexander streets. Deputy Supervisor E. W. Dame, a native of Picton, Ont., is doing splendid work here. Norman G. Heyd, Deputy Supreme Dictator for Canada, took a trip across the border recently and made a few addresses in Central and Western New York. He spoke in Geneva, N. Y., before the Moose on November 21, in Rochester on November 22 and at Cortland, N. Y., on November 23. He received a hearty reception in each of these places and delivered stirring addresses which will result in many new members being enrolled. DontSend a Penny Take your choice. Just Bend your name and address and we will send to you at once any pair of these shoe3 to examine and try on at our risk without a ״ cent of advance payment. We want to prove to you th at there’s no need for you1 to pay $6 or $7 or mor £or shoes when you buy direct from U9 for a great deal less. Order any pair you want and if you don’t think them the biggest shoe bargain yc־־ can get anywhere, send the shoes back at our expense. You won’t be or a cent. Work Shoe Built 'to meet Fthedemand for a city workers’ Shoe as well a3 for the farmer. Stylish lace Blucher last. Special tanning ISglsSS** process makes the leather proof against acids of milk, manure, soil, gasoline, etc. Outwear three ordinary pairs of shoes. Choice of wide.medium or narrow. Very flexible, soft and easy. Made by a special process which leaves all the “life” in the leather and gives it wonderful wear-resisting quality. Double leather soles and heels. Dust and waterproof tongue. Heavy chrome leather top. See if they are not the most comfortable shoes .you ever wore. Pay S/L17 for shoes on arrival. If, after care-only ful examination, you don’t find them all you expect, send them back and we will return your money. State your size and width. Sizes, 6 to 11. Order above shoe by No. A18025. getyourmoney back. You jt have noth-ing to lose, so Sizes 6 to 11. r State your size and width. Order by No. A15105. Stylish Dress Shoe You must see these shoes to realize what a remarkable value they are. Gi\ wonderful wear. Very stylish and dressy, too. Made of specially . selected fine quality grn metal leather on popular * Manhattan toe last. Blu- 5 cher style. Solid oak lea- V ther soles. Reinforced V shank and cap; military j heel. Best workmanship.' You won’t pay $7.00 > $8.00 for shoes when y_ can have these at our low price. Only a limited .......... them at once. When theyarrive, S/g fiQ pay only<*^**g’ i for shoes. It not a stunning bargain, return them and J nember you don’t i to send a penny Jrwith your order. A W postal will do. Be sure 'to state which shoes you want and give size and width. We ship at nee. When shoes arrive, . . amount stated for each . lir ordered. Examine them ^carefully. If you think them the ^biggest shoe bargain you can find anywhere, keep them. Otherwise send them back at our expense and we will promptly return your money. Get your order in the mail today. IE0NARD-M0RT0N & CO., Dept. 2738 Chicago Now if we do,not tip the waiter we do not get even the slight attention previously given us. If he recognizes us from the day or week before, and they have very good memories, as a “cheap skate” who did not tip, we Waste quite half of the lunch time allotted us, waiting to be waited on. at a very high counter which made one feel as tho eating from the mantel-piece. The waiter sized her up, and, feeling sure that she did not belong to the tipping generation, walked off. After waitipg at least ten minutes the old lady asked for a plate of vanilla ice cream. After another ten minutes it was brought but she did not even receive the paper napkin and not a glass of water until it had been requested the second time. day and we have a very ordinary and not overly wholesome lunch for sixty-five cents. This six days a week brings our noon day expense to almost four dollars. ־1 ing at noon only the ice cream or pie. And what is the result? The girls are aenemic looking, tired in the morning when they should be filled with energy and vitality, and in a short time they lose entirely that good, healthy hunger and are indifferent as to whether they have lunch or not. cost of food and clothing, is it not possible to start something which will help־ us to get a little wholesome food at noon without adding so materially to our running expense? LOCAL MOOSE LODGE FIRST TO RAISE ITS ORPHANS HOME FUND (From Dayton Daily Press). Secretary Harry A. Georgi, of Day-ton Lodge No. 73, Loyal Order of Moose, received word Monday from Supreme Secretary R. H. Brandon that the local branch had been the first to contribute its full quota to the fund designed to erect additional buildings and provide more adequate facilities for the orphans of the members. During the annual convention of the Order held at MOOSEHEART, 111., the last week in June, it was decided to assess each member of the Order one dollar for this purpose. Secretary Georgi set himself enthusiastically to the task of collecting this assessment and several days ago, announced that he had succeeded in obtaining the full amount. The local lodge has a membership of approximately 2.300. There are now about 700 children at the MOOSEHEART orphanage and it is desired to provide facilities for about 300 more. As the result of the local branch being the first to send in its complete assessment, it will be placed on what is known as the 100 per cent list. WHAT THE BOYS ARE DOING IN CANADA West Toronto Lodge No. 87 is mak-irig fine progress. On November 20 a class of 41 was initiated. An active membership campaign is on under the direction of Deputy Supervisor William Riddle. It is expected that the present membership will be doubled during the campaign. This is a real live lodge and maintains club quarters. Hamilton, Ont., Lodge No. 1142 is one of the most progressive lodges on the Dominion of Canada and has a membership of over 700. There is a campaign on now to double the membership and Dictator James Pearce, one of the most enthusiastic Moose in A 46-PIECE FULL SIZE HANDSOME DINNER SET NO MONEY NEEDED WE PAY FREIGHT. Sell Only 11 Boxes of Soap, each box containing 7 cakes fine Toilet Soap and with every box. give as premiums to each purchaser all of the following articles, a Pound of Baking Powder, Bottle Perfume, Box Talcum Powder, 6 Teaspoons. Pair of Shears and Package of Needles and this artistically decorated Dinner Set Is Yours. Many other equally attractive offers and hundreds of useful Premiums or flesh Pommission for your time. We also give magnificent Premiums and pay Gash for appointing agents. Special Extra Present of a High Grade Granite 10 qt. Dish Pan, 3 qt. Sauce Pan and 3qt. Pudding Pan FREE of all cost or work of any kind, if you write at once. You advance no money. We trust you. You have nothing to risk. Write today for our Big FREE Agents Outfit. Don’t delay. THE PERRY 6. MASON CO. Est. 1897. 602 W. Pearl St. CINCINNATI, 0. Learn Auto and Tractor Business In 6 to 8 Weeks’ Earn $150 to $400 a Month Any man 16 years and older can learn quick- ,rest and best by the Rahe Practical Method in this, the oldest, largest, best equipped and best arranged Auto and Tractor School in America. Rahe trained men are in demand everywhere ' c higher skill and ability is recognized by garages and repair shops everywhere. 22,000 Graduates Successfully Trained RahettZiSchoo/ i \Worlds Oldest and Greatest Twice more equipment than any other school Twice more equipment and twice more floor space used in daily actual practice training than any Auto and Tractor School in America. Autos, trucks, and tractors—all types and models—electric starters, lighting and ignition systems of all types. Plenty of room for individual instruction. Specialized training in all departments—largest and best arranged live motor and electric starting and ignition departments in the United States. Master Mechanic instructors to guide you in learning every branch of the business. LOW TUITION RATE NOW. You owe it to yourself to send at once for Free 68-page Book, Special Tuition Offer and proof from graduates. RAHE AUTO & TRACTOR SCHOOL DEPT. 2718 KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI IS YOUR BLOOD HUNGRY Who Should Take Nuxated Iron? FOR IRON? Modern Methods of Cooking and Living Have Made An Alarming Increase In Iron Deficiency In Blood of American Men and Women NUXATED IRON Helps Make Red Blood The Kind That Puts Roses Into the Cheeks of Women and Force Strength and Courage Into Veins of Men. “Is your blood starving for want of iron? Iron is red blood food. If you were to go without eating until you became weak, thin and emaciated, you could . not do a more serious harm to yourself than when you let your blood literally go hungry for want of iron—iron that gives it strength and power to change food into living tissue,” says Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly physician of Bellevue Hospital (Outdoor Dept.), New York, and the Westchester County Hospital. “Modern methods of cooking and the rapid pace at which people of this country live has made such an alarming increase in iron deficiency in the blood of American men and women that I have often marveled at the large number of people who lack iron in the blood— and who never suspect the cause of their weak, nervous, run-down state, But in my opinoin, you can’t make strong, sturdy men and women by feeding them on metallic iron. The old forms of metallic iron must go through a digestive process to transform them into organic iron—Nuxated Iron—before they are to be taken up and assimilated by the human system. Notwithstanding all that has been said and written on this subject by well-known physicians, thousands of people still insist in dosing themselves with metallic iron simply, I suppose, because it costs ,a few cents less. I strongly advise readers in all cases to get a physician’s prescription for organic iron—Nuxated Iron—or if you don’t want to go to this trouble, then purchase only Nuxated Iron in its original packages and see that this particular name (Nuxated Iron) appears on the packages. If you have taken preparations such as Nux and Iron and other similar iron ri־oducts and failed to get results, remember that such products are an entirely different thing from Nuxated Iron.” If you are not strong or well you owe it to yourseif to make the following test: See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take five-grain tablets of ordinary Nuxated Iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see how much you have gained. Numbers of nervous, run-down people who were ailing all the while have increased their strength and endurance in two weeks’ time while taking iron in the proper form. The Elderly Inactive Man The Run-down Business Woman The Exhausted Business Man The Tired Nervous Housewife