MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 26 LOCAL MOOSE NEWSPAPERS ATTENTION! All Moose Publications of any sort entereing as second class mail are requested to send a copy to Joseph A. Garry, Chronical Building, San Francisco, Cal., who wishes to exchange with them the San Francisco Bulletin. “I suppose you always prefer to enlist men who are not married?” remarked Jones to a sergeant at the recruiting station. “No; you’re mistaken there,” the latter hastened to reply. “I prefer married men every time. You see, we don’t have to go to the trouble of teaching married men to obey.” Philanthropic Person: “Have you never striven, my friend, to attain a higher life?” Mundane Marmaduke: “Well, mis- ter, we ain’t got past corned beef an’ beer yet, but whether we’ll ever reach champagne and chicken I can’t bloom-’in well say.” Recruiting Officer of Crack Regiment: “So you wish to join this corps, do you? Had any military experience ? ” Knut: “Oh, yes; worn a beastly wrist-watch for two years, don’t you know!”_______________________________ Brass bound, powerful lenses, scientifically ground. Nearly everyone needs a telescope. Get this fine, large one FREE for selling 24 packages Bingo Perfumed Ironing Wax at 10c ea. Send no money. BINGO COMPANY DEPT. 990 BINGHAMTON. N. Y» FREE BOYS1 AND GIRLS* WRIST WATCHES; We give boys and girls Watches, Wrist Watches, Cameras, Rifle*. Dolls, Base Ball G>ods, Manicure and Toilet Sets, Jewelry, Lace Curtains, Flash Lights, Steam Engines, Silverware, Jewelry Boxes, Mesh Bags. Talking and Moving Picture Machines. Printing Presses. Typewriters, Construction Toys, Etc., for selling our fast-selling Jiffy Garment Mender at 10 cents each. Write for 20 packages today, when sold send us the money and choose your premium according O A. CARLSON & CO. to our big Premium List. 9C Waener Bid?. Indianapolis, Ind NIGHT WATCH FREE TELLS TIME IN THE DARK Conume Seem Wind, Stem bet, bu. .._,eed A Wonderful Watoh. SEE THE as bright day-of our Art k Order pioturea onoe. When sold, return money oollected and this wonder-watch is yours. Big Premium list, many other valuable gifts, sent with pictures. Big cash commission if preferred. GO., Dept. 819 CHICAGO, ILL. «AIR AGENTS: $4 an Hour as salesman in your territory for this New Kerosene (CoalOil) Lamp. Makes its own gas. Cheapest light known. Lowest priced high-grade coal oil lamp ever sold. 300 Candle Power No smoke, no smell, no wicks to trim. Can’t explode. Safe in any position. Nothing to get out of order. Guaranteed. Costs Less Than One Cent a Night to operate. Wonderful invention. Big seller. Every home a prospect. 15 Days'Free Trial. Write for demonstrating sample and territory. Big money for spare time workers. THOMAS LAMP CO. 220 Kero St. Dayton, Oh!® REAL PHONOGRAPH FREE Beautifully finished, nickel winding-crank, spring motop, speed regulator, stop lever. New improved sound box with mica diaphragm — makes perfect reproductions of all kinds of music. A marvelous machine in every way. Delighted thousands of homes. SEND N0 MONEY Just your name, and we will send you 24 of our Art Pictures to dispose of on special offer at 25c each. Send us the $6 you collect and we will send this new improved E. D. L. Phonograph and a selection #»* 6 records free. E. D. LIFE, Dept. 1 143 CHICAGO Rider igenfs Wanted Everywhere to ride and ex- (ZMx—-t Everywhere to ride and ex׳ hibit the new Ranger “Motor-bike'* completely equipped with electric light and horn, carrier, stand, tool tank, coaster-brake, mud guards and antiskid tires. Choice of 44 other styles, colors and sizes in the 4‘Ranger" line of bicycles. EASY PAYMENTS if desired at a small advance over our Special wholesale cash prices. DELIVERED FREE on approval and 30 DAYS TRIAL. T|DCC Lamps, Wheels, Sunil III Bad dries, and parr! half usual prices. SEND MONEY but tell us exactly I)o not buy unt 1 y and the big FREE 141 Chicago MEAD News from the Lodges (Continued from page 2U) children of former members of the Loyal Order of Moose in and about the parishes adjacent to the Queen City. In order to provide necessary funds to carry on this very laudible endeavor, the local lodge has chartered a popular steam boat and will operate the same in a series of popular price steam boat excursions open to the public of that particular section of Louisiana. Daily newspapers of Rochester, New York, devoted much space to news features incident to a recent meeting of Rochester, N. Y. Lodge No. 113 at which time Supreme Dictator Broen-ing was the guest of the Lodge. The publicity was widespread and it is said will have an excellent effect toward creating interest in the work of the Loyal Order of Moose, both in New York State and at MOOSE-HEART, “The School That Trains for Life.” Supreme Dictator Broening who is also the Mayor of Baltimore, Maryland, was in Rochester, New York, both as the guest of L. 0. O. M. No. 113 and as the guest of Mayor Edgerton and the City Administration, and the reception planned in his honor is said to have been ably directed by Supreme Councilman, Willard A. Marakle. Barnesville, Ohio Lodge No. 1304 was host to all the children and matrons of Belmont County Childrens’ Home, which institution is located on the outskirts of Barnesville. The Women of Mooseheart Legion Chapter 279 prepared a Thanksgiving Dinner that will doubtless live long in the memory of those who participated. Immediately following the repast a feature entertainment was presented and as each child filed out of the hall, candy and fruit were liberally distributed. The affair had two notable results, the first the splendid opportunity for the local members to render an actual service to dependent children, and secondly to refresh the memories of all present with the duty owed to themselves and their Order in the perpetuation of MOOSEHEART that the children of the members of the Loyal Order of Moose may be spared the necessity of upbringing in an orphanage, and that MOOSEHEART may endure that each child shall have a high school education and a trade at MOOSEHEART, “The School that Trains for Life.” It was with these thoughts before them that the members of Barnesville Lodge No. 1304 closed the day with real Thanksgiving. La Porte, Indiana, Lodge No. 492 gave thirty-four of its sons to the cause of World Liberty. The battle toll claimed one .for whom there is a gold star in the service flag. On the night of November 14th in the club rooms the lodge gathered to do honor to the returned veterans. Brother Harry B. Darling who delivered the address of the evening spoke in part as follows: “To you soldier boys the Loyal Order of Moose extends a greeting that comes from the great heart of this fraternity. We have recorded in the annals of Moosedom your heroic sacrifices, and were I a poet, finding inspiration in the bud of the flower and the fragrance of the rose, I would write in glowing verse, in tender pulsations, your splendid achievements. Were I a sculptor I would chisel your deeds in the rock of time. “La Porte Lodge of Moose is proud—it points with pride to its service flag—with the keen realization that more than a score of Moose severed the ties of kinship and citizenship to march beneath the folds of Old Glary. When you donned the khaki, night drew her sable curtain down and pinned it with a star. But war has gathered up her robes of glory and like a dream of beauty has glided away.” standard worthy of JOHN PHILIP SOUSA." I take this occasion to tell you of the genuine pleasure and perfect satisfaction your New Wonder Model Instruments, used by the members of my Band, have given me. "In our extended engagement at the New York Hippodrome, your instruments have had a splendid opportunity to display their merits, and they have fully demonstrated their worthiness of the Grand Prize and Gold Medal of Honor given them by the Jury of Awards at the Panama• Pacific International Exposition. "During our pleasant engagement at the Exposition I had occasion to note the various bands and orchestras there engaged, and the Conn instruments seemed to be in evidence everywhere. Particularly was this tile case where high grade musicians were engaged. "I still maintain that the new model Conn instruments enhance the music!1 value of any organization to a marked degree, and the members of my organization fully accord with me. "The Conn, Ltd., has created a high standard of excellence for Band Instruments, What Sousa Satjs Very sincerely. emulation, if possible, by other makers. THE FAMOUS JACKIE BAND, U. S. NAVAL TRAINING STATION, GREAT LAKES, ILLS. Lt. John Philip Sousa, Conductor The organization and successful training of the "Jackie Band" is one of the most remarkable of Lieut. Sousa’s achievements. Its members were recruited from all walks of life—many of them wholly unfamiliar with music and musical instruments—and yet in a few short months, Lieut. Sousa was able to develop them into a world renowned organization. The Jackie Band of over 1,200 members was equipped throughout with Conn Instruments,—a most significant fact when one remembers the success achieved. And yet good music is no mystery, it is the expression of skill in both the artist and the maker of the instrument. Music in Other Organizations ginner, ask for information concerning the instrument in which you are interested. The Bond of Brotherhood is always strong in Fraternal Organizations. Camp 6, W. O. W. of Pine Bluff, Ark., nas developed an exceptionally strong brotherly tie in their Band which is equipped With Conn Instruments. Largest and most thoroughly equipped Band Instrument factory in 1he World. Your best Guarantee of a Good Band or Orchestra Instrument is to see ’.hat it bears this mark: The power of music to inspire and bind together was well illustrated in the Jackie Band. Hundreds or organizations and institutions are recognizing the same fact and are using i+ to the mutual advantage and the profit of their members. Large manufacturing industries. Fire and Police Departments, Boy Scout Organizations, Schools, Colleges, Lodges, Churches, etc., are all beneficiaries of the bond of music. M ny remarkable Bands and Orchestras have been developed among the members of such organizations wi’h the aid of Conn Instruments. Unusual benefits of no small proportions await other smilar organizations who are interested in the creation and development of a spirit of harmony in thought and action within their organization. Essential Tonal Qualities a Characteristic of Conn Instruments The test of an Instrument is its tonal qualities,—• its perfect intonation,—its symmetry of proportion,— its proper balance,—its embodiment of Art and Science as expressed in appearance and performance. Conn Instruments are the product of a patented method impossible of attainment elsewhere. An intimate, scientific knowledge of requirements, plus a mechanical skill in production that approaches the Arust.c and Ideal, gives a guarantee of quality and uniformity in tonal lements that is unsurpassed. The universal recognition of this superiority of 'Conn Instruments by all great Band Leaders of International Fame is the best possible guide and assurance for the beginner or tho veteran purchaser of band instruments. Let us send information about forming a band in your organization. If you are a player or be- RIST WATCH &, RING IO Y EAR GUARANTEE »* e positively give a Genuine Stem Wind and Set Wrist Watcl^ fitted with a leather strap and proper size. A watch you will be proud of. Guar- » - • - • BaliSfac id a beautiful stone set ring, for an teed to run and give perfect satisfacti selling only 40 of our large, beautifully colored Art & Religious Pictures on our special 15c plan. They sell on sight—4 and 5 in every home. People go wild over iem. Order pictures today. We trust you When sold send us money collected and Watch&Ring are yours. Many other valuable prizes given for selling only 20 pictures n on our big premium list wesend with pictures.Lace Curtains, Silverware,Gold Lock-*Bracelets,Kodaks.Watches,etc. AllPremiunisGuaranteed Big cash commission if preferred• -------MFG. CO., DEPT. 919 CHICAGO» ILL. Easy Money $75 to $200 Monthly All or Spare Time P. A. P.: Your spare time can be turned into dollars. We Want A SALES agent Moose Knife $1.00 INTRODUCTION OFFER — Full sized sample of this knife with member’s name, address and Lodge’s number on opposite side mailed for $1 and this advertisement. Knife 3V* inches long. every Lodge to introduce transparent handle Pocket Knives and Razors with this emblem of the order on one side and member's name, address and Lodge number on other side. Blades finest steel, handles handsome as pearl, clear as glass, and unbreakable. Every knife is guaranteed to be perfect. Every member w!׳l want one as a mark of identification. We can also give permanent employment to those willing to work outside of the order. If you are earning less than $1200 yearly, let us show you how to make more. NOVELTY CUTLERY COMPANY, 991 BAR STREET, CANTON, OHIO Boys’and Girls’Auto Given Auto With a 5-Horse-Power Engine This classy racer will do anything a * full-sized car will do because it is built ■■■■■■■ like a real automobile. It will even go where a big car can’t go. For it has a narrow tread so you can drive anywhere—thru forest—up lanes—anywhere youcouldrideabicycle. Yetyouneednottakethedust from anyone. THIS CLASSY CAR CAN BE YOURS Just look at the happy faces inthis picture. Don’t they look like they were ready for a real time,'perhaps off on an errand for Mother or a jaunt to the postoffice? Wouldn't you like to be with them? You can own a Culver Racer and be a young Barney Oldfield if you send me your name and follow my instructions. When I tell you this auto is to be given free—I mean free—it won’t cost you one centof your own money. T SEDiM) A. ^/CaL^I A rush me your name and address quick. A post card will .do. Horry if you want a free auto. !1irNT yon Be*d to do now is to ־“־ rush mo your name and ad-o. Horry if you want a free auto. A Real Send No Money— Just Your Name Don't lay down this magazine until you have mailed me your name and eddress. By doing this you will get full information by return mail telling exactly how you can get this wonderful boys’ and girls’ auto without it costing you one cent. Send today—quickly. Be the first. 17017 IT Wonderful Book JL A Tells how to learn to mount ! ! Tells how to lea Virds, animals, game-heads and tan s/ci and nature lovers. Quickly learned by men and women. Fascinating. Success guaranteed. Decorate your home and den with splendid art. Make big profits iront your spare time. Write today for illustrated book. It’ll delight you. __ JLWj.SchooLofXaxidermy sOOlElwood Bldg.. Omaha PHONOGRAPH ■TDCTF and record r la&fc BovsandGirls! This wonderful New Model T Talking Machine, rosewopd finish, nickel ¡1 base and popular record , is yours. A real ¡\Y# Talking Machine with high-grade repro-i\v ducer. Plays all size records up to 12¡in. _JV Given for aellingjOnly 20 large colored Pic--ggiL tures or 20 packages beautitul Post Cards 15c each. Order choice today. Satisfaction guaranteed. GATES MFG. CO. DEPT. S36 CHICAGO