Tobacco Tells on Nervous System Tobacco Ruins Digestion Tobacco Stunts Boy’s Growth • Tobacco Robs Man of Vitality Tobacco Habit Banished In 48 to 72 Hours Immediate Results Trying to quit the tobacco habit unaided is a losing fight against heavy odds, and means a serious shock to your nervous system. So don’t try it! Make the tobacco habit quit you. It will quit you if you will just take Tobacco Redeemer according to directions. It doesn’t make a particle of difference whether you’ve been a user of tobacco for a single month or 50 years, or how much you use, or in what form you use it. Whether you smoke cigars, cigarettes, pipe, chew plug or fine cut or use snuff— Tobacco Redeemer will positively remove all craving for tobacco in any form in from 48 to 72 hours. Your tobacco craving will begin to decrease after the very first dose—there’s no long waiting for results. Tobacco Redeemer contains no habit-forming drugs of any kind and is the most marvelously quick, absolutely scientific and thoroughly reliable remedy for the tobacco habit. Not a Substitute Tobacco Redeemer is in no sense a substitute for tobacco, but is a radical, efficient treatment. Alter finishing the treatment you have absolutely no desire to use tobacco again or to continue the the use of the remedy. It quiets the nerves, and will make - you feel better in every way. If you really want to quit the tobacco habit—get rid of it so completely that when you see others using it, it will not awaken the slightest desire in you — you should at once begin a course of Tobacco Redeemer treatment for the habit. Results Absolutely Guaranteed A single trial will convince the most skeptical. Our legal, binding, money-back guarantee goes with each full treatment. If Tobacco Redeemer fails to banish the tobacco habit when taken according to the plain and easy directions, your money will be cheerfully refunded upon demand. Let Us Send You Convincing Proof If you’re a slave of the tobacco habit and want to find a sure, quick way of quitting “for keeps” you own it to yourself and to your family to mail the coupon below or send your name and address on a postal and receive our free booklet on the deadly effect of tobacco on the human system, and positive proof that Tobacco Redeemer will quickly free you from the habit. Newell Pharmacal Company Dept. 572 St. Louis, Mo. NEWELL PHARMACAL COMPANY Dept. 572 St. Louis, Mo. Please send, without obligating me in any way, your free booklet regarding the tobacco habit and proof that Tobacco Redeemer will positively free me from the tobacco habit. Name . Street and No. Town.....................................state..