MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 24 selected December 4, 5, and 6 as Jubilee Days and on December 4th dedicated their splendid new lodge hall, following same with a banquet. On December 5th there was open house for members and their families, with a splendid entertainment and dance in the evening. On December 6th there was staged a Jubilee Frolic in which the central attraction was the large class of candidates. The affair was highly successful from all angles. New York City Lodge No. 15 recently drafted resolutions and forwarded same through Dictator P. A. Shaner to Daniel Frohman, President of the Actors’ Fund of America, pledging support to the Actors’ National Memorial Day Movement. Brother Will S. Reising, a well known actor and long time member of the Loyal Order of Moose, was instrumental in bringing the matter before New York Lodge, so says the Daily American of that city. New Orleans, La. Lodge has undertaken to care for and exercise a close stewardship over all the orphan (Continued on page 26) No. 3. Solid gold six-prong tooth mounting. •,,Guaranteed genuineTif-nite Gem. almost a carat in size. No. 2. Solid gold Ladies’ newes t mounting. Has a guaranteed genuine Tifnite Gem, almost a carat. j money. •־־ No.1. Solid gold mounting.. Eight-claw design flat wideband. Almost a carat, guaranteed Tifnite gem. In sending, send strip of paper fitting around second joint of finger. If satisfied upon arrival send $4.50—then $3 monthly until the price, $16.50, is paid for either one. Otherwise return the ring within ten days and we will refund any payment made. This offer is limited. Send while It holds good. The Tifnite Gem Co., Dept. ¿S3 Chicago, III. № WEEKLY You can make $35.00 to $100.00 a week. I want hustlers, money-makers, to work With me, to advertise.sell and appoint agents. Biggest thing in years. City conveniences without plumbing. Used in any room, bells on sight. Demonstrating . tub furnished. Folds small, self-empty- tag, non-leakable. Guaranteed 10 years. ״ AGENTS MAKE SALES EASILY Two sales daily means $60.00a week. Leggett, Ohio, “Worked two hours, took two orders, profit $10.00.“ Hayhurst, Nebr., “Took 11 orders in 4% days—profit $55.00, ordered 12 more tubs.“ Manning, Iowa, “Sold 10 tubs in one day—profit f*>0-00. DeHut, Nebr., “Sold 12 tubs in three days—profit 160.00.’״ And hundreds of others making big money. 70 per cent of homes have no bath tubs. Experience and oapital unnecessary. Credit given to the right man. Get full particulars and “speoial plan;” all Fas«. H. S. Bobinson, Pro»., THE B0BINSQM CABINET MFG. CO. m 5147 FactoHaiMIuHtlln^^^^TOLJEDOj^OHI^ BIG VALUE for 10 Cfs. 6 Songs, words and music; 25 Pictures Pretty Girls ;40 Ways to Make Money; 1 Joke Book; 1 Book on I,ove; 1 Magic Book; 1 Book !,etter Writing; 1 Dream Book and For-ler; 1 Cook Book; 1 Base k, gives rules for games; 1 ker Book; language of 1 Morse Telegraph Alpha-Chemical Experiments; Age Table; Great North Pole ——׳ Game* 100 Conundrums; 3 Puzzles; 12 Games; 30 Verses for Autograph Albums. All the above by mail for 10 c*«. and » cts. postage. fiOIAL SALES C0«, Box 36 South Norwalk» Conn• Mother Hubbard’s No-Rub ROUER WASH BOARD Invention. No hand rubbing. No tired arms. No backache. Rollers do the washing. Takes place of washing machine. No wear on finest fabrics. No injury to hands. En-wash more clothes in less with much less labor, with soap, and do a better job any board you ever used. 30 Days Trial at My Risk Send $1.25 and I will deliver one of my boards to your home. Try it 30 days. If not entirely satisfied, your money will be refunded. Send for free booklet. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. MOTHER HUBBARD, 18Wa»hingtonSt.,Mendota. III. SAFETY RAZOR SET Sent rpErC V for to you ■ ™ 1 sell- ing only 30 packs of our Quality Brand Garden Seeds at 10c a pack. Other Presents. NATIONAL SEED CO. Dept. G, Lancaster, Pa. fair and bazaar will be held in the city Armory. Moundsville, W. Va. Lodge No. 1087 were the guests of the ladies of the local chapter of the Women of Mooseheart Legion and on November 28th according to a correspondent did full justice to an excellent chicken supper served them. Past Dictator Harry A. F. Carl of Wheeling, Lodge No. 67 was the principle speaker of the evening. Schenectady, New York, Lodge No. 251 has recently adopted plans for an indoor fair and bazaar to be held January 16th to 31st inclusive. Brother Frank A. Ravenscroft, Chairman of the general committee, announces that the attractions will be superior to those usually offered at fraternal bazaars and the committee on arrangements has extended invitations to all Moose lodges in the vicinity. New Martinsville, W. Va. Lodge No. 931 recently gave an open air meeting held on the grounds of the Court House. The occasion was that of the home-coming banquet tendered to members of the lodge who had been in the service of their country. Director Ge*eral James J. Davis was the speaker of the day, and the entire affair has been complimentarily commented upon by newspapers of that section. San Francisco, Cal., Lodge No. 26 leads the way in that Dictator B. B. Futernick has recently appointed a committee consisting of Brothers Samuel M. Silver, Walter E. Dorn, Joseph F. Poeheim and J. A. Garry to investigate and present to the lodge, if possible, some acceptible plan whereby members of the Loyal Order of Moose at San Francisco at least could combat the present high cost of living. Delaware, Ohio, Lodge No. 1167 forwards the MOOSEHEART Magazine an announcement that the following brothers have been appointed entertainment committee charged with preparing a schedule that shall last: Chairman; Wm. Zimmer, Secretary; until the coming summer; P. J. Foley, Henry W. Cullins, Ed. Bollinger, Geo. Gatton, Wm. Scheff, Tom J. Smith, M. L. Loader, Ed Ruder, Chas. F. Hilf, F. D. King, F. J. Huntley. Dallas, Texas, is at present the headquarters of Brother J. Rush Bronson and the reports from that section indicate that with the able assistance of Supreme Councilman J. Willis Pierson great interest is evidenced in the campaign for the upbuilding of the Dallas Lodge. A series of lectures under the title of “Child Conservation” is seemingly attracting widespread interest, as quoted in the Dallas Texas Journal of a recent issue. Kalamazoo, Michigan members seem to have real reason to be proud of their lodge, and have originated a unique Christmas Party, in which each member was asked to present to his lodge the gift of one new member, the applications all to be filed and placed in the proverbial stockings hanging from the mantel shelf over the fire place in Kalamazoo Temple under the sheltering spread of the antlers. The membership of the lodge at this time is about 1500. Three Lodges of Cleveland, Ohio, and suburbs recently organized a joint committee consisting of Brothers L. S. Connelly, Harry L. Davis, Samuel Kramer, Thomas Green, and George Reynolds, whose duty it will be to prepare some fitting testimonial to the returned service men of the lodges effected. Early last month seventy solid gold medals were presented to the seventy brothers of the lodges who served during the late war. E. Liverpool, Ohio, Lodge No. 122 distinguished its membership campaign by incorporating into the last class initiated the entire membership of North Fond du Lac Band, and that organization will in future be known as the Moose Band of Fond du Lac. The Lodge has announced that during the latter part of January an indoor News From the Lodges (Continued from page 18) is now a membership campaign in effect to lift the membership by the addition of five hundred new frater-nalists. Fond du Lac, Wis. Lodge No. 281 Every Moose Should Read This IF YOU FIND THE NUMBER OF YOUR LODGE BELOW, ASK YOUR DICTATOR, SECRETARY, OR CHAIRMAN OF THE AUDITING COMMITTEE WHY YOU ARE NO LONGER A GOOD MOOSE. IF NEITHER OF THEM CAN TELL YOU, WRITE RODNEY H. BRANDON, MOOSEHEART, ILL., AND HE WILL. 173 — 373 — 385 — 417 — 496 — 647 — 742 — 768 — 789 797 - 801 — 818 — 885 — 977 — 1007 — 1069 — 1074 — 1104 1110 — 1128 — 1130 — 1158 — 119. — 1231 — 1276 — 1331 — 1360 1397 — 1398 — 1405 — 1433 — 1479 — 1515 — 1577 — 1588 — 1646 1656. Mooseheart Magazine , Classified Department FEMALE HELP WANTED re-sharpened 2%c each. An Bible House, New'York, N. Y. WRITE WORDS FOR A SONG SALESMEN WANTED OALESMEN—City or Traveling. Experience unnec-»J essary. Send for list of openings and full particulars. Prepare in spare time to earn the big salaries—$2,500 to $10,000 a year. Free employment service for members. Address Nat’l Salesmen’s Tr. Assn., Dept. 137-A, Chicago, 111. FARM LANDS pREE BOOK OF FLORIDA FACTS. Own your 1 own orange grove in beautiful Fruitland Park. A few cents a day you now waste will buy it for you. A few dollars a month may provide you with a life income. Schnitzler sold his twenty acre grove here for $40,000—two thousand an acre. He saw the same opportunity that’s offered you and planted a grove. Result—he reaped a small fortune. You have the same chance but you must act now. Write today for Free Book of Actual Photographs, Florida Facts and the interesting story of a Fruitland Park Farm. Learn of crops that help you buy it. Address today, Lake County Land Owners’ Association, 110 Sunset Way, Fruitland Park, Florida. VAUDEVILLE GET ON THE STAGE! Experience unnecessa Send stamp or instructive booklet “All Abe Vaudeville.” LaDelle, Sta. 257, Jackson, Mich. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CONTROL new exclusive phonograph record exchange business for your town; $25 capital required. Satco Pap, Oneonta, N. Y.