23 MOOSEHESIRT M/IGJJZINE É Brings Yo u a fí ilor-Ma o-Ordc ide-l ;r j Suit r Your search tg ended! Our Special Tailor-Made-to-Order Clothes are the last word in correct style, perfect fit, fine ** fabrics and elegant finish. There is a “BEST״ in every \ line. We lead in the custom-^ tailored field. If we were not sure of our supremacy, we could not afford to make this amazing suit offer: For nnlv 21 DA rllMTIr. «.:II only $1.00 down we will make up an elegí suit, strictly taiJoi made - to - order your measurements from your selection of fabrics, and send it to you for examination and try-on. If sat- ; isfied, pay £ balance o n the easiest terms ever offered. If notsatisfied, return suit and we will at once refund your dollar. Your own critical taste will decide. There can be no appeal from your: decision. Duluth, Minn.; W. J. Taisey, Newbury, Vt.; J. J. Snyder, New York City; O. H. Shields, Summerville, Pa.; J. J. Hackett, Akron, Ohio 62; Earl M. Campbell, Wakeney, Kans., Dem-ing 869; Thos. P. Gentleman, Omaha, Nebr.; Leroy L. Burnham, Beverly, Mass.; Carl M. Naegele, Utica 450; Jos. A. Jenkins, Allegheny, No. 47; Wm. J. Thomas, Paris; John C. Me Cafferty, Harlem, New York City. Staten Island 428; David B. Budd, Detroit, Mich.; James Smarjesse, Springfield, 111., 681; Lester Mitchell, Jamestown, N. Y. 105; Ambrose Me Ghee, Springfield, Mo.; D. B. Wright, Milwaukee, Wis. 49; James F. Hen-nessy, Elgin, 111. 799; W. L. Stottling-er, Burgettstown, Pa.; James A. Morrow, Allentown, Pa.; C. W. Lombard, South Portland, Maine; E. J. Ouelette, Foot Ball Team Ends Big Season (Continued from page 9) Now, listen! Five months'easy credit— _ and you wearing the suit tailored to order from your own measurements and freely accepted by you, after examina-tion and try-on. Our only security is your word! We are quick actors״—no delay—no red tape. You send for our Big Free Style Book and Free Cloth Samples, select your style and fabric, and send us only $1.00 with your measurements. We will send you a stunning suit that will surprise and delight you with its dashing style, perfect fit and dependable materials. And we will save fru” to ?.25.Td?n.’t overlook that! Look no farther. Ihis offer is the limit in liberality—the greatest clothes opportunity you ever had. fREE Style Book Saul * Cloth SamPles Filled from cover to cover with latest styles in men’s made-to-measure clothing and a big collection of fine fabrics to select from. Mail coupon, letter or postal today—no charge—no obligation whatever. Stanley-Rogers Co., 1015 Jackson Blvd.70ept763b~hicago J1«89® send me FREE your new Style Book showing latest Metropolitan Styles, also Cloth Samples and full particulars ot your $1 down with Five-Months-To-Pay Offer. Town.........................State................. Wrist Watch Given You can get thie fine Wrist Watch or ״ther beautif ul watch guaranteedfor lips years. Also Lace Curtains, Rogers' ׳ Silver Sets, fine Lockets, La Valliers and many Oiher valuable oresents for . selling our beautiful Art and Religious . .. .. pictures at ]Octs. each. Order 20 pictures when sold, sena the $2.00 and choose premium wanted accord in״ ״* big list. KAY AKT CO„ Kept. 6־, “moS frame of mind, due to over-confidence resulting from the East Aurora victory. Even at that, with Zahmell playing fullback and with McClin-tock’s speed MOSEHEART kept the Mendota fellows on the defensive throughout the game. Three different times the ball was carried to the Mendota goal and twice it was lost on fumbles, due to carelessness and over-confidence of the players. Only one touchdown was recorded. The score was 7-0. The score total for the season was MOOSEHEART, 237; opponents, 6. The only score made against them was a touchdown by Naperville on October 11th. The MOOSEHEART players average one hundred and forty pounds in weight, which means that in defeating East Aurora they defeated a team averaging one hundred and fifty-seven pounds, which is getting up pretty closely to man’s size. The clean, high class and thorough methods of MOOSEHEART’S athletic department under Coach Oswalt’s supervision will result in •a few years in a football team which will outclass any high school of the State, and may even venture to play against the lesser colleges. cago. Its players outweighed MOOSEHEART players seventeen seventeen pounds to the man. The field was not quite dry enough for the MOOSEHEART speed artists to get in their work. The wet field was a big advantage for the heavy team. However, Whalen was at his best during the three quarters in which he played and while East Aurora was kept on the defensive almost all of the time, MOOSEHEART was unable to score against them in any other way than by a field goal kicked by Jones in the third quarter. The East Aurora coach figured that he had MOOSEHEART outclassed when he found that his team was seventeen pounds to the man heavier and opened the game with his second string backs. He changed his mind, however, in the second quarter and with the best that East Aurora had, MOOSEHEART won the game. The season closed with the game of Mendota High School November 22nd. The Mendota hoys were not members of the big High School Conference but thought they could defeat any team among those schools if given an opportunity. They outweighed MOOSEHEART ten pounds to the player and found MOOSEHEART in a careless aid that was carried to seventy-five Serbian villages. FOR ITALY’S CHILDREN In southern Italy the American Red Cross maintains a home for war orphans. The children of school age attend the private school of the organization; the little ones go to kindergarten. After the ceremony the bridegroom drew the clergyman aside and said m a whisper: “I’m sorry I have no money to pay your fee, but if you like I’ll show you how to fix your gas meter so that it won’t register. TOOTHBRUSHES IN SERBIA The toothbrush is virtually unknown in Serbia, and the loss of any number of teeth before the age of twenty is not uncommon. By calling the attention of one patient to the dreadful condition of another patient’s mouth, with the added moral influence of the sufferer’s cries, the Red Cross dentists have succeeded in creating an unparalleled demand for toothbrushes. TEN THOUSAND ORPHANS Ten thousand Serbian orphans were beneficiaries of American Red Cross SUGAR 4k A LB highest grade exactly the same as you have been paying double for *** ITPirir HEAVYSILVER'PLATED a IfbE Teaspoon Our low prices merely indicate what you can now save on all your groceries, a full line of which irm is listed in our Wholes^ Catalog—The Big Money Saver. This catalog sent to customers only. A Free copy wi!1 be sent with your first HH order. Send th!3 coupon NOW—TODAY. p TRIAL ORDER COUPON B l BIG 4 GROCERY CO. 1 Dept73 , . 900-902 W. lake Si. Chicago I Gentlemen:-—Enclosed find $1.99 for which send me ■ at once your Trial Order No. 9. Send also your heavy I"’ "" _ _____________ _ ____________________ BEAUTIFUL WILD ROSE DESIGN As an extra inducement to you to give us a trial a.u°r