MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 22 YOU MEN Who are seeking an opportunity to establish yourself permanently, do as Mr, Oldham didi He got. busy and cleaned up from the start. Why don’t you? If you are sincere, earnest, determined, your, entire future is secure. If a man 58 years old can make the success Oldham nas—you can. 4 I have a big interesting boob to send yon-a boob about tires-it tells all about them-how they are repaired by the Haywood method—explains this business—gives inside figures and profit. Gives actual proof of success—letters reached Sec if you can match this splendid list anywhere for less than $2.25. e of line quality voile with wide sS& ; shaped collar which is finished in >nt with several rows of pin tucks |sgfc ygs£!8iZ* '-■JliiiPi and trimmed all around with Venice lace. Sleeves finished with dainty '־- cuffs. Closes in front with ••> buttons; hemstitching each side of front adds to stylish effect. |8S $11111 ־־ ■'־> ■&%£■׳ Elastic waist band. Whiteonly. Sizes 32 to 46 bust. Be sure t° state size. Only one free waist to a customer and the ||s||^:x;% sujoplirmted^^o^don’t^vait^ordeModay. ^end^oupon^ ^ i |׳v -'i Leonard-Morton & Co., Dept.9657, Chicago &'&.Send the Serge Skirt No. B15413 and the free Voile Waist. When they arrive 1 will pay $4.98 for the skirt; nothing for the |®Wi waist. # If not satisfied after examination, 1 will return both am| ■7 ■7 Puncture , Ei E. Proof Tube Miles Guaranteed For a limited time only we are offering absolutely free a puncture proof tube guaranteed 6,000 miles, with every purchase of one of famous Reliable Double Tread which are guaranteed 5,000 and often give 8,000 to 10,000. _ ,000 miles without a puncture! Save repair bills! Save entire cost of tube! Save two-thirds cost of tire! Price Includes Tire and Tube Tires Size Tires 34 x4. $11.35 34 x 4%.$13.00 35 x 4% .$13.25 36 x 4« .$13.75 35 x 5. . .$14.50 36 x 5 $14.75 37 X 5 ..$14.90 OUI miles Size t x 3_$6.85 >x 3 ..$7.25 *x3'i..$8.35 x 3*2 ...$8.95 x 4 . $10.20 x 4.. $10.55 l x 4..$11.00 Free Reliner With Each Tire In ordering be sure to state size wanted, also whether s. s. clincher, plain or non-skid. Send $2.00 deposit on each tire, balance C. O. D. subject to examination; 5 per cent discount if you send full amount with order. Rush your order today. Reliable Tire and Rubber Co. 3414 Michigan Ave. Chicago» II!• tend Ho None u! Two wonderful $4.00 shirts for only $5.75. ^ Save at least $2.00. Everybody wearing these semi-dress Gray Flannel Shirts for business, work and sport. Cadillac Broadcloth Flannel Shirts Two $4.00 Shirts for Only $5.75 Made of line quality Cadillac Broadcloth Gray Flannel. Special \\ inter weight. Two extra large button down flap pockets, faced sleeves and matched pearl buttons. Cut Extra Full. Coat Front Style. Double-Stitched throughout. Soft turn-down collar with sateen faced neckband. Thoroughly Shrunk. Try to match these shirts in any store at $4.00 each. Yet we offer you two for only $5.75. Send No Monev Write tod«״. Shirts will be sent at once, r"'״ transportation prepaid. Pay only $6.7¿ on arrival—no more. Money back at once it not more than pleased with the wonderful value. Be sure to give neck-band size. ««TOI SOLVE THIS PUZZLE.# WIN FINE PRIZE The figures in the squares represent corresponding letters in the alphabet. Figure 1 is A, 2 is B. 3 is C, and so on. The ten figures spell four words 14 9 23 23 15 9 20 and Send the four words on a sli!> of paper with your name address quick if you want to win. This makes six autos I have given away־ My plan is so simple it is easy to win these prizes. Men, Women, Boys and Girls Prizes For All—Write Me Quick! Besides the new Ford Car I am going to give away Superb Cabinet Phonographs, Bicycles, Watches, Kodak, Traveling Bag, Chest of Silverware, Dinner Set and big Cash Rewards. No experience is required. You don’t put up a penny or do any hard work. Just an opportunity to realize your ambition to have an Automobile all your own and a chance to get it in the easiest way imaginable. Dont let someone else in your neighborhood beat you to it, but act yourself. The quicker you act, the bigger your winnings. Send me your answer to the puzzle with your name and address, without delay. ,*■ Duane W. Gaylord, 537 S. Dearborn St., Dept 55 Cbicag® his bad and strike an honest balance. How often we condemn a brother as totally bad, because of some one act of his life. Is this fair? Would we not tremble with fear if we knew that the Judge of all the Earth would condemn us upon the blackest deed of our lives and give no credit for our good deeds? How fortunate it is for those who are more good than bad that the great Judge knows all and will weigh all. Yes, my brethren, when I think how quick we are to form and express evil opinions of others, I am persuaded that the rarest type of charity is charity in our judgments of others. This virtue is often lacking even in those who would share their last loaf with a hungry man. Yet those who To prove that our blue-white MEXICAN DIAMOND closely resembles the finest genuine South African Diamond (costing 50 times as much), with same DAZZLING RAINBOW-FIRE, (Guaranteed 20 yrs.) we will send this Ladies Solitaire Ring with one carat gem, (Catalogue price $4.98) for Half Price to Introduce, $2.60, plus War Tax 13c. Same thing but Gents. Heavy Tooth Belcher Ring, (Cataloge price $6.26) for $3.10, plus War Tax 15c. Mountings are our finest 12 karat gold filled. Mexican Diamonds are GUARANTEED FOR 20 YEARS. SEND ON MONEY. Just mail postcard or this ad., state size and we will mail at once C. O. D. If not fully pleased, return in 2 days for MONEY BACK, less handling charges. Act quick; offer limited; only one to a customer. Write for FREE Catalog. AGENTS WANTED. I MEXICAN DIAMOND IMPORTING CO. .DeptaZ ׳* Las Cruces, N. Mex, Exclusive controllers Mexican Diamonds) suffer from the cruel judgments of others are far more numerous than those who suffer from hunger. I count him who is unfair in his judgments of his fellow man as belonging to the same class as those who are unfair in their business transactions. Fraternalism Requires Courtesy Fraternalism implies kindness in our treatment of our fellow man. True brothers are kind. So many Gods, So many Creeds, So many Ways That wind and wind; When just the art of being kind Is all this sad world needs. Christian charity does not con sist alone in relieving bodily iVants. It is broader, it deals with ills of the heart. To relieve a heart ache is no less charity than to feed a hungry man. “Kind words, Kind looks, Kind acts and warm hand shakes, these are the secondary means of grace when men are in trouble and fighting their unseen battles.” “Oh how many hearts are breaking Oh how many hearts are aching For a loving touch and token For the word you might have spoken.” True fraternalism requires us to scatter sunshine as we go and yet how often we meet men whose unpardonable manners make it often impossible to be happy in their presence. They are joy killers. Some people call them good men with bad dispositions, but I call them vandals, for they destroy the happiness of those about them. They wound hearts. They cause sorrow. They are unfraternal. They are un-brotherly. The founders of our Republic placed the pursuit of happiness as one of the fundamental rights of man, along with the right of life, the right of property, and the right of worship of God acording to the dictates of one’s conscience. If then the pursuit of happiness is so precious a right, what shall we say of the chronic grouch who pursues other people’s happiness only to destroy it? Before the day of matches it is said there used to be in this country men who made their living taking coals of fire to each house in the villages in order that the people might light the fires to warm their shivering forms and cook their food. Before the early morning visit of these men, all within the homes was dark, cold and dreary, but after they had gone the houses began to light up and all within was brightness, cheer and comfort. So brothers our course ought to be as we pass in and out and among our friends. We should leave joy, not sorrow in the wake. Let us follow the example of our Vice-Director General Joe Jenkins, the great glad hand artist, who is not satisfied with being a ray of sunshine, but is a whole big sun-burst of joy. Fraternalism Requires Helpfulness Fraternalism implies helpfulness or ‘Aid” the second word of the motto of our Order. The spirit of service to our fellow man is the highest manifestation of fraternalism. It is the supreme test. There can be no true religion without it. I used to think a man was good if he behaved, but I learned if one is to be truly he must not only behave, he nust also serve. A well-behaved man nay be a very bad man, for the great sin is selfishness. As a Moose I am oroud of our Order’s record of service. Here in this war she was the first Order to rush to France to help the soldier. At home she was foremost :.n relieving their families. She these shores before any con- !y. What th«. ™־o L״v״ ״on״o״^ ״.HAYWOOD,er־־;sidcrable numbers 0f OUr fighting .«T־״"״poii« forces had arrived, and when the boys fe carP? she was here to welcome them, here she will stay until they leave towSS».of iC"“ Fre8 *for home. __ But the war is over, and we must now turn our faces to Mooseheart. Pollard’s Speech (Continued from page 19) men, but good fellows gone wrong. Yes, the Loyal Order of Moose is bringing men of all shades of opinions together in its 1600 lodges is rendering a distinct service to the cause of fraternalism by breaking down the barriers of prejudice which keep men apart. Charitable Judgment of Others True fraternalism requires us to be charitable in our judgments of our fellowman,—not to brand a man as bad, just because his sins are not of the same type as ours; but rather to weigh his good qualities as well as Dont Send a Penny Yes, we will ship you this stunning, latest style splendid serge skirt without a cent of advance payment. Examine and try it on. If you don’t say it is the most stunning serge skirt bargain of the season, just send it back. Besides, you get 8 dainty Voile Waist absolutely FREE just to prove that Leonard■ Mortort quality, styles and prices are unequaled anywhere. Send now—no money—just the coupon. Stylish Serge Ski We will gladly leave it to you to decide upon the value of this skirt Don’t judge by its price but send and see it at our risk. Made of good quality mixed wool serge. Has separate belt, lined with good quality sateen and trimmed with two large ivory buttons, Novel patch pockets made in two sections; under part forms pocket and the large flap is trimmed with three rows of all silk soutache and three small ivory buttons with large buttons to match. Skirt is cut full. All sizes. Furnished in navy blue. The smart style effect of this skirt is such as you usually see only in very high priced garments. You will see that this is simply an amazing bargain—a skirt that you would expect to pay at least $7.50 or $8.00 for and you get it for $4.98. And no money to send now—only the coupon giving size wanted. Don’t miss this grand offer. And see what you get extra—not a cent to pay for this pretty Voile Waist shown below. Also Fine Quality ~ VoileWaist FREE See if waist Made of ;ancy sha fron Send the Serge Skirt No. When they arrive I will pay waist. If not satisfied after you will refund my money. Waist. Name...................... Address................... I have a big interesting boob to send you—a boob about tires—i Haywood method—explains this business—gives inside figures of others who are now operating Haywood Shops and mablnj can do. $2500 to $4000 a year ia conservative. ___ ... _________________ _ ?h'£־'C־־hS?־S!!־&T;4־,S had arrived, and when the boys sign, and auto owners will come to you, welcome you and the service you bring them. If yoo haven t - -- seen the “Sign of the Man and Machine” there is a big opportunity awaiting you. ^ your 1 Sign the coupon and mail it today, or tend a poet card or lettet M. HAYWOOD. Pretident Haywood Tire & Equipment Co., 89g^Capitol At־., InditnapolU, InJ. ¿?Nam* Address.