51״ ״с j 1 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE SEEDS Reliable and Full of Life ^ SPECIAL OFFER Made to build New Business. Atrial will make you our permanent customer. * r PRIZE COLLECTION Radish. 17 r worth 15c; Lettuce, Vi kinds, worth 15o!’ Tomatoes, 11 the finest, worth 20o; Turnip, I 7 splendid, worth 10c; Onion, 8 best varieties, f worth 15c; 10 Spring Flowering Bulbs) j worth 25c. 65 varieties in all; worth $1. GUARANTEED TO PLEASE Write today; mention this paper. SEND 10 CENTS o oover postage and packing and re-> Iceive this valuable collection ot seeds^^ »postpaid, together with my big in• jT Instructive, beautiful Seed and Plant4 »Boob, tells all about Buckbee’a !»"Full of Life” Soeda, Plants,etc^g H.W.BuCKBEEj Rockford Seed Farms Farm 36 8ookford,BL¿ Send NO Money! Simply send your size and these Growing Girl’s and Woman’s Genuine Indian Elk Storm Shoes will come to your home ON APPROVAL. You will be delighted with their wonderful quality and beautiful style. That is why we send proof as shoes can 1: storms and bad weatner. tonus.. neat fitting. Prepaid on approval to you from the Oldest and Largest House Belling Direct from the Shoe Market of the World. That is why the pric! Is only $4.85 on arrival. Send NO money — simply mail coupon — order at our risk ! GUARA We guarantee shoes are $1C They will giv< factory wear, or we will send a CDCC new pair r n c c Wonderful STORM SHOE from Factory Headquarters. BOSTON MAIL ORDER HOUSE, Dept. g2.3 Boston, Mass. Send Woman’s Storm Shoe ON APPROVAL. I risk nothing I Size-. Name. Address Send Your Name and We’ll Send You a Lachnite TjON’V send a penny. Just send your name and say־. "Sendmo a Lachnite mounted in a solid gold ring on 10 days' free trial.’’ We will send it prepaid right to your home. When it comes merely deposit $4.75 with the postman and then wear the ring for 10 full days. If you, or if any of your friends can tell it from a diamond, send it back. But if you decide to buy it —send ua $2.5C a month until $18.75 has bee□ paid. TfiflaV Send your name now. Tell us wb'»ch of the 1 uuaJ solid gold rings illustrated above you w»«h (ladies’ or men’s). Be sure to send finger size .Harold Lachman Co., 12N. Michigan Av.,Dept, 8001:Chicago. Perfect hearing is now being re• stored in every condition oi deafness or defective hearing from causes such as Catarrhal Deafness, Relaxed or Sunken Drums, Thickened Drums, Roaring and Hissing Sounds, Perforated, Wholly or Partially Destroyed Drums,Discharge from Ears, etc. Wilson Common-Sense Ear Drums “Little Wireless Phones for the Ears" require no medicine but effectively replace what is lacking or defective in the natural ear drums. They are simple devices, which the wearer easily fits into the ears where they are invisible. Soft, safe and comfortable. Write today for our 168 page FREE book on DEAFNESS, giving you full particulars and testimonials. WILSON EAR DRUM CO., Incorporated ' *88 Inter-Southern Bldg. LOUISVILLE, KY. RIFLE WITHOUT COST WE GIVE TO BOYS HAMILTON Choice of Six Guns (on four easy plans) for selling our Magic Healing Wav-o-Lena at only 25c Box. WE TRUS.TYOU! ID□□ SHOT. ALL STEELS magazine; ( Order Six Boxes Today On Postal Card— J We send promptly. Prepaid! Easy to Sell—v-׳ the Healing Ointment needed in every home! , Sell at once, return money, as we direct, choosing your Gun according to one of the Plans shown in our Big Premium List, 200 Other Gifts I Or Big Cash Commission! Just for promptness a Free Gift—So Order Today ,, iWAVERLY SUPPLY CO,, Sox ^86 Monongahela, Pg, AIR RIFLE, FREI С־о C־C" diamond Г nLL RING OFFER Just to advertise our famous Hawaiian im. diamonds--the greatest discover: the world has ever known. We wil. send absolutely free this 14k gold f. ring, set with a_l-2k Hawaiian im. diamond--in beautiful ring box postage paid. Pay postmaster $1.38 C. O. D. charges to cover nostage, boxing, advertising, handling, etc. If you can tell it from a real diamond return and money refunded. Only 10,000 given away. Send no money. Answer quick. Send size of finger. KRAUTH & REED, Dept. 11 Masonic Temple Chicago THE DOLLAR AT MOOSEHEART By the Chairman of the Governors HEART we must provide in addition to the home, education, etc. The carpenter, painter, plumber, steam-fitter, and in fact practically all of the workmen here at MOOSEHEART, as they have everywhere else, had an increase in the wage, and we must meet it, so Brothers, join the volunteer band of contributors. At this meeting of the Governors, a very heart-rending petition for the admission of five children was presented, the youngest being five years of age. But the father was not in good standing. He had failed to pay his dues, and of course, under our present laws we can not admit any but the dependent sons - and daughters of our deceased members who were in good standing at the time of their death. According to the children’s ages, combining their time at MOOSEHEART, they would spend thirty years here, at a cost to the institution of $400.00 per year or a total of $12,000.00. For the negligence of the father in not paying his dues, these children are deprived of the service of MOOSEHEART. Brothers. let this be a warning to you. I wish it were possible that we could take every homeless child in this country who is left destitute, but at this time we can not expect to do it. I have taken it upon myself now to raise $10,000,000.00 as an Endowment Fund for MOOSEHEART and would like to have 100,000 members volunteer to join in this movement by contribution at least of $5.00 per year to MOOSEHEART. Will you be one of them? I am satisfied that if the members of the Order could hear these petitions for admission to MOOSEHEART, we would have no trouble in getting th¿•• required amount. December 2, 1919. The Governors at their meeting yesterday completed the outline for the budget for 1920. It is astonishing to see how the dollar has depreciated in value. Although we are giving a dollar extra this quarter to the Permanent Building Fund for the year 1919-1920, which means over $500,000, we will receive for it in the form of building the same as we did in 1913 for one-half that amount. In making the appropriations for the home and educational department it is the same. When we take up the items of butter, eggs, meat, clothing, etc., we find the dollar has dwindled materially. It is worth about as much food, clothing, etc., as it is for building supplies. A suit of clothes that usually cost $10.00 in 1913, is now $20.00, and shoes and all other items of clothing have increased in the same proportion. When you pay your Mooseheart Contribution to the Secretary remember the dollar is worth just as much here as it is in your own home town. Our members have been very generous to MOOSEHEART, but we must continue that generosity, because the children still continue to come. We will soon have one-thousand children to care for. In the Spring we will need at least twenty-five new dormitories, together with the nursery for babies. I have received many petitions from lodges requesting permission to organize the lodges in the various states- to build a dormitory. I hope you will organize, and that at the next convention, every state will lay the corner-stone for a dormitory. In addition to the dormitories, which always come first, we need school and other buildings. As you know every time a child is admitted to MOOSE- satisfied where he is located, so if this should come to his notice or to the notice of any one who can identify the boy he or they are asked to communicate with John Ryan, 215 Charles Street, Scranton, Pa., member of Scranton, Pa. Lodge No. 42, L. O. O. M. MOOSE FOB FOUND IN FRANCE A man who lives in Toronto, Canada, picked up on the battle fields of France, between Acheslagrand and Cambrai, a Moose fob, with no name on it, but Lodge No. 60, Roll No. 320, and made by the Philadelphia Badge Co., and it is silver, and attached to a black silk cord. The owner can obtain the same by writing to Brother Norman G. Heyd, Toronto, Canada. .TREE WATCH 5 »car guarantee " 1 Fine stem wind and set watch. Just jell I 12 boxes $3. Mentho-Nova Salve at 25cj 'great for cots, burns, etc.) Order ־>-day. | Hundreds of other premiums FREE. Bc»6l2 Grecnvbc, II. S. SUPPLY CO. MISSING Martin F. Ryan, son of John Ryan, of 215 Charles Street, North Scranton, Pa., has been missing from home for more than two years. He dropped completely out of sight so far as his relatives and friends are concerned on May 1, 1916. He bid some companions good-bye that day and nobody in Scranton has seen him since. Martin was fourteen years old at that time and had done some little work about a central city garage and had a liking for automobile work. It is thought likely he would seek that line of employment. The missing boy had a pronounced scar on the palm side of the middle finger of his right hand and another scar that took the form of an anchor near his right temple. The boy’s parents are anxious to get some word from him. While they would like to have him return home they would not insist upon it if he is “SQUIRTUM” GOES TO WORK FOE A CHANGE—AT BATAVIA, ILLINOIS, SOLDIER HOME COMING 5000 MILES OFSERVICE AT i/4 THE PRICE Guaranteed lor 5000 Miles STANDARD GUARANTEE Strong Double Tread Tires are recop Btructed by our skilled mechanics, made of double the amount of fabric than any ordinary tire. Free from punctures or blowouts. Our customers receive from 4,000 to 10,000 miles of service. Reliner Free. Order today at these low prices: Size 30x3... Price Tires Tube• Price. .$5.50 $1.60 34x4 ,.-$8.75 $2.60 . «.50 1.75 34x4^.. . 10.00 3.00 . «,75 1.85 35x43*.. . 11.00 3.15 . 7.00 2.00 36x434.. . 11.50 3.40 . K.00 2.25 35x5 . 12.50 3.60 . К 25 2.40 36x5 . 12.75 3.65 . 8.60 2.50 87x5 „ 12.75 3.75 33x4... Send $2.00 deposit for each tire ordered, balance C. O. D. Tires shipped subject to your examination. State whether S. S. or Cl, plain or non-skid is desired. All same price. By sending full amount of order you can save 5 per cent—our special cash-with-order discount. STRONG TIRE AND RUBRER CO. 8019 Michigan Ave. Dept. 44 Chicago, III, Reference Lincoln State Bank, Chicago 5 GOOD $1 MAGAZINES * American Woman, (mo.) l Yr.־ Home Life, (monthly) . 1 Yr. Gentlewoman, (monthly) 1 Yr. Household, (monthly) . 1 Yr. Farm & Fireside (mon’ly) 1 Yr. ORDER BY CLUB NUMBER 57 A Dollar Bill will do—We take the risk Send all orders to WHITLOCK & SUMMERHAYS 25 North Dearborn Street, Chicago OurPrice $1.00 for all five MONTH nìv^ALl 15-17*19-21 Jewel Elgin; Waltham, Howard, or any watch you want, в end for 112 Pages Wonderful Values ’ J&F Diamonds, watches rings, jewelry, ¿/״.•л» up-to-date designs. Buy the Ware Wey, you will never miss the money. Liberty Bends accepted. ALFRED WARE CO., Hept.970 Let us prove It. St. Louis, Mo• V/&12 и DEALS SQUARE THROW YOUR VOICE Under the table, into a 1Trunk, down Cellar or anywhere. Our lessons m VENTRILOQUISM teaches you. With our VENTRIL0 (fits in the mouth and cannot be seen) you imitate Birds, Animals, etc. without moving your lips. This outfit and book of JOKES by mail for 10c, ARDEE CO., Dept. 3l* Stamford, Ct. LEARN TO BE AN iUTOdmffànn'kador ,MECHANIC Itj/EARN $100 TO $400 A MONTH Right at home. All you need ia 6 ' to 8 weeks’ practical training here and 1 a Hand Kit of tools. Come to Kansas I City—“Th• National Training Center.” 'SPECIAL RATES NOW. rnrr Full information and 15- W״ K I" I" DAY TRIAL OFFER, 8 111■■■ KANSAS CITY AUTO & TRACTOR SCHOOL Dept. 034 16th & Lydia Kansas City, Mo. OR CHOICE WATCH, CAMERA OR RIFLE for selling only 40 packs Send asstd. Vegetable Seeds at \klFHo Money 10c per large pack. Easy to sell. EARN BIG MONEY or premiums. We rust you with seeds until sold. Address; AMERICAN SEED COMPANY L&ncanter, Pa. Box 23 f FLASHLIGHT Given. I FREE MOVIE MACHINE Have Your Own “Movie” at home. Wonderful moving picture machine, ““ ~ “*■ ’* ~ ‘ 5 " >ela IOW» large colored pictures, or 20 packages b'eautifu! post cards at 15c each. Order choice today. GATES MFG. CO. DEPT. 836 CHICAGO * I.׳ w и/ . * WWC1 LUI ■tout*. В mg large, clear pictures. Given for Belli! ISO DDCCIÌC profitable 0/ H fittilo Pure-Bred Chick-ens, Geese, Ducks. Turkeys. Hardy Fowls, Eggs and Incubators at lowest prices. Pioneer Poultry Farm. Valuable poultry book and catalog FREE. F A.NEUBERT,Box40< Mankato,Minn.