LOVELY WILD ROSE CHINA WITH ANY INITIAL OR EMBLEM ״ WORTH $10 42 Pcs Here is the Way Others Write Us Would Not Take $10 for Her Dishes. Conway, Ark., March 15, 1917. The Kibler Co., Indianapolis, Ind. I received the dishes and sure was pleased with them. I would not take $10 for them and my husband thinks they are a grand present to him with the emblem of the W. O. W., as he is a strong member. I also am well pleased with the ring which you sent. As ever, ARM AND A BOWEN. Neighbors Said Dishes Were Worth $10. New Bedford, Mass., Jan. 22, 1917. The Kibler Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Dear Sirs: I received your dishes last Saturday and I am very much pleased with them. I called some of my friends in to see them and they said they were worth ten dollars. None ofthem were broken. MRS. ALICE PRINTEEL. Likes Dishes—Says Oil Is Good. Jacobs Creek, Pa., Nov. 16, 1916. The Kibler Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Dear Sirs: Received dishes yesterday, the 15th, and I am very much pleased with them. I thank you very much for them and if you wish I will sell another case of the All Round Oil, as all of my friends who have tried it think it is grand and ask for more of it. And I would like very much to have another case of it if satisfactory to you. Hoping to hear from you soon, I remain, MISS COMILLA PORTER. Prettier and Better Than She Expected The Kibler Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Gentlemen: The dishes came today, February 9. I am well pleased ׳with them. In fact, they were much prettier and better than I expected. Many, many thanks for same. Will always have a word of praise for you. MRS. TOM SHEALY. “Most Beautiful Set I Ever Saw.” Dublin, Tex., June 12, 1915. The Kibler Co., Indianapolis, Ind. I received my dinner set today. I thank you. They are the most beautiful set I ever saw. I sure do want to earn another premium. Please send me your catalog of premiums. EVA WHITE. R. 1, Box 18, 212 West Main St. Proudest Woman in Brookville—Initial Dishes Grand. Brookville, Ohio, Nov. 15, 1916. The Kibler Co., Indianapolis, Ind. I write and say many thanks for my dishes and ring, which I received O. K. I am the proudest woman in Brookville to think I have been so well paid for just such a short time I worked. Those dishes are grand and the initial beautiful. I would like to know what my next premium will be. I don't know whether I can stand a surprise or not; uer-haps you better tell me. AMANDA E. TRISSEL. Now that the War is over, we are able again, for a limited time only, to make this STARTLING OFFER This Wonderful Offer May Not Be Repeated You Can Be Sure Today — Tomorrow May be too Late 42 pieces lovely china with Wild Rose or Moose Designs or any initial or emblem you want In gold and colors. The above picture gives not the faintest suggestion of the wonderful beauty and elegance of these dishes. You must see them to realize the startling• nature of this absolutely extraordinary offer. We trust the people because they trust us. Our plan is so fair, our No Monev In AdvanCC s׳°°ds give such satisfaction that we run no risk nor do you. Every ״ - ... _ ״ - „ , n. , CDCr, woman loves fine dishes, and likes lots of them. No matter how Ou, Startling Offer. Beautiful D.rhes FREE! many yQU now hav6) you have nothing like this set. You can be the first among your friends to own and use the newest thing in fine table china—beautifully deco- rated (and with the honored emblem of the Order besides) — absolutely unique in china making. We have arranged for a limited number of these sets made especially for you, and can only say “first come, first served.” These dishes cannot be bought in stores anywhere. They can only be had from us and in the way set forth below. We will even make up a special set for you with any initial letter you want instead of the emblem if you prefer it. One or two hours’ time will get you this set of elegant dishes, and win the envious admiration of all your friends. “How did she do it?” they will say, and this is the secret: ־We take this costly but effective way to advertise Kibler’s All-Round Oil,” the most wonderful quick selling, cleaning, polishing and lubricating oil ever made. It works like magic. House cleaning time is here and your friends need a good cleaning and polishing oil. “Kibler’s All-Round” is the best. Once used, always used. Put up in liberal sized bottles, selling for only 50 cents per bottle. ...r rprn Tonp ־Vf"-*! I We will send you without any money in advance, or delay for references, 30 bottles of the W Li i fxLJi) 1 1 Oil. Sell the Oil for 50 cents per bottle. Send the $15.00 you collect to us and we will im- No References Required We know whom we are dealing with. But you should act quick. We don’t want anyone disappointed, and will guarantee a set of the dishes to everyone who orders our assortment, but we cannot extend the time for acceptance indefinitely. You must help us to the extent of acting quickly. Remember no money in advance, no reference. Just fill out and send in the Free Coupon at left, and we will do our part at once. You have everything to gain, nothing to lose, by accepting this unprecedented offer. We guarantee your sales. Any you don’t sell we’ll take back. Could we do more? Write today and be sure of your dishes. mediately ship you the entire set of 42 dishes. If you care to send the $15.00 WITH YOUR ORDER we will include EXTRA FREE PREMIUM with oil, and ship the dishes to you at once. THE KIBLER CO., Box P-21, Indianapolis, Indiana Read Carefully The above set comprises six large dinner plates, six tea or desert plates, six large cups and six saucers to match, six butter plates, six oatmeal or sauce dishes, one sugar bowl, one large oval vegetable dish, one round vegeta־>le dish, one large meat or game platter, one fancy plaque, one fancy cfcke or bread dish. All with any initial letter or emblem you want, or plain if you prefer (except cups and saucers); also the artistic Wild Rose design in natural Colors (pink and green) and gold traced aroun d edges. 42 Pieces You’ll Be Proud Of 1 SIGN AND MAIL THIS FREE OFFER COUPON SEND NO MONEY Just Sign and Mail this Coupon Today! THE KIBLEB CO., P-21, Indianapolis: I have read the above offer. Ship me the assortment of Oil. I will sell the Oil at 50 cents a bottle and remit you $15.00, on receipt of which you will at once ship me the full set of dishes shown and described above. (Signed) Name.. 1 P. O. Address. Town. R. F. D. Route__________________________*__State..