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Buy AgriM¿ a y^DIRECr.^laSgl Our Guarantee ^ ^protects you ^ absolutely• f All our > shoes are delivered to you postage L paid. J, Sturdy, strong, iron- proval. wear. Army Work Shoe a k to you on approval. Staunchly and solidly built of tough-wearing v ׳ Jfti leather. Extra heavy, genuine Oak Leather Bole. Splendid up-j£bK£gM9«BL pers of selected leather. Black or tan. Customers write: “These shoes look g.pass. Touring >2' To drive and demonstrate 1920, 4-cyl., 37 H. P. BUSH Car—Timken Bearings—Willard Batteries—2-Unit Stg. & Ltg.—Full Floating Axel. Write at once for the beat Automobile Offer in existence— don't wait—prompt shipments. Money-back guarantee. a 140 R1 fi C£ M Address J. H. Bush, President{ Dept. ׳v/r. MOTOR CO., Bush Temple. Chicago. Illinois $§K.OO MADE TO VIWR MEASURE AUWOOL SUIT Every suit made to individual measure from the exact fabric you select and according to your exact specifications. We ship it on approval, delivery charges pre-y paid, for you to try on, to in׳ epect and examine. Unless you are well pleased your trial order will not cost you a cent. CATALOG FREE Send postal today for copy of our big new catalog and style book with 62 cloth samples of the very finest, high grade fabrics and latest New York and Chicago styles. It shows how any member of your family can take your measures.¿" We guarantee a perfect fit. By dealing direct with ua.the manufacturers, you save the unnecessary expense and profit of l agents and obtain the very highest grade of \ tailoring at a saving of 25% to 40%. Write 1 today for catalog and full information. THE BELL TAILORS Adams at Green St., Dept. 458 , Chicago, llilnel. Violin Lovers Please send us your name today so we can mail you copy of our latest Violin Catalog. Sent free to violinists. We have been the leading violin dealers in the United States for three decades, and our cata-¡j ;lf log, whether of new or old violins, is a possession to be prized III o nq\! ky any intending׳ purchaser;also | | -UjjlV we send particulars of our *J W, S^i own Cremonatone Violin now first offered on a special small monthly payment plan, This is the best value in America in a moderately priced instrument. Also America’s largest and finest collection of Fine Old Violins. Fill out and mail to us. Name................................ Address............-................ Please check whether interested in a new or old instrument. New Violin.......... Old Violin....-.... If a violin teacher. let us include your name in our teachers' list now being compiled: We take used violins in exchange. Write today. Up-to-date Music Dealers sell Lyon & Healy Instruments. 58-97 Jackson Blvd., Chicago DRIVER AGENTSJVANTED 158-шеЬ Spring Suspen- A143 116-rácb Wheel Ease men of all creeds and parties should know each other better. Often have I distrusted men until I came to know them better, until now, Thank God, there are few men with whom I disagree, in whose faces I cannot look and in truth say: If I knew you and you knew me; If both of us could clearly see And with an inner sigh divine The meaning of your heart and mine; I’m sure that we would differ less, And clasp our hands in friendliness, Our thoughts would pleasantly agree, If I knew you and you knew me. Fraternity Implies Equality One brother should not treat another as a servant or as an underling. Fraternity implies equality, — not equality of intellect and attainments, for one brother may be more clever than another,—but equality of opportunity, which is possible only in a true democracy. And this brings me to say that the great struggle which has just drenched the world in blood was nothing more nor less than a contest between those influences which make for equality and fraternity, against those which stand for the unfraternal doctrine that might makes right, and for the unbrotherly practice of requir- •׳; • j Banquet Held in Moose Home, Paris, France I am a Gentile to the manner born, and it was only when I got to know the individual Jew that I lost my prejudice for his race. I am a Protestant, a deep-eyed Protestant, but the more closely I have become acquainted with my Catholic friends the more I respect and admire them. I am a Democrat, an uncompromising Southern Democrat, but the more I see of Republicans the more impressed I am with the fact that they are not bad (Continued on page 22) Direct from Shoe of th> On Approval r Why I notsend I for Dress • and Work I í h о e я at. 1 same time? I xtra каш’пггя I Extra savmg3 well repay you. Both or single pair on approval. S §■5 Fi« *a* good after 6 months hard wear.” No J need to pay $7.00 to $8.00 else- • where. Buy DIRECT. Pay only $4.69 I on arrival. Money back promptly if not | highly delighted. These Work Shoes f POSTAGE FREE Army Work Shoe Sava Profits. Buy dirsct from Factory Headquarters X a —•3 Just clip and mail coupon | NOW. ing men to spill their blood to advance the interest of selfish rulers. Thank God that the result of the struggle has been that democracy has triumphed, for it is only in a democracy that fraternity in its largest sense,—with its implied equality,—can flourish. Lincoln truly said that our nation could not exist half free and half slave. And so in the fullness of time, it has come about that this world cannot exist in peace, half autocracy and half democracy; for autocracy lends itself to militarism, while a democratic nation cannot be a military nation; for militarism rests on force, and democracy rests on the consent of the governed. A democracy cannot long exist by the side of a military autocracy; for a republic with such surroundings must for its own protection become military and it cannot become a military machine of the highest efficiency without becoming autocratic and thus ceasing to be democratic. Militarism is essentially autocratic, while democracy and militarism are utterly incompatible. The militarism of Germany would have been impossible in a republic. The struggle then through which we have passed has paved the way for the spread throughout for the fraternal spirit for which our great order stands. Regard for the Opinions of Others True fraternalism implies a decent regard for the opinions of others. The Loyal Order of Moose therefore welcomes Jew and Gentile, Catholic and Protestant, Democrat and Republican, and brings them together in friendly intercourse, for it knows that the surest cure for intolerance, the enemy of fraternalism, is that Response of Hon. John Garland Pollard, former Attorney Gener־al of Virginia, to the toast “Fraternalism”, at the Peace Banquet of the Loyal Order of Moose at Paris, June 30, 1919. “I do not enjoy tonight the freedom which is usually mine on banquet occasions. As a rule I have been allowed to indulge my roving nature and wander where I will, without let or hindrance. But tonight my theme is prescribed and the length of my remarks circumscribed. I am given 15 minutes in which to speak of Fraternity,—a doubly fitting subject of thought on an occasion like this,—for we are meeting in a country whose motto is, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity; and we are meeting under the auspices of the Loyal Order of Moose, which of all orders is the most virile and active force in America today for the promotion of fraternalism, as shown by the fact that it was the only great American order enjoying substantial growth during the last year. It is fitting too that we should have with us tonight our Ambassador to the Republic of France, for not among the least of his duties at this critical time, is to nourish and strengthen those ties of fraternity which so happily exist between America and France. Brotherhood of Man What is fraternalism? It is but another name for brotherhood, and brotherhood implies a common fatherhood,—all children of one father. Indeed no man can have the true feeling of brotherhood unless he has constantly in mind the great truth that we please God the Father just in proportion as we are brotherly in our treatment of his sons, our brothers. “Inasmuch as ye have done it to one of the least of these my brthren, ye have done it unto Me.” A good father rejoices in all good things which come to his son and blesses him through whom they come. Fraternalism then is the very essence of religion. Starting out then with belief in God the Father as the only firm foundation for true brotherhood, let us consider how brothers should be treated, if we would please the Father. 436 CHICAGO Order your choice. GATES Wrestling Book FREE Be an expert wrestler. Learn at home by mail Wonderful leeBons prepared byworld'e champions Fanner Burns and Frank Gotch. Free book tells Ton how Secret holds, blocks and trieks re-yealed. Don t delay. Be strong, healthy. Handle bl* men with ear'• Write for free book.State age. Farmer Burns-. 8001 fiamge Bldg., Omaha, Neb. it ׳M\ TRIAL FREE Let us send this fine Razor for 30 days free trial. When satisfied after using, send $1.85 or return Order ״Coday. JONES MFC.CO. 136 W.LakeSt.Depl !45 CHICAGO FOR HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA ANTI-KAMNIA Л « \ n i a i i iimni •V •#־־» )}{)TABLETS 10c & 25c PACKAGES ASK F0,R A׳К TABLETS ALL FREE Beautiful imitation Wrist Watch Bracelet, line lava-lier with chain and cameo ring guaranteed all free for selling only 6 boxes Mentho Nova Salve at 25c. Wonderful for colds, cuts, bums, catarrh, etc. Order today. Supply Co. Box 226 Greenville, Pa. BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc 118 West 31st Street. New York America’s Pioneer Dog Medicines