17 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 42°־Piece AlUITlillUITI 561 ₪ 1-, ji/j, 1/^■_Here is an amazing offer for every housewife who takes proper pride in her kitchen! This B Sj5h B did, complete, lustrous 42-Piece Aluminum Set sent for only a dollar down; balance of low m gain prjce on HARTMAN’S famous long-time credit terms. Think what these wonderful up to-date utensils—one for each kitchen purpose—will mean not only for today, but for years to come; of the big saving in work greater ease of cooking—added satisfaction and pride you will take in supplanting your heavy, hard-to-clean, old-fashioned kitchenware with this convenient, sanitary, fuel-saving, silver-like set. How can any woman resist this sensational offer—the greatest ever made on aluminum kitchenware? Remarkable Complete Outfit spoons; 1 strainer; 1 sugar shaker; 1 grater; 1 cake turner; 1 lemon juice extractor. Shipping weight about 10 lbs. Shipped from Chicago warehouse. Order by No. 415BMA15. Price, complete set of 42 pieces, $13.78. Send $1.00 now. ^ Balance $1.50 monthly. $1 with the coupon brings this 42-Piece Aluminum Set for 30 days’ trial. It is only one among thousands of similar great bargains for the home shown in Hartman’s Bargain Book. £* |g |p Bargain BOOK rnCC rHARfMAN FURN. & 3884 Wentworth Ave. Dept.2373, Chicago Enclosed is $1.00. Send the 42-piece Aluminum Set No. 415BMA15. I am to have 30 days’ trial. If not satisfied I will ship it back and you will refund my $1.00 and pay transportation both ways. If I keep it I will pay $1.50 per month until price, $13,78, is paid. Sent free on request—a post I card brings it. Bargain after | bargain, thousands of them, in . furniture, rugs, curtains, stoves, I ranges, dishes, jewelry, silver- I ware, phonographs, clocks, wash- ■ ing machines, baby carriages, I sewing machines, kitchenware, ■ gas engines, cream separators, general farm equipment, etc.—all ian. Get on our easy payment pi: this great Bargain Book. Mail postal today. Remember, only one dollar brings you this complete guaranteed 42-Piece Pure Aluminum Set, as shown above, for a practical test in your kitchen. If you don’t find this set everything we claim, and a wonderful bargain, send it back after 30 days’ use and we will refund your dollar and pay transportation both ways. You risk nothing. Our guarantee—backed by $12,000,000 capital and 65 years’ record of fair dealing—protects you absolutely. When you deal with the House of Hartman, you have back of you the largest institution of its kind in the world. Study the illustration above. Consider carefully the completeness of this great outfit—its time, labor and fuel-saving features—the lasting satisfaction it will bring you to enjoy the best in kitchenware at a price so low and on such easy terms that you’ll hardly know you’re paying. This remarkable 42-piece “Longware” Aluminum Set is made from heavy gauge pressed steel aluminum. Absolutely seamless. Guaranteed to be the best, most serviceable aluminum ware made. Will not crack, corrode, chip or peel. Set consists of: Nine-piece combination double roaster with 2 outer shells; inside pudding pan; 5 custard cups with perforated pan holder. (Two outer shells make an excellent roaster for chicken, steaks and other meats. Using perforated inset and small pudding pan, it is a combination cooker and steamer. The 3 pans are also used separately over the fire as a cake pan, bake dish, pudding pan or for any purpose where open nans are used.) 7-cup coffee percolater with inset (2 pieces); 6-qt. preserving kettle; 2 bread pans; 2 pie plates; 1 qt. and 2 qt. lipped sauce pans; 1 ladle; 2 jelly cake pans, with loose bottoms (4 pieces); 1 caster set; salt and pepper shakers; tooth pick holder and frame (4 pieces); 1 measuring cup; 1 combination funnel (6 pieces); 3 measuring Only City.. Occupation.....................Nearest Shipping Point., Hartman Furniture and Carpet Co. gf®* MVror,hcAhS!