13 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Name, Address..................................................... Post Office...............................State............. Mail tills Coupon! Just $1 and Coupon Mail them to us today. Have this complete bed outfit shipped to you on 30 days’ trial. Pay the balance in the easy monthly payments if you are satisfied. We will also send our big bargain catalog listing thousands of amazing household bargains. Any of them will be sold to you for only a small first payment and the balance in easy monthly payments. Read the coupon and mail it TODAY! L. Fish Furniture Co., Dept. 2881, Chicago Jl■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ i ; L. Fish Furniture Co., Dept. 2881, Chicago ■ Enclosed find $1.00. Ship special advertised Complete Bed ■ Outfit No. A-105. I am to have 30 days free trial. If I keep the 5 outfit I will pay you $2.50 a month. If not satisfied, I am to return ■ the complete bed outfit within 30 days and you are to refund my B money and any freight charges I paid. 11־ Complete Bed Outfit No. A-105, $24.95. II Not Satisfied for This Complete Bed Outfit An astounding offer which we are making for only a limited time. Send only $1.00 with the coupon and we will ship you this complete three piece bed outfit immediately. Our supply is limited, therefore we urge you to send in the coupon today. This complete outfit is absolutely guaranteed. Order it shipped to your home today. Examine the outfit thoroughly. If at the end of 30 days you are not entirely satisfied, return it to us ana we will at once refund you dollar and any freight charges you have paid. Order by h o. A-105. Only $1.00 with coupon and the balance in small monthly payments of $2.50; total price $24.95. Remember our supply is limited, so send the coupon today. Bed, Mattress and Spring fill, a Dpfl is a handsome continuous post design, JL IIC JjeU massivein appearance and dependable in construction. It is a bed that is usually sold at a much higher price. The continuous posts and gracefully curved top rail are rigidly fastened to the cross rails. The bed is full sizet 4 ft. 6 in. The head is 49 in. high, and the foot end is 37J¿ inches high. Comes in Vernis Martin gold finish. Bed is full size. rfllta Motfrocc Reversible Mattress is 60-lb* JL 1IC IVAaill CSS weight, durable and comfortable. Is padded atr top and bottom with a ■oft resilient fibre, making it reversible and giving double service. Excellent quality ticking, neatly tufted, fill• a 6111*1110* 's guaranteed and of a construction Jl lie Ulg that will give service for years to come. The heavy angle iron sides fit into the posts of the bed with tongue and groove joints. The guaranteed spring fabric is always kept perfectly stretched by means of hellical springs which are anchored in the end angle irons. Spring fabric is dependable in every detail. It's so constructed as to give the best of service and will not sag or break loose. If NOT Satisfied Money Refunded¡ We have no dissatisfied customers and don’t want any. Order complete bed outfit shipped to your home today. If at the end of 30 days you are not entirely satisfied with it, return it at our expense and we will refund your dollar and any freight charges you have paid. One price to all. No special discount for cash from this advertised price. Remember our supply is limited, so send coupon now. Our Supply is Limited. Order NOW While This Special Offer Lasts