11 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE If these people can do that well t if Cooper can make $100.00 in c morning’s work then think what V chance this is for you. MAIL COUPON TODAY YES, $5,000 a year. I want men and women to act as my representatives in every city and town of the United States. No matter what your past experience has been, no matter how much money you are making now, you can make from two to five times as much and your work will be easier and much more pleasant. I manufacture the Comer line of raincoats, rain capes and water-proof aprons. It is a high quality line of goods. The finest that can be manufactured with the most modern machinery and the best skilled help in the country. People know that a Comer coat is right in quality and right in style. They know that every Comer coat is an excellent bargain. Big New Factory Now Being Built Last year my factory could not make enough coats to fill our orders and right now I am building a beautiful, big modern sun-lit factory that will have five times the capacity of my former plant. I want representatives with ambition and pep. I want high-grade people. I want men and women who have energy and plenty of backbone. I paid A. McDonough of Washington $813.89 for one month’s work. W. H. Shew of N. Carolina made a net profit of $42.00 in three days. C. E. Purviance of Ohio made a net profit of $580.52 in twenty-five working days. In one day he made $53.00. Fred Cooksey of Ohio wound up his month with $33.00 added to his bank account. These are records of ordinary r־en. They are not experts and you can do just as well as any one of them. This Is Your Chance For Big Success A. McDonough $1,687.58 net profit in 3 months. There is no use trying to live today on the same income two years ago. The only way to beat the high cost of living is to make enough money so that you won’t have to worry about high prices. This is your chance to make more money. Think of this: Overcoats this year are costing anywhere from $35.00 to $100.00 and still you can sell a genuine Comer raincoat made to the customer’s individual measure up-to-the-minute in style, perfect in wor.. ■k manship, as low as $6.00 and you would make a handsome profit out of the sale. Every man, woman and child needs a raincoat and vou can make from $3.00 to $30.00 profit on the orders from a sin-_______ gle family. 1 have started thousands of people on the road to success. I tell you where m to go, what to say and how to make the money. You don’t have to wait for your ^ profits, you get them immediately. I finance you. If you mean business I will stand back oi you and help you to succeed. I Furnish^V . , Full Equipment 1 have started thousands of neonle mi MAIL THIS NOW THE COMER MFG. CO.. Dept. V-112, Dayton, O, Gentlemen: Please tell me how without investing any money I can become your agent and make $5,000 a year or from $2.00 to $5.00 an hour for my spar« time. Also send me without charge, your offer of a raincoat for myself, Name Address. Post Office__ B. E. Conners made $375.־ 70 in one month. Don’t Send any Money — Just Mail the Coupon dollars to you ¡Hou act Qufck *if?tAtarted and * will mean thousands of proposition Remember* f ™, w,L he C?UP״n and Kct al1 the facta abo״t this as you earn it ™ere fa no »»Hi™ a C?mcr. aKent >׳ou Bet the cash , If you want «? non n waiting and no investment m stock during your snarl time ,•„y.ar “i lf y״u want tü make fl'om $2.00 to $5.00 tear it off and mail it at once. Art right So™ °n C'°UP°n With a pen <)r Pencil an hour COMER ■RAINCOATS THE COMER MANUFACTURING CO. Maher whose profit for one week was $131.00. DEPT. V-112, DAYTON, OHIO State.