10 mooseheart magazine Legion Makes Rapid Progress become the largest Legion in the organization with the exception of the Philadelphia Legion, and the boys down South are going to crowd Philadelphia for the premier honors if they keep up their present good work. WOMEN’S LEGION NOTES Sixty-four candidates were initiated into Passaic (N. J.) Chapter No. 341 at a recent meeting. Mrs. Kate Tobin, Deputy Grand Regent, was present. The degree staffs of Irvington and Newark Chapters assisted in the work, which was very beautifully rendered. Passaic Chapter has the support and active assistance of the members of Passaic Lodge No. 542. The Women of Mooseheart Legion of West Toronto Lodge are doing a real work. On December 24 1,000 children of West Toronto were entertained at a Christmas tree in the rooms of West Toronto Lodge of Moose. Each of the kiddies were presented with candies, fruit and a gift from Santa. A fine entertainment was furnished. LEGIONAIRE BELLE GOLD CROSS RETURNS FROM OVERSEAS When Legionaire Mrs. Belle Gold Cross returned from overseas where she had served as an entertainer for Moosedom and “our boys” she was agreeably surprised by Pittsburgh Chapter No. 1. On arriving in Pittsburgh Legionaire Cross received word from Brother Fred W. Jones, of the Director General’s office, to come to the office at once. On her arrival here Brother Jones took her over to the Temple of Pittsburgh Lodge No. 46 where Pittsburgh Chapter of the Women of Mooseheart Legion had prepared a wonderful surprise banquet. It was-a complete surprise. As Legionaire Cross entered the hall the orchestra struck up “The Conquering Hero Comes” followed by “The Star Spangled Banner,” with all of the guests standing at attention; then all the popular soldier “airs” were sung by all. About 200 people attended. After the speech making and the dinner, Past Regent Fannie Sloan arose and on behalf of the Pittsburgh Chapter No. 1, Women of Mooseheart Legion, presented Legionaire Cross with a life membership in the Chapter, and also a beautiful gold emblem of a Past Regent as a token of appreciation for the work done by her during the great World’s War for our Brother Moose “over there.” After a delicious repast, consisting of two different salads, cold cuts, relishes, celery, coffee, ice cream and cake, Mrs. Cross told several interesting experiences she had “over there,” and especially what good work the Loyal Order of Moose was doing in France, England and Germany. She returned on the S. S. Finland (troop ship) with part of the First Division, to which she was attached by General W. MacGlaughlin, for special service done for the boys, while they were on Westerly (E. I.) Chapter----------------339 Cotovierey (Columbus, O.) Chapter-------338 Atlantic City (N. J.) Chapter—-----------340 Passaic (N. J.)------------.—.----------341 Hagerstown (Md.) Chapter------------ 342 La Porte (Ind ) Chapter.—.--------------343 Muskegon (Mich.) Chapter--------------344 Milwaukee (Wis.) Chapter--------------345 PHILADELPHIA CHAPTER DONATES BLANKETS TO MOOSEHEART TEAMS Philadelphia Chapter of the Women of Mooseheart Legion gave the MOOSEHEART athletic teams a happy surprise some time ago by sending them a warrant for $100.00 to purchase athletic blankets for the boys represented on the football and track teams. MOOSEHEART then added to the above amount and enough blankets were purchased for all players making up the squad. The blankets are large red ones with a white border, and a big letter “M” in the center. The MOOSEHEART boys are very enthusiastic over 4;his very liberal and thoughtful gift •nide by the women of the Leg ion i l Philadelphia, and can hardly w lit it til next Spring comes so that the} ma \ get out on the athletic field and t rot round in their new garb. The dan ets had been ordered some time agv but just arrived at MOOSEHE AR\ . Important Consolidation Hampton Roads Legion No. 199 and Wonder City Legion No. 53 consolidated on November 12th. The big consolidation meeting was held at Richmond, Va., and the Legionaires voted to hold the following Frolic at Norfolk, Va., and the same was held on December 12th. The consolidation of these two important Legion districts means that this district will soon will their assistance be toward the upbuilding of our great Home and School. Every loyal man and woman connected with the Loyal Order of Moose wants to see MOOSEHEART completed just as rapidly as possible. Already the women have contributed toward the two magnificent dormitories which bear the name of the Legion, and it is only natural that they want to see more such statues signifying their assistance. The 761 children at MOOSEHEART are now enjoying moving pictures each week, which are the contribution of the men and women of the Legion. In addition to this the Legion has placed playground equipment over the entire campus of the school so that the little folks will have everything complete in the line of recreation and play. As the membership grows and the new Chapters are instituted these opportunities to do more for the children at MOOSEHEART grow in proportion. Outside of belonging to a fraternal society for the social good times and financial benefits one receives, it is good to know that you are also making 761 children happier because you have associated yourself with such an organization. This is what the women of the Legion are doing and the growth of their society is being watched with much interest. Following are the most recent Chapters which have been instituted: No. Buffalo (N. Y.) Chapter_______,-----------322 Kewanee (111.) Chapter---------------------323 Blufl'ton (Ind.) Chapter-------------------324 Umpqua (Reedsport, Ore.) Chapter----------325 Modesto (Calif.) Chapter-------------------326 Havana (111.) Chapter______________________327 Lethbridge (Alt.) Chapter------------------328 Moundsville (W. Va.) Chapter---------------329 Bradford (Pa.) Chapter-----------------330 Moose Jaw (Sask.) Chapter------------------331 Canton (Ohio) Chapter-----------------332 Waterloo (Iowa) Chapter--------------------333 McKees Rocks (Pa.) Chapter-----------------334 Coalport (Pa.) Chapter-----------------335 Terre Haute (Ind.) Chapter-----------------336 Detroit (Mich.) Chapter-----------------337 Mooseheart MEN’S LEGION GROWTH The men’s Legion is experiencing the most remarkable growth since its official recognition as the second degree of the Loyal Order of Moose. Although many new districts have been instituted the most noticeable feature has been the membership increase in the older Legions, and in addition to this the prospects during the coming Winter are even brighter. During the Fall many big Frolics were held by the different districts and in practically every case an unusually large class of candidates was initiated. This sudden growth and activity lies in the fact that each of the older Legions is perfecting its work to such a degree that a first class Frolic with all the details is assured to the members and everybody not only attends each meeting but makes a special effort to bring a candidate. Attendance at the Frolic is in itself the greatest asset of which a fraternal organization can boast. The older Legions have seen the value of this factor and insist that all Legionaires come to the meetings. It is true that there have been some wonderful Frolics given to the members in all districts recently, and practically every Legion district has already planned through the Winter for the coming Frolics so that they may be rendered in first class style. This plan should be followed by the newer districts. Arrange now for all of your Winter Frolics so that no detail may be overlooked because every Legionaire wants some assurance that he is going to see a real Frolic before he will convince himself to go. And then, too, the Legionaire has a part to play, because you cannot have a successful Frolic without candidates; the greater the number of candidates, the greater the success of the Frolic. The bringing of candidates must not be left for just a few, every member should play his part. The above factors have been the prime cause of the great progress recently made in the different districts, and will be enlarged upon during this Winter which points to greater activity throughout the Legion world in the months to come. WOMEN’S LEGION GROWS If the present growth of the Women of Mooseheart Legion continues, the combined membership of the Chapters will total over 100,000 members in good standing. Some time ago the women set 75,000 members as their goal by the end of 1920 ; but this mark will be easily attained and they will go “over the top,” because new Chapters are being added so rapidly that it will be hard to determine just where the membership will go to during 1920. The many new Chapters which have come into the Women’s Legion are a valuable asset to the main organization and are heartily welcomed by all the Chapters. The women of the Legion are anxious to be a big and decided factor in the promotion of MOOSEHEART, and־ the stronger their membership becomes the greater This is the nucleus for the drill team of the new Legion which is being organized in the Detroit, Michigan district. This district will be known as Wolverine Legion No. 107.