MOOSEHEART МЛСЛZINE 30 The Roosevelt Memorial Campaign was secretary to Colonel Roosevelt in the White House, is Vice-president. The Roosevelt Memorial Association is non-partisan, its purpose being solely to honor the memory of this great American, and to preserve by proper memorials his ideals which have been of such incalculable value to young and old in this country. Every penny subscribed for the memorial fund will go into that fund, for generous friends of Colonel Roosevelt have undertaken to defray the expenses incidental to the movement. It is the earnest hope of the Association that the number of contributors to this fund will be a gratifying index of the hold that Roosevelt had upon the affections of Americans. Henry Clay once uttered these eloquent words: “I know no North, no South, no East, no West, nothing but my Country.” Theodore Roosevelt might have said that. Many fraternal organizations are becoming greatly interested in the movement now under way to erect suitable memorials to perpetuate the ideals of Colonel Theodore Roosevelt. The campaign to raise funds for this work is being conducted by the Roosevelt Memorial Association, which is being aided by men and women, regardless of party or creed, in ail sections of the country. Particularly are the members of the Loyal Order of Moose entering into the campaign with vigor and enthusiasm. No such campaign has ever been held in the country. Among the officers of the association are statesmen, bankers, editors, authors, painters, sculptors, manufacturers, social workers, preachers, labor leaders, college professors, naturalists, explorers, big game hunters, all bound to the late Colonel Roosevelt by ties of interest and sympathy. The active head of the association is William Boyce Thompson. William Jr., who »>]Ш!11ШШ[]1ШШШ!|[]111!111!!11![]|11Ш1Ш11С]Ш11ШШ1[]|11111111110111ШШ11[]1!ШШ1ШШШ1Ш1Ш11111111ШК}!!Ш1ШН1ПШНШт!Ш1П'1'?' c= £* | Every Moose Should Read This 1 i IP YOU FIND THE NUMBER OF YOUR LODGE BELOW, ASK 1 1 YOUR DICTATOR, SECRETARY, OR CHAIRMAN OF THE AUDIT- = s ING COMMITTEE WHY YOU ARE NO LONGER A GOOD MOOSE. | | IF NEITHER OF THEM CAN TELL YOU, WRITE RODNEY R. | | BRANDON, MOOSEHEART, ILL., AND HE WILL. | I — — — I— — 373 — — 385 — 394 | | _ 415 — 417 — — 442 — — 496 — — 498 | | — 576 — — r — 647 — — — — | 691 — 742 — — 768 — i — 789 — 797 — 801 — 818 | | . — — . — 885 — 977 — — 1007 — — 1069 § | : — 1074 — — 1104 — 1110 — — 1128 — ИЗО — Щ | 1158 — 1196 — 1229 — 1231 — — | — — 1331 — — 1360 — | 1405 — 1433 — — 1479 — — 1515 | 1558 — — 1577 —1588 — — | — 1656 € JHUIIUIItlllllllllC3IIIIIIIIII!IE3lllllllll!llE3I!IIIIIIIIIIC3lllllllliIllC3lltllllimC3IIIIIIIIIIUHIIllllllllllE3IIIIIIIIIIIiC3IIIIIIIIIIIIC3!iIIIIIIIIIIC3!lll!l!inii£'^ — 1275 — 1276 — — 1397 — 1398 — A young housekeeper had just succeeded in getting a new maid who came highly recommended. One day Mary made a sponge cake which was so hard it could not be eaten. The housekeeper said: “Mary, do you call this sponge cake? Why, it’s as hard as can be.” “Yes, mum,” replied the cook calmly. “That’s the way a sponge is before it’s wet. Soak it in your tea, mum.” ,FREE WATCH 5 year guarantee 1 ---- Fine stem wind and set watch. Just sett 12 boxes $3. Mentho-Nova Salve at 2Sc *great for cats, burns, etc. ) Order ־־»-day. Bos 2 Cr°5׳nvh׳» U. S. SUPPLY CO. We ©Ive Ym These Bed Blankets A pair of fine quality blankets to keep you warm these freezing nights, help keep away influenza and pneumonia—or your choice of over 350 other useful and beautiful articles, in exchange for a little of your spare time. Easy, pleasant work—taking orders among your friends for MOTHER’S SALVE or other remedies at 30c each. Mother’s Salve is the greatest remedyknownfor Croup,Catarrh,Colds; unequaled for Cuts, Burns, Sores, Chaps, Piles, etc. Nearly everyone knows this old reliable remedy. Every jar guaranteed. No Money Required you. We send you supply of our remedies; you collect 30c for each you sell and send money to us. For your work you secure the article you select from our new mammoth illustrated Catalog, which shows full lines of Furniture, Rugs, Dishes. Wearing Apparel, Silverware, Jewelry, etc. Or you can keep out a liberal cash commission, if preferred. 26 years’ honest dealing have made us the largest house of the kind in the U. S. It pays to be our agent. money; just write us to send one dozen salveandLthe premium catalog. Mother’s Remedies Co., 3633gf3o ao. Racine Ave., Chicago, 111■______________ Moose Plan Big Trip Will Organize Club to Attend Convention Next July. (From Times-Picayune, New Orleans, La.) Members of New Orleans Lodge No. 447, Loyal Order of Moose, will meet at the Moose Home, 1422 Canal street, at 8 o’clock Tuesday night to organize a MOOSEHEART convention club to attend the annual Moose convention at Mooseheart next July. The club, it has been announced, will visit the following cities en route to and from the convention: Cincin- nati, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Denver, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Galveston and Houston. In each of these cities, it is said, the local lodges will hold a. New Orleans Moose day in honor of the visitors. Frank Dunn, who has headed several Moose convention trips, will probably lead the club soon to be organized, it is stated. The following have signified their intention of joining the club: O. J. Reiss, Sam J. Hart, Frank Dunn, L. H. McNeil, F. Barker, E. Garaudy, A. Dillenkoffer, H. Rist, G. Lehman, J. Sizeler, P. H. Sizeler, W. Deering,. O. Abadie, J. Kelley, F. A. Wilson, J. Forest, J. Pizzo, F. White, I. Udinsky, C. Fisher, F. Zigler, A. Seiner and- A. Cady. The Moose Baseball Club, which has won the amateur championship of New Orleans for two years will make the Mooseheart convention trip, it is stated, and will play the Moose clubs in Cincinnati, Chicago, Milwaukee and Mooseheart. The local lodge has secured the Fraternal Auditorium for a séries of receptions and dances beginning on Thursday night, September 4. Agents $50 a Week Something New. 2 in 1 Reversible Raincoat Two coats in one. One side a handsome raincoat, reverse side^ fine drees coat. Ideal for rough work and hard service.^ For business men, clerks, mechanics, farmers, teamsters, truck drivers, miners— every man in your community is a prospect. Guaranteed Water-proof Nothing else like it. Not sold in stores. Easy sales on account of two coats for the price of one. Don’t fail to get this big, new money maker quick. Right now is the season. Everybody buys. Make $622. to $1521 a Day Don’t pass up this big opportunity. Work full time or spare time. No matter what you are doing, or what your occupation may be—you will find this to be e big money maker. We are paying thousands of dollars to our representatives. Don’t delay. Act quick. Get your sample and be first in your locality to introduce this new big seller. Write quick for our special offer and free outfit to county representatives. Don’t put this off. Territory going fast. THOMAS RAINCOAT CO, 1420 Jane St. DAYTON,jOHiq For Boys and Girls Also CcsiGft 11*» Conserve YourHealtit MV 6 IOUF may and Efficiency First “I Would Not Part With It For $10,000” So writes an enthusiastic, grateful customer. “Worth more than a says another. In like manner testify over 100,000 people who have worn The Natural Body Brace Overcomes WEAKNESS and ORGANIC AILMENTS of MEN and WOMEN. Develops erect, graceful figure. Brings restful relief, comfort, ability to do things, health and strength. Wear ii 30 Days Free at Oar Expense the6 stram lia1 pain of standing and walking; replaces and supports misplaced internal organs; reduces enlarged abdomen; straightens and strengthens the back; corrects stooping shouloers; develops lungs, chest and bust; relieves backache, curvatures, nervousness, ruptures, constipation. Comfortable and easy to wear. Keep Yourself Fit. Write today for illustrated booklet, measurement blank, etc. and read our liberal proposition. HOWARD C. RASH, Pres. Natural Body Brace Co. 361 Rash Building;, Salina, Kansas YOUNG MAN-If You Are Mechanically Inclined Awake to Your OPPORTUNITIES Earn $150 to $400 a Month in Auto and Tractor Business The demand today is for the man with the expert training. The percentage of men with special training is small. The ever increasing automobile industry in this country is making it possible for well trained, expert mechanics to demand unlimited salaries. Read These No-Limit Salaries Offered to Sweeney Graduates E. J. SWEENEY, President Jonesboro, Ark., February 19, 1919. Sweeney Auto and Tractor School, Kansas City, Mo. Gentlemen: The State School of Agriculture will need a man to act as head of the department of Auto Mechanics. This department will deal with til־ construction, operation, and repair of automobiles, trucks and farm tractors. Do you know of any man who lias had the theoretical training and practical experience which will qualify him for service of this character ? We desire that he report here not later than August 1, and the matter of salary can easily be adjusted if we obtain a man who will handle this work satisfactorily. Yours truly, VICTOR C. KAYS. Madisonville, Texas, May 29, 1919. Mr. E. J. Sweeney, Kansas City, Mo. Gentlemen: I am needing a competent man to take charge of my garage. I want a man who is absolutely competent and reliable. I will be willing to turn over my shop and tools to him; pay the rent and weekly pay roll and at the end of the week or month divide up the net profits of the shop. I have the Ford and Fordson Agency for this county. I do not want a student, but a man who has had the experience and training of your school. I have a good proposition for the right man. I do not want * any Germans. Yours tnily, MADISON MOTOR COMPANY. SWEENEY SYSTEM TRAINS YOU IN 8 WEEKS Don’t say—it can’t be done. 5,000 U. S. Army Students were trained in that time for Emory J. Sweeney, President Bept. 303, Sweeney Bldg., Union Station Plaza, Kansas City, Mo. Please send me free, without any obligation on my part, your 72-page catalog and your Sweeney School News. Tell me of the opportunities in the Auto and Tractor Business. Name ___________.______._______________ Postoffice ____________________________ State --------------------------------- the government at the Sweeney School. You work on the same wonderful equipment and under the same expert instructions as the soldiers did. If you are made of the right stuff you can learn it too¿ START NOW By Sending For New 72-Page Catalog Clip the coupon—that is the first step. Fill it out and mail it to me today. I will send you absolutely free, my beautiful 72-page illustrated catalogue, also a free copy of the Sweeney School News. The Sweeney Million Dollar Trade School has started thousands of ambitious young men on the road to success. Write today. LEARN A TRADE SCHOOL OFAUTO-TRACTOR-AVIATIOÜ 303 SWEENEY BLDO. KANSAS CITY.K