28 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE German officers strutting in the foreground, once they found that these appealed to the indefatigable and all-embracing American souvenir-hunter. Down in Cologne a German printing shop worked overtime to get out an official history of the American Third Division. In the cafes men who were shooting at us three months before sat placidly sawing off our own popular air and struggled to perpetuate in all its native horror that inexcusable hubub known as the “American jazz.” The sign “American spoken here” met the eye at frequent intervals. Whether the wording ' was from ignorance, sarcasm, or hatred of the English has not been recorded. There was not much call for the statement, even when it was true, for it was astounding what a high percentage of the Army of Occupation spoke enough German to “get by.” The French never tired of showing their surprise when a “Yank” addressed them in their own tongue; the Germans took it as a matter of course, though they usually had the ill manners of insisting on speaking “English” whatever the fluency of the customer, a barbaric form of politeness which the French are usually so instinctively tactful to commit.—Lt. Harry A. Frank, in Harper’s Magazine. King Honors Fa: ther Of Van Der Naillen The father of A1 Van der Naillen Jr., of Oakland, California, is a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor of Belgium. He was so recognized by former King Leopold as a result of his scientific attainments. On the occasion of the King’s recent visit to the States, Chevalier Van der Naillen was a leader in receiving King Albert and Queen Elizabeth. On the fourteenth of October Regent Van der Naillen sent ten dollars for the House of God as a memorial to Chevalier Van der Naillen and his wife. The Chevalier is ninety-one years of age and Mrs. Van der Naillen is eighty-five. In spite of his age this old veteran of science has made his Moose application and insists upon living until the badge of the Legion of Moosedom hangs alongside his Legion of Honor badge. _Mr. Jones (whose automobile has disappeared)—“Officer, my car is gone!” Officer Cassidy—“Sure, there’ll be another one a long in five minutes.” —Buffalo Express. “Things seem crowded here in Switzerland.” “Yes, sir,” said the landlord, “they are.” ‘All sorts of people about.” “Quite so, sir. Do you mind rooming with an ex-king ?”—Judge. Lucindy—“What made you look so fierce-like when de colored heroes passed, Sam? Thinkin’ ob de Huns?” Sam—“No, honey. Ah was thinkin’ ob de two fastidjus draft doctahs who done gon an’ dejected me.”—Buffalo Express. Wiseacre—“It doesn’t pay to hurt people’s feelings, you know.” Friend—“Oh, I don’t know so much, my friend; the dentist makes a good living out of it.”—Boston Globe. Coblenz Didn’t Let Hatred of Intruders Interfere With Business We of the A. E. F. have learned something of the divorce of patriotism and business since those days when the money-grabbers descended upon us with their little booths at the training camps at home. At any rate, the merchants of Coblenz are quite as ready to take an order for a Stars and Stripes six feet by four as for the red, white and black. ‘Shoe-shine parlors” sprang up in every block and were so quickly filled with khaki-clad warriors intent on obeying the placard to “Look Like a Soldier” that the proprietors had perforce to encourage their own timid people by adding the notice “Germans also admitted.” Barber shops developed hair carpets from sheer inability to find the time to sweep out, and at that the natives were hard put to it to get rid of their own stubble. When the abhorred order against photography by members of the A. E. F. was suddenly and unexpectedly lifted, lock, stock, and barrel, the camera shops resembled the entrance to a ball park on the day of the deciding game between the two rival leagues. There is nothing timid or squeamish about German commerce. Shops were quite ready to display post-cards showing French ruins with chesty “Thanks,” said the gentleman, “but I never usea liberetto.”—Boston Transcript. A lady, observing that a stranger in her pew had no hymn book, politely offered him one. FREE Bays—Boys Here Is Your Opportunity YES, you can have one of these wonderful Welsh ponies FREE—not one penny cost to you. This is the chance of your life time—don’t miss it—write in at once for full details. You’ll be the proudest boy in your town when you get one of these splendid ponies. Don’t fail to write us about them. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. EVERY BOY GETS A PRIZE. Hci Qasekly***■ Write JV01/V—A# Once Hurry—hurry—sit down now and write us for full information about how to get a pony absolutely free. Don’t delay—this offer will soon be over. Of course you want a fine pony—every boy does—so write us now—at once for full details. The Junior Yanks, Dept. —!44 s. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Why Women Grow Old More Quickly Than Men put roses in their cheeks and the springtime of life into their step is not cosmetics or stimulating drugs but plenty of rich pure blood. Without it no woman can do credit to herself or to her work. Iron is one of the greatest of all strength and blood-builders, and I have found nothing in my experience so effective for helping to make strong, healthy, red-blooded women as Nuxated Iron. MANUFACTURERS’ NOTE: Nuxated Iron which is prescribed and recommended above by physicians is not a secret remedy but one which is well known to druggists everywhere. Unlike the older inorganic iron products it is easily assimilated, does not injure the teeth, make them black nor upset the stomach. The manufacturers guarantee successful and entirely satisfactory results to every purchaser or they will refund your money. It is dispensed in this city by all good druggists. Physician Explains How Organic Iron—Nuxated Iron, Enriches The Blood, Strengthens The Nerves, Builds Up Physical Power and Often Makes Weak, Pale, Careworn Women Look and Feel Years Younger. Look for the woman who appears younger than a man of the same age and you will find the exception to that vast majority upon whom anaemia —lack of iron in the blood has fastened its grip and is gradually sapping the health, vitality and beauty which every woman so longs to retain. In most cases men safeguard their health better than women by eating coarser foods, being more out-of-doors and leading more active lives, thereby keeping their blood richer in iron and their bodies in better physical condition. The very moment a woman allows herself to become weak, nervous and run-down she is placing a drain upon her whole system which overtaxes the power of the blood to renew wasted tissue and keep active the natural life forces of the body. There are thousands of women who are ageing and breaking down at a time when they should be enjoying that perfect bodily health which comes from plenty of iron in the blood, simply because they are not awake to their condition. For want of iron a woman may look and feel haggard and all rundown—while at 50 or 60 with good health and plenty of iron in her blood she may still be young in feeling and so full of life and attractiveness as to defy detection of her real age But a woman cannot have beautiful rosy cheeks or an abundance of strength and endurance without iron, and physicians below have been asked to explain why they prescribe organic iron—Nuxated Iron—-to help supply this deficiency and aid in building a race of stronger, heatlhier Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly physician of Bellevue Hospital (Outdoor Dept.), New York, and the Westchester County Hospital says: “Many a woman who is run-down, easily tired out, nervous and irritable, suffers from iron deficiency and does not know it. I am convinced that there are thousands of such women who, simply by taking Nuxated Iron might readily build up their red corpuscles, increase physical energy, and get themselves into a condition to ward off the millions of disease germs that are almost continually around us. I consider Nuxated Iron one of the foremost blood and body builders—-the best to which I have ever had re- Among other physicians asked for an opinion was Dr. George H. Baker, formerly Physician and Surgeon Monmouth Memorial Hospital, New Jersey, *who says: “What women need to Greater Percentage of /anaemia — Lack of Iron in the Blood — Among Women Makes Them Lose Much of Their Yourh, Beauty and Former Attractiveness, And Become Fretful, Nervous and Run-down — What Women Need Is Not Cosmetics or Stimulating Drugs But Plenty of Pure Red Blood, Rich in iron