MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 24 “Is the honeymoon over?” “I guess so. He’s taken up golf again and she’s begun to take an interest in politics.”—Detroit Free Press. Father—“Well, Johnny, what did you learn at school today?” Johnny-—“I learned that teacher has eyes in the back of her head.”■—Pearson’s. FREE EASTMAN Premo Film Pack Camera, for selling 20 large colored pictures or 20 pkgs. post cards at _15c each. Order choice today. Sent prepaid. GATES MFG. CO.. DEPT. 236 CHICAGO Will You Use This Geneva 15 Days at Our Risk? oc $1 Free on Trial §f DOWF' We would like to loan you a beautifu Geneva Phonograph, without any risl on your part and without any promist to keep it or buy it. We are sending Geneva Phonographs at our risk to music lovers all over the United States. We include ten selections of music with the instrument. If you like music—if you would like to be entertained by the greatest bands, orchestras and singers in the world, you certainly will be pleased with a Geneva. Every Geneva we sell is sent out on trial first. Every Geneva Phonograph proves itself to be the finest phonograph oifered at the low direct price we ask for it. Once you try a Geneva, you will readily understand why it is called The Perfect-Tone Phonograph. The Geneva not only excells in tone but it plays all makes of disc records. The cabinets are in genuine mahogony and oak. They are beautiful. EASY PAYMENT TERMS There is no need for you to be without a phonograph. We will let you have a Geneva on the easiest terms ever offered. A small first payment at the end of the fifteen days trial and then the balance in easy monthly installments. You will hardly miss the payments. If you would like to have the beautiful Geneva instrument for fifteen days then just write your name and address on the coupon below and mail it back to us. We will be glad to admit to you full particulars of our remarkable offer. We are sure that you will be glad to take advantage of the wonderful opportunity we have for you. MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY Midwest Phonograph Co., 807 Association Bldg., Chicago, III. Please send me full details of your fifteen-day trial offer. Name-------------------------------------:_____________ Address Fill the Stocking and Bend the Knee” U (Continued from page 9) Des Moines, Iowa No. 849______________ 100.00 Bisbee, Ariz. No. 718_________________ 100.00 New Kensington No. 53_________________ 100.00 Tacoma, Wash. No. 435_________________: 100.00 Carnegie, Pa. No. 65__________________ 50.00 Pikes Peak Legion No. 156, Colo. Springs ---------------------------- 50.00 Colorado Springs, Colo. No. 244_______ 50.00 W. E. Smith, Bloomington, 111_________ 50.00 Norwalk, Ohio No. 1248___________________ 50.00 W. J. Spalding, Bisbee, Ariz.,________ 50.00 Pottsville, Pa. No. 411___________________50.00 Brooklyn, N. Y. No. 14________________ 49.50 Cridley, Calif. No. 1594_________________ 25.00 Jas. McGary, Bisbee, Ariz________________ 25.00 Norwich Chapter No. 124, W.M.H.L. 25.CO Dr. C. J. Lowry, Aberdeen, S. C_______ 25.00 G. B. Mann, Detroit, Mich________________ 25.00 G. B. Mann, Detroit, Mich_______________ 20.00 Franklin, Pa. No. 83_____________________ 20.00 Geo. H. Maynard, New London, Conn. 10.00 C. A. Miller, Canton, Ohio___________ 10.00 W. E. & Bessie Smith, Bloomington, Illinois ----------------------------- 10.00 A. Bishop No. 47, Pittsburgh, Pa_____ 10.00 D. P. Peterson, Camden, N. J____________ 10.Q0 R. H. Parsons, Mobile, Ala_______________ 10.00 W. H. Eschner, Appleton, Wise_________ 10.00 R. C. Hollister, Batavia, 111_________ 10.00 Purity Chapter No. 127, W. M. L. Apolla, Pa---------------------------- 10.00 J. Vander Naillen, Oakland, Calif_____ 10.00 George F. Sauer, San Francisco, Calif. 10.00 H. J. William son, Pittsburgh, No. 46 10.00 L. G. Schmidt, Toledo, Ohio_______________ 5.00 Jos. L. Prince, Pottstown, Pa_________ 5.00 John Sowden, Globe, Ariz__________________ 5.00 J. D. Flowers, Bisbee, Ariz_______________ 5.00 W. J. Webster Bisbee, Ariz________________ 5.00 D. B. Dellaway, Bisbee, Ariz______________ 5.00 D. R. Baby, Bisbee, Ariz_________________ 5.00 F. C. Pugner, Bisbee, Ariz________________ 5.00 Fred McDonald, Bisbee, Ariz_______________ 5.00 W. R. Staples, Bisbee, Ariz_______..__ 5.00 John Anderson, Bisbee, Ariz_______________ 5.00 V. L. Murray, Bisbee, Ariz__________ 5.00 E. W. Davidson, Bisbee, Ariz_________ 5.00 T. G. Jones, Bisbee, Ariz_________________ 5.00 W. E. Truax, Bisbee, Ariz___________ 5.00 L. S. Burgess, Bisbee, Ariz._________ 5.00 W. E. Terrells, Bisbee, Ariz__________ 5.00 Robert Evans, Bisbee, Ariz_____.________ 5.00 B. J. Morris, Bisbee, Ariz_______________ 5.00 H. J. Hall, Bisbee, Ariz__________________ 5.00 Kay Ross, Bisbee, Ariz____________________ 5.00 John W. Foley, Chicago, 111___________ 5.00 Womens Legion, Dubuque, la________________ 5.00 M. J. Treasure, N. Attleboro, Mass__ 5.00 Jos. Michnewitch, Logansport, Ind_____ 5.00 F. J. Thomas, Globe, Ariz____________ 5.00 Mrs. Harriet Branchide, Maliw;ay, Pa. 4.00 Oral Larson, Eugene, Ore._________________ 4.00 G. L. Brueckner, Washington, Ind_____ 3.00 Lorenzo Dow, Tacoma, Wash_________________ 3.00 W. J. Costello, New London, Conn______ 2.00 L. B. Sanchez, Bisbee, Ariz___________ 2.00 J. L. Starker, Spokane, Wash__________ 2.00 Mrs. Abbe Vogh, Aruora, 111___________ 2.00 C. Lambert, Seattle, Wash________________ 2.00 Kendallville Chapter, Ind. No. 256__ 2.00 Miss G. Rochester, San Francisco, Calif. ________________________________ 1.75 Mrs. Belle Smith, San Francisco, Calif. -------------------------------- 1.75 W. O. Lane, Pittsburgh, Pa____________ 1.50 Glenn Holley, Meadville, Pa_______________ 1.50 1Wm. A. Barker, Niles, Ohio_______________ 1.00 Isaac A. Moser, Pottstown, Pa_________ 1.00 “C. A.” Leadville, Colo_______T________ 1.0Q Jas. Feeney, Toledo, Ohio_________________ 1.00 Alfred T. Pine, Toledo, Ohio______________ 1.00 F. C. Aiming, Toledo, Ohio________________ 1.00 James H. Cummings, Blue River, Ore. 1.00 Henry Wetzen, Niles, Ohio_________________ 1.00 Jos. Fihault, Lewiston, Me________________ 1.00 Christ Delhanty, Toledo, Ohio_____________ 1.00 George Johns, Elyria, Ohio________________ 1.00 C. C. Klein, Cleveland, Ohio_______________ .50 Total to Date______$43,566.13 WILL BE A MECHANICAL ENGINEER Essay of Albert Dewey Patterson At His Graduation on June 24th Before Convention Delegates Columbus, Ohio, Lodge No. 11 After my application was accepted by . the MOOSEHEART Governors and I had traveled for twenty-four hours, I arrived at what is now known as MOOSEHEART, the latter part of August, 1914. There were just a few buildings, most of which were of wooden structure. Everything was run on a small scale. Dean Rondthaler was the head of the Assembly form of government from which discipline was obtained. Every one was happy and much freedom was given to the children. My introduction to school was held off for various reasons, and it was for a period of one year that I did not attend. Instead I was put in charge of the switchboard. This lasted about six months, when I was changed to the greenhouse and then to carpentry. Arrangements had been made during this time so as to make it possible to have classes in school. The God completed without your own participation in it. Wouldn’t you rather fill out the following and send a check a money order or some currency ? sacred edifice, which is greatly needed. Do you not want your name upon its sacred roster ? Are you satisfied to have that Building, that House of December 25th, 1819. DIRECTOR GENERAL, Moosdheart, lllrsois. Being desirous of having my name permanently inscribed in The Mooseheart House of God. I hereby enclose for $---------------- Check Money Order Currency (Name ) (Address) The following are the receipts since last report: CONTRIBUTION TO HOUSE OF GOD. ASSEMBLY AND SCHOOL FUND Twenty-five members (Douglass, Ariz. 103.00 Lansing, Mich. No. 288_________________ 100.00 Terre Haute, Ind. No. 1009_____________ 100.00 C. C. Rhyan, Sec’y Terre Haute, Ind. 100.00 J. H. Patton, Alliance, Ohio___________ 100.00 Grand Rapids, Mich. No. 150____________ 100.00 Past Supreme Dictator, C. A. A. McGee ---------------:-------------- 100.00 Pueblo, Colo. No. 19___________________ 100.00 Previously acknowledged --------------$40,479.63 Johnsonburg, Pa. No. 369----------------- 300.00 Milton, Pa. No. 171______________________ 200.00 Elyria, Ohio No. 778 -------------------- 200.00 Collinsville, 111. No. 1370______________ 200.00 Irwin, Pa. No. 236_______________________ 150.00 Mooseheart Magazine Classified Department BROTHERS “THE NEW DAY”—Ask your music dealer * xcr it. Box 212, Mt. Morris, Pa. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED DAZOR BLADES re-sharpened 21/¿ each. An edge that satisfies. Blade Shop, Room 115G, Bible House, New York, N. Y. ENTERTAINMENTS PLAYS for amateurs : Monologs, Recitations, Minstrel and Vaudeville Jokes and Sketches; ideas for entertainments. Send for free catalog. Dramatic Publishing Co., 542 So. Dearborn Street, Chicago. HELP WANTED—MALE DAILWAY MAIL CLERK wanted. $100-$150 Work 15 days monthly, paid full time. Travel free. Write, Ozment, 162, St. Louis. DE A DETECTIVE—Excellent opportunity ; good pay; travel. Write C. T. Ludwig, 437 Westover Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. DAILWAY TRAFFIC INSPECTORS; splendid pay and expenses; travel if desired; unlimited advancement. No age limit. Three months home study. Situation arranged. Prepart for permanent position. Write for booklet CM-53, Standard Business Training Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. QEVERAL THOUSAND men-boys, 18 or over, wanted by U. S. Government as railway mail clerks. Permanent life positions through poor times and good. Average pay $1,400 year. Advance rapid. Pleasant work constantly traveling. Every second week off at full pay. Paid vacation. Common education sufficient. Write immediately for full list positions open and Fall examination schedules. Franklin Institute, Dept. M34, Rochester, N. Y. SHORT STORIES WANTED ANTED—Stories, Articles, Poems for new magazine. We pay on acceptance. Typed or handwritten MSS. acceptable. Send MSS to Woman’s National Magazine, Desk 994, Washington, D. C. WRITE PICTURE PLAYS WRITE PHOTOPLAYS; $50 each. Experi-ence unnecessary; details free to beginners. Producers League, 385, St. Louis, Mo. SONG POEMS WANTED you WRITE WORDS FOR A SONG—We * write the music, publish and secure a copyright. Submit poems on any subject. The Metropolitan Studios, 914 So. Michigan Ave, Room 128, Chicago, 111. ДЖ7И1ТЕ_ THE WORDS for a song. We write music, guarantee publisher’s acceptance. Submit poems on patriotism, love or any subject. Chester Music Co., 920 So. Michigan Ave., Room 105, Chicago. AGENTS WANTED 1^0 FAKE. $15 daily. Light work. Everybody uses. Square deal guaranteed. Li vest seller in America. Sample 10c. Springhold, 228 Martin Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. A GENTS—Our Soap and Toilet Article plan ־*"*■ is a wonder. Get our free sample case offer. Ho-Ro-Co., 127 Locust, St. Louis, Mo. MEW WINDSHIELD CLOTH solves baffling problem. One wipe cleans rain-blurred windshield. Stays clear 24 hours. Motorists amazed. Agents getting rich. 300% profit. Exclusive territory. Cabco Co., Toledo, Ohio. DIG EARNINGS EASY—Startling invention. Banishes spark plug trouble. Saves gasoline. Sells like wildfire. Exclusive territory. Agents write quick. Jubilee Mfg. Co., Lesk 221, Omaha, Nebr. A GENTS—We pay $72 a week taking orders for Reversible Raincoats. Something brand new. Biggest and easiest seller ever introduced. No capital required. You take the orders, we deliver and collect, and pay your commission on same day. Every man a prospect. • Saves customer over $20. Act quick. Territory going fast. Write for agency. Thomas Raincoat Co., 1746 North St., Dayton, Ohio. AGENTS—New 2 in 1 Reversible Double-־*"* duty raincoat. One side rich tan dress coat, other side storm overcoat. Two coats for the price of one. Saves $20. Positively guaranteed waterproof or money back. Commission paid same day you take orders. No capital required. Sample furnished. Great seller. Real money for agents. Parker Mfg. Co , 464 Rue St., Dayton, Ohio. SALESMEN WANTED CALESMEN—City or Traveling. Experience *־* unnecessary. Send for list of openings and full particulars. Prepare in spare time to earn the big salaries—$2,500 to $10,000 a year. Free Employment Service for Members. Ad-, dress Nat’l Salesmen’s Tr. Assn., Dept. 137-W, Chicago, 111. FEMALE HELP WANTED —18 A DOZ. decorating pillow tops at home; experience unnecessary; particulars for stamp. Tapestry Paint Co., 121 Le-Grange, Ind. I ADIES to Sew at Home for a large Phila-delphia firm. Good pay; nice work; no canvassing; send stamped envelope for prices paid. Universal Co., Department 18, Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED TO BUY pASH FOR OLD FALSE TEETH—We pay '׳'־־ up to $35.00 per set, (broken or not). Also buy discarded gold jewelry, gold crowns, bridges, platinum, diamonds, watches and silver. Send now. Cash by return mail. Packages held 5 to 10 days for sender’s approval of our offer. U. S. Smelting Works, Dept. 76, Chicago, 111. INVENTIONS INVENTIONS WANTED. Cash or royalty ־t for ideas. Adam Fisher Mfg. Co., 190 St. Louis, Mo. MATRIMONIAL DEST MATRIMONIAL PAPER publshed. Write for free sample copy. The Feminine Review, Dept. M-4 105 W. Monroe St, Chicago.