13 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Let Me Send You My Great Secret of More Winter Eggs—For 30 Days Trial ND N0 Yes—thousands of eggs instead of hundreds! Dollars instead of pennies. I’ve studied hens all my life. I know what keeps them from laying. I know what makes them lay. I know what makes hens sick, what makes them well, and what keeps them well. I am here to help every poultry raiser—women and men—boys and girls. I have helped thousands already. Let me help you. My advice is free. My secret of enormous egg profits costs you less than lc per dozen eggs. And if my secret fails it doesn’t cost you a penny. Let Me Prove to You that I Can Make Your Hens Lay from Two to Five Times More Eggs this Winter than Ever Before My Name is Bessie Carswell. They call me the poultry woman. My business has been raising poultry and selling eggs. I used to loaf around my poultry place every Winter because my hens used to loaf. There were few eggs to gather. My 300 hens seemed to go on a strike about the first of October each year. The strike lasted until about the first of March. It made me mad. The feeding went on just the same, eggs or no eggs. Every Winter I saw my Summer’s profits eaten up—swallowed by my hens. After a few years of this I decided to find out what makes hens lay in Summer, but not in Winter. I bought a lot of books on the subject. I read what every authority had to say—and I got some mighty good iaeas. 1 sat up nights figuring it out. They say a woman has more patience than a man. Well, I used up a lot of mine in studying the mysteries of the hen. I learned all I could about breeds and breeding I learned all I could about feeds and feeding. And while these factors for a great deal I found that they don’t amount to a row of shucks as compared to CONDixIOJN. BESSIE B. CARSWELL, The Poultry Woman With “Betty” 204-Egg White Leghorn in her pullet ye always glad to help my customers—writing them persons them the benefit of my experience. Well, the tonic worked like magic. My birds picked up right away. Their combs reddened. Their appetites sharpened. They began to put on a new dress of feathers. They walked around as though they knew. I was depending on them. Then the eggs began to come. I used to get about 50 eggs a week from the 300 hens. Pretty soon I was getting 50 eggs a day. Then it jumped to 175 a day then to over 200. My day’s record was 282 eggs in one day. My tonic had turned my loafer hens into layers. It wasn’t long before my neighbors got interested. They wondered what happened to my hens. At first I kept them guessing. Then it dawned on me that maybe my secret might be worth something to them. So I passed around some of the tonic. And in every case it worked like a charm. I coudn’t afford to give the tonic away so I made my neighbors a small charge—just enough to cover the cost of material and my time. Pretty soon the news spread. \A/hy £300 t l*3V I strain, fed strictly according to rules'and regu- What Makes Hens Lay' ■ 1IIJ «■ *־ J “ iations, couldn't lay an egg a year if she were downright sick. Nature’s instinct is to keep the hen well. A tsic!kwn "^bone muscle, reconstruct wasted tissues—then if there’s anything over it goes to make^new ton.־. • fat and eggs. Eggs come last—after all the hen’s natural living recpniements are met. I found that during the Summer, when my abound enough to keep them in pretty fair condition. But when the moulting season came things changed. Their heads drooped. They seemed lifeless. They had lost their snap and dash. They had “spring fever”. And nature was using all their food to make them well. Finally I decided to help my hens. I had learned a great deal about the hen's anatomv. I knew that, just as some people need sulphur and molasses in the Spring, so my hens might need a tonic after the moulting season. So I fixed up a tonic after my own ideas, based on what I knew about nens. My Secret Made Public With eggs selling at high prices everyone was wild to get more eggs. I had so many calls for my tonic that I finally arranged to have it made in large quantities. Still the demand grew. One good friend said to me, Bessie, why don’t you advertise—you ought to TELL people everywhere about your egg tonic. That sounded like a pretty good suggestion and I started to advertise my tonic in a small way I never dreamed that I would get such an avalanche of orders. But that is exactly what happened. And it wasn t long before I got some of the most wonderful letters I ever read. Mrs. Laura Williams, Buda, Texas, said that during January and February she got 1050 eggs from 50 hens. And the first week in March she got 130 eggs from 50 hens. Marion Sonders, Longton, Kansas, wrote that her hens were not laying and had not laid all Winter, but in two weeks after she started to use my tonic, she began getting 38 to 42 eggs a day during Winter from 70 hens. These are but two of the thousands who have been successful with my tonic. BESSIE B. CARSWELL, The Poultry Woman, 3412 Gateway Station, Kansas City, Mo. _____ It is understood that if I am not satisfied after 30 days trial of the tonic, you are to refund my money promptly after receiving my report. Name Address________________________________ State. R. F. D_______________________________ P. O. Box-------------- Note : My ־wonderful hook tells how to make more money with poultry. If you want it free say “Yes” here-------------- I could go on and show you hundreds and hundreds of other letters to prove the wonderful results produced by my secret. But I have better proof than that. I want you to prove in your own way, in your own poultry yard that you can get twice, three times, even four or five times as many eggs as you are now getting. I want you to see for yourself how the ingredients in my tonic stimulate the egg producing organs. How they enrich the blood. How they free the intestines from disease germs. How they keep the hens in a healthy, happy, laying condition all through the Winter. That’s why I make you this wonderful offer. More Eggs Or No Pay! Sand No Money Use my tonic for a month. Then if it is not satisfactory —if you do not get more eggs —if your hens do not look better—if you are not completely and entirely satisfied, return what is left of the tonic and you will not be out one penny. Three big banks guarantee that you will get your money back if you just ask for it. I refer you to the Southwest Boulevard State Bank, and the Peoples Trust Company, of Kansas City, and the Inter-State Bank, of Rosedale, Kansas. All of these banks know me and know that I do as I ,say. Send no money now—just the coupon or a post card or letter will do. This is the time to start putting your hens in supreme laying condition. Write me today. Bessie B. Carswell, The Poultry Woman 3412 Gateway Station Kansas City, Mo. THOSE WHO SPEAK FOR ME Three of Thousands of Similar Letters 1 Have Received GOT 2 EGGS—NOW GET 30 Rockledge Tonic is sure wonderful. When we first began using the tonic we were only getting two and three eggs a day, and now we are getting thirty eggs a day. Your Rockledge Tonic is sure fine and we wouldn’t be without it any more, so I will send you my order to-day. PAULINE KLINDWIRTH, R. 1, Box 15, Zora, Mo. 525 EGGS A MONTH FROM 50 HENS IN WINTER I am writing you a few lines to let you know how much Rockledge Poultry Tonic has helped me get eggs this winter.' From fifty hens during January and February I got one thousand and fifty eggs, and in the first week of March I got one hundred and thirty. MRS. LAURA WILLIAMS, Buda, Texas. NEVER SAW HENS LAY BETTER I tried out Rockledge Poultry Tonic and honestly I never saw hens lay better in my life. I have thirty-two White Leghorns. I started feeding my hens the tonic in February, and I received from 16 to 18 eggs a day for about a month, and for the last two months I have been getting from 23 to 27 a day. My neighbors say that they never saw anything like it. MRS. MAX CARR, Maryville, Mich.