MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 12 How to Economize men of today used to be newsboys. When the boy or girl earns money have them put it in a bank and when they lose a school book or break a window make them pay for it out of their own account. The result is they will grow to be more careful (for it is no pleasure to pay out hard earned money) and carefulness will bring about economy.• There are parents who give their children an allowance each week instead of having them earn their own spending money. These children grow up to be careless and lazy just because of lack of training by their parents. When they are turned out to make their own living it’s their carelessness that makes it hard for the rest of the nation. Economy Day was celebrated nation wide on October 3rd. Special attention was given to this day at MOOSEHEART and the students were strongly impressed with its meaning. In the evening Mr. Adams gave a talk on the subject and the students were assigned the task of writing a theme on “How to Economize.” This is one of the themes and it teaches that ECONOMY means SUCCESS. By Louis W. Harvison — A Mooseheart Student APPRECIATION OF MOOSEHEART (Brothers Hart and Stafford were delegates to the Convenion from New Orleans. Louisiana Lodge Mr. Hart & Mr. Stafford: New Orleans, La. Dear Sirs:— I certainly did enjoy your visit at MOOSEHEART Convention week,and I went in on that Thursday and was with Mr. and Mrs. Stafford. We went to see them lay the corner stone of the new Hospital. It certainly was fine. Dr. Reese was with us also and some other member. I don’t remember his name. I met Mr. Adams Saturday afternoon. Well I must say he is certainly a fine man. I don’t think there is another like him. So good to the children. My oldest son Henry, has been promoted to 8th Grade. He is doing fine and learning carpentry. He is out camping for school vacation. That is only 2 weeks. All the children send their many thanks to the members for their present they sent them. They put it in the bank. And worn. She immediately sent them to a cobbler and had them repaired. Those left over shoes saved that mother twenty dollars and the party that left them is probably the kind that is always complaining about the high prices of wearing apparel. Picked-Up Clothing There are millions of people that are without clothing or shoes. If you see clothes or shoes lying around, pick them up, have them repaired and wear them, or give them to the Salvation Army. It will have them repaired and sent abroad to people who really need things to wear. Light Learn how to economize on the light bill. Our government has purposely set the clock an hour ahead that you might save light. There are those who come home late at night and forget to turn 'off the lights when they retire. When questioned about it they usually say, “I forgot.” Show them the light bill when they pull that trick and you’ll find their memory greatly improved in one lesson. Economizing With Money Boys and girls grow careless and are sometimes destructful and wasteful and have to be given several forceful lessons before they are brought to terms. If economy is instilled into their minds when they are young they will be a great help to the nation when they grow older. Every boy and girl should have the privilege of earning money; this can be done by letting the boy sell newspapers or having the girl do needlework. Many parents think it a disgrace to let their sons sell newspapers. This is a great help to them along business lines and you will notice that many of the big business lowing: Congressman Ira Copley of Illinois was having trouble with a man employed in his service. This man supported a small family and was earning thirty-five dollars a week. One day he came to Mr. Copley and asked for more money or he would strike. While he was babbling away telling how it was impossible to live on such a small sum, Mr. Copley calmly unbuttoned his coat and brought to view a fine silk shirt. “How much did that cost?” asked Mr. Copley, pointing to the shirt. “Eight dollars,” replied the man somewhat abashed. “Man,” spoke Mr. Copley in a forceful voice, “I’ve never felt that I’ve had enough money to buy a silk shirt.” He then pointed to the plain linen one he was wearing and continued, “You stop buying eight dollar silk shirts and invest in something that will be of use to your family and you won’t have to strike for more money.” The man didn’t strike. Shoes As a rule, the average person does not take enough care of his shoes. They should always be shined, oiled once a month, and should be repaired when needed. Some people buy shoes, wear them until they’re ready to fall apart and then throw them in the rubbish. If those shoes were sent to the cobblers and repaired when needed, they would last much longer and save an unnecessary shoe bill It is an old trick of the average person when moving from one apartment to another to leave behind his worn-out wearing apparel. There moved into a house a family of five children and the mother of this family was a thrifty person. While cleaning the house one day this mother found four pairs of shoes that were a little Old Shoes Ready for Repair Work. many thanks from myself also. They go out swimming every day. We are certainly glad to be at MOOSEHEART. Only sorry we didn’t come four years ago, when they wanted us to come. So you see how we are pleased here. We wouldn’t give MOOSEHEART for New Orleans now. Thank God that my husband was a Moose member. I have my two girls with me for vacation. Don’t you think that is nice? I will get my two weeks vacation also whenever I want, because we mothers get two weeks off every summer with pay. This is all for the present. I will close with best wishes to you, and the members from myself and family. (Signed) MRS. A. DEOBLES. The Shoe Hospital where Old Shoes are made New. ECONOMY is one of the greatest assets to our lives; it means a saving to the nation as well as to ourselves. There are many ways to economize; a few of them are explained in the following paragraphs. The conserving of food is one of the greatest problems in the world today. Millions of people in Europe are starving and they look towards the United States for succor. It is our duty to help them, but in order that we might do this we must economize and at present there is enough food wasted in the United States in a year to feed more than half of Europe for one day. Food A woman one day read in her town paper that Jones & Co.’s grocery was going to have a great reduction sale. This woman went to Jones’ store and bought twenty-five cans of hominy because it was selling at a reduced price of five cents. Each morning this woman fed her family on hominy. After being fed on this diet for more than two weeks at every breakfast the father and children began to object. The mother would exclaim that it wasn’t going to lay around the house and spoil and so it would have to be eaten. Now anybody knows what a job it is to make anyone eat things they don’t like; in time the hominy was wasted. It would have been much better had that woman purchased a variety of canned goods. When she saw it wasted she surely must have conceived the idea of giving it to some needy family or offering it to a neighbor. This is only one of the many ways food can be wasted. Clothes All wearing apparel has increased in price since the entry of the United States into the World War. Since the war many absurd styles have been introduced and the stylish man’s suit of today ranges in price from forty to sixty dollars. It is the general opinion of the so-c״lled smart set that a man is “cheap” if he doesn’t pay at least fifty dollars for a suit of clothes with all those frills and styles attached. The really “cheap” man is the one who buys an expensive suit with those large bell cuffs and choking waists with the corset effect that disguises him so that you don’t know whether he’s going or coming. It’s interesting to note that the wearer of these kind of clothes is usually the small salaried man. To economize on clothes get sensible ones, for you pay about twenty dollars for the styles. Also keep them cleaned and pressed. This doesn’t mean that you’re to give them to mother or sister, or to send them to the cleaners and pay two dollars; roll up your sleeves and do it yourself. The Silk Shirt The silk shirt is a popular enemy to economy. There are men who pay as much as ten dollars for a silk shirt and it could easily be substituted for a linen one that would look just as good and wouldn’t cost one-third as much. This kind of man is well described in the fol- Now Shoes for Mooseheart Children.