a Day! 16 worth LAST winter eggs sold as high as $1.00 a dozen. As America’s foremost poultry expert I predict that this winter eggs will go even higher. Poutltry raisers are going to reap tremendous profits. You, too, can make sure of a big egg yield by giving your hens a few cents* “More Eggs tonic.’* This product has been tried, tested and proven by 400,000 chicken raisers. It is acknowledged the best and most successful egg producer on the market today. Guaranteed bp a million dollar bank. Every day that you don’t use it means that you are losing money. Don’t delay. Start with a few cents’ worth of ’,More Eggs” tonic now. Got 117 Eggs Instead of 3 That’s the experience of one poultry raiser who wrote me. And Lulu Williams of Parra tt, Georgia, writes: “Before using your tonic I was getting only 8 or 3 eggs a day ami now get 16 eggs a day from 18 hens.” Here are a few letters out of thousands received: “48 Dozen In One Week” Deaf Mr. Reefer: _ Woodbury, Term. 1 can’t express bow conch I have been benefited by answering your ad*» I've got more eggs than I ever did. I’ve sold 42 % dozen eggs last week, s*f I dozen, ate some and had 1 X dozen left. ״onnnH From your friend, MRS. LENA McBROON. “Selling Eggs Now” • t Reefer* Hebe. Oregon ' i was not getting on egg when I began the oe® ot the •־More Egg»” Tonic, Now I am selling egge- Btxio. J. t. DtUNa, “Gets Winter Eggs” B. 3. Reefer: Wilborton, Kan. It is the Aral time I got so many eggs In winter. When I began using ’,More Eggs” I was only getting from 1 to« eggs per day and now I am getting U to 13 egg* per day. MRS. JULIA GOODEN. 18 Bens—12 Eggs a Day 6. 3. Keeler: . _ tow, Va., Six weeks ago 1 began giving *'More Eggs" Tonic ana 1 was not getting an egg from 18 hens, and now I am getting 10 to 12 every day. You can quote me as saying that it is the best chicken tonic in the world. R. L. REYNOLDS “37 Eg» a Day" a, j Reefer: Blwood, Indiana That More Eggs Tonic la simply grand When I started usinsr it they did not lay et all, now 1 •״“־“.״״• EK־ABYri.״&IGEL Waveriy, Me. ••160 Hens—12S Dozen Eggs” S. J. Reefer: 1 have fed two boxes of MoreEggs Tonic to my hens and I think my hen* have broken the record for eggs. I have 160 White Leghorns and from March 21 to April 16 I sold 126 dozen eggs. MRS. H. M. PATTON. “IS Bens—310 Eggs” ft. J. Reefer: Tomer Falls, Mass. I used yonr More Egg Tonic and from December 1 to February 1. from II Bens, I got 810 eggs. Your remedies are just whnt you claim them to be MRS. C. R. STOUGHTON. “More Than Doubled In Eggs" Mendon, 111. ' Tonic. My hens have moi L. D. NICHOLS. ft. J. Reefer: I am very mneb pleased with your Мог• Eggs' than doubled up in their eggs. “Doublet Egg Production” B. 3. Reefer: . .. :Paradise. Texas, 1 have been ualnff More Eggs Tonic 8 or 4 weeks and must eay it la fine. M> egg produetioa baa been doubled, J J. C. KOENINGER. "Increase from 2 to 45 Eggs a Day” ftaefer'a Hatchery: „ Derby. low* Since 1 began the one of yonr More Ecsra Ton» t weeks ago 1 am getting 45 eggs a day. and b* “Increases from 8 to 36 Eggs a Day” 1 am wei: pieaeea wiiu y״ur«iu:o ms• More Eggs Makes Layers Out of Loafers! This is a concentrated tonic, not a food. It consists of every element that goes toward the making of more eggs. A perfect regulator, aids digestion, stimulates egg production and builds firm bones and strong muscles. The fore* most authorities in America and poultry raisers from every state endorse Reefer’s “More Eggs’ tame Results Guar Here is the facsimile of the guarantee of a million dollar bank that ,‘More Eggs” will produce results. The million dollar bank guarantees to refund your money if you are not satisfied. You run no risk. So don’t delay. Every day you wait you are losing money. Every day counts! Starts your hens making money for you right away. Send the coupon today for a full-size package of “More Eggs” Tonic. You run absolutely no risk. A million dollar bank will refund instantly if you are not entirely satisfied. Just put a dollar bill in with the coupon and mail today. Profit by the experience of a man who has himself made a fortune out of ׳the poultry business, and is helping others to do the same. Send foT this guaranteed egg producer and profit maker TODAY• A Million Dollar Bank Guarantee Absolute Satisfaction or Money Bach The National Reserve Bank ]of Kansas City Capita) and Surplus $1,100,000 Tp WHOM PRESENTED: Mr. E. J. Rssfer has da» posited in this Bank Ten Thousand (310.000.00) Dollars, with instruo-•1 tlons that out of this fund we ere to return to any of Mr.Reefer’e customere the total amount of their • purchase from him, provided Mr.f Reefer fails to do as he agrees. You,therefore, take no risk whatever in purchasing from Ur .Reefer, as this hank will refund the total amount of your remittance to Ur •Reefer if he felle to do ••^" he agrees.^ery trul ”־ ׳׳ *as ily your a, ״reaiadht. ! Order Today E. J. E. J. Reefer 3008 Reefer Bidg., Kansas City, Mo• s I ft I V I L REEFER, Poultry Expert 3008Reefer Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Send me one full-size package of *More Eggs.” Send this with an absolute guarantee that you will refund my money if this tonic is not satisfactory in every way. I enclose $1.00 (a dollar bill, P. O. money order, or you» private check—just as you please). !fame. Jiddrest..