MOOSEHRART MAGAZINE 30 ®׳-״V״, GOOD LUCK .־,RING Quaint and Novel Design. A very striking and tm common ring made of gunmetal. Skull and crossbon• design, with two brilliant, flashing gems sparkling out of the eyes. A never failing object of interest ing. _. and Ring Bargains, send i.~~~--- receive this handsome ring Free. ... 43d St., Dept. 26-B.S New York. N ews Notes From the Lodges THROW YOUR VOICE Under the table, into a 'Trunk, down Cellar or anywhere. Our lessons in VENTRILOQUISM, teaches you. With our• VENTRILO (fits in the mouth and cannot be seen) you imitate Birds, Animals, etc. without moving your lips. This outfit and book of JOKES by mail for 10c. ARDEE CO., Dept. 31» Stamford, Ct. hundred and thirty-seven members of their lodge who were in the United States service during the war. Fort Hamilton Lodge of Hamilton, Ohio, reports the successful promotion of a membership campaign that brought in more than three hundred new members. WeWiliGiveYog Lady’s or Man’s Sweater attractive pattern, heavy, warm, knit (men’s and women’s sizes > 46', for just a little effort—tak-orders for only two dozen jars of MOTHER’S SALVE at 80c each. Greatest remedy known for Catarrh, Croup, Colds; unequaled for Cuts, Burns, Sores, Chaps, Piles, etc. Every jar guaranteed. No Money Required in advance. We trust you. We you supply of Mother’s Salve; collect 30c for each jar sold and money to us. Then we send you ___weater. Or your choice of 300 other valuable premiums for selling just a few jars. Choose your Xmas gifts from our new mammoth Premium Catalog (sent free); shows full lines of Furniture, Crockery, Wearing Apparel, Rogers' Silverware, Jewelry, etc. ALL GIVEN WITHOUT COSTI 26 years of honest dealing have made us the largest house of the kind in the U. S. It pays to be our agent. Send no money; just your name and address. Write today. Mother’s Remedies Co. s.^?״y.2JL Chicago Fairmont( W. Va.) Lodge presented one hundred and thirty-five honor emblems to the members of their lodge who have served their country during the war. Elizabeth City, North Carolina, now has a splendid Moose Lodge and instituted with two hundred members. The following were named as officers: P. H. Williams, Past Dictator; M. B. Simpson, Dictator; A. R. Nicholson, Vice Dictator; Reverend E. F. Sawyer, Prelate; W. R. Prichard, Secretary; H. G. Kramer, Treasurer, and Dr, C. B. Williams, Lodge Physicians. Fine V■ ry well mg send Johnstown (Pa.) Lodge reports that the ladies have organized a Moose Sewing Circle and they meet at 2 o’clock in the afternoons in Moose Temple . The Ladies’ Organization has also promised to handle the details of future banquets the lodge may undertake. Dayton (Ohio) Lodge is reported as having greatly assisted the Salvation Army campaign for funds by giving a ball in Memorial Hall. Brother Vigil Burbridge headed an active committee of fourteen members that successfully handled the event. District Supervisor Prank N. Hig-gin accompanied District Deputy Supreme Dictator William H. Jones upon an official visit that• included lodges at Marquette, Escanaba, Gladstone, Iron Mountain, Norway, Tron-wood, and Bessemer, Michigan. THAT SOFT, ROSY, VELVETY COMPLEXION BLEMISHES REMOVED QUICKLY AND PERMANENTLY «out Complexion Makes or Mars Vour Appearance BROTHER M. R. VICKERS Deputy Supervisor for North Carolina South Bend (Indiana) Lodge is now tn its new temple at 230 S. Michigan Street. A class of twenty were initiated into the mysteries of Moose-dom upon occasion of the official opening of South Bend’s new home recently. ______ Newcastle (Pa.) Lodge recently gave a dinner in honor bf the one Tfoe Above Is C. E. Brooks, Inventor of the Appliance. Mr. Brooks Cured Himself of Rupture Over 30 Years Ago and Patented the Appliance from His Personal Experience. If Ruptured, Write Today to the Brooks Appliance Co., Marshall, MIeh. *.Fid we will send you free our illustrated book >n Rupture and its cure, showing our Appliance and giving you prices and names of many people who have tried it and were cured. It irives instant relief when all others fail. Re-Member, we use no salves, no harness, no lies. We send on trial to prove what we say is true. You are the judge and once having seen our illustrated book and read it you will be as enthusiastic as our hundreds of patients whose letters you can also read. Fill out free coupon below and mail today. It’s well worth your time whether you try our Appliance or not. with Royal Ruby, Emerald or Amethyst. To make friends and introduce our Magazine and Ring Bargains, send 20 cts. fer a year’s subscription, and this Ring, your size, will be sent FREE, postpaid. IVI. Mc-Phillips, Secv., 615 W. 43d St., Dept. 21-B-S.New York. DONT WEAR A TRUSS! *fter Thirty Years’ Experience We Have Produced an Appliance for Men, Women or Children That Cures Rupture. ME SEND IT ON TRIAL 111 you have tried most everything else, com* iiìimàìniuiiiit3iiiiiiiiiiiiC3iiiiiiniiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiHiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiìiiiiit]iiiiiiiiiiiiniNiiiiuiiitiiiuitiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii[iiiiiiiitiiii[iiiiiiiMiiiit♦:♦ to prove that our blue-white MEXICAN DIAMOND closely *esembles the finest genuine South Airman Diamond (costing 50 times as much), with same DAZZLING RAINBOW-FIRE, (Guaranteed 20 yrs.) we will send this Ladies Solitaire Ring with one carat gem, (Catalogue price $4.98) for Hall Price *o Introduce, $2.60, plus War Tax 13c. Same thing but Gents. Heavy Tooth Belcher Ring, (Cataloge price $6.26) for $3.10, plus War Tax 15c. Mountingsare ourfinest 12 karat «old filled. Mexican Diamonds are GUARANTEED FOR 20 YEARS. SEND ON MONEY. Just mail postcard or this ad., state size and we will mail at once C.O. D. If not fully pleased, return in 2 days for MONEY BACK, less handling *harges. Act quick; offer limited: only one to a customer. Write for FREE Catalog. AGENTS WANTED. MEXICAN DIAMOND IMPORTING CO. *ept./ y\ Las Cruces, N. Mex, 4Exclusive controllers Mexican Diamonds) FREE INFORMATION COUPON Brooks Appliance Company 130-J State St., Marshall, Mich. Please send me by mail, in plain wrapper, your illustrated book and full information about your Appliance for the cure of nip-ture. Name ................................. Address .............................. City.................. State.......... GETTING AHEAD is the fascinating story of a man who accumulated $10,000 in ten years, by systematic investing in high-grade listed stocks and bonds. Amount invested averaged $25 monthly. “Getting Ahead” contains nothing for the man who wants to get rich in a hurry, but will be helpful to all who wish to save from $5 to $100 monthly and invest by a safe method. We sell all high-grade stocks and bonds listed on the New York Stock Exchange and other reliable exchanges, on convenient monthly payments. Send for “Getting Ahead.” It explains the plan. KRIEBEL & CO. L45-B So. La Salle St., Chicago FREE MOVIE MACHINE Have Your Own “Movie’״ home. Wonderful moving: picture machine, complete with gas generator and 3 set• reels, all different (96 views). Powerful lens, showing large, clear pictures. Given for selling 20 large colored pictures, or 20 packages beautiful post cards at 16c each. Order choice today. GATES MFG. CO. DEPT. 836 CHICAGO