29 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE BE A CERTIFICATED A REAL Position Like This For You ern instruction. You can learn ai home, without interfering with you! regular work, by my highly successful method of Home Instruction ip Practical Electricity, The country needs thousands of trained. Certificated Electricians to fill good positions—and at big pay. It'a all a matter of knowing how and I will teach you by up-to-date, mod- Prepare Now and be Ready in a Few Months to Earn Your $46 to $100 a Week and I can train you in a few months Are you ambitious to make a real success—then send me the coupon—today. Electrical Outfit FREE To every student who answers this-ad I am giving a Splendid Electrical Outfit of standard size Electrical Tools, Instruments, Materials, etc., absolutely free. Furthermore, to every Electrical Student I give a truly valuable surprise that I cannot explain here. Free Employment Service I am continually receiving requests from employers to send them trained Electrical men. I assist my students to secure good positions. I keep in touch with them for years, helping and advising them in every possible way. WRITE TODAY-־ Don’t Delay Delay never got you anything. Action is what counts. Get started— and get started now. Write me, or send me the coupon, right NOW. SEND FOR THIS BOOK My book, “HOW TO BECOME AN EXPERT ELECTRICIAN,” has started thousands of young men on the way t״ splendid success. A new edition of this has just been printed. 1 want every young man interested in Electricity to have a copy, and will send you one, ABSOLUTELY FREE AND PREPAID. Write me today. How I Train My Students As Chief Engineer of the Chicago Engineering Works I know exactly the kind of training a man needs to enable him to get and hold good positions, and to earn big pay. I have trained hundreds of men who are holding splendid electrical jobs. I give each of my students personal attention and a complete and thorough training. I give him a splendid Electrical Outfit Free, and much of the training is done by actual work. When my students graduate and receive their Certificate, they are ready for a real position. But still more, at any time you wish you can come to our splendidly equipped Electrical Shops for special training. No other school can give you this. A Real Opportunity L COOKE. Chief Engineer For YOU * * ’ ־־" Chicago Engineering Works 441 CASS ST Dept, 90 CHICAGO ILL. Wishing is never going to make your dreams come true. You’ve got to study to learn. .A man is worth posibly $2 or $3 a day from his neck down—and no more; but there is no limit to what he can be worth from his neck up. A trained mind is what gets the big pay. It is this training that you need. MOOSEHEART BANK Chr Savings Fund is run as a bank. Money is given out on checks only negotiable on the grounds of Mooseheart. Notes may also be exchanged for money if the paper is endorsed by some responsible person. Even the little boys and girls know the ins and outs of banking. John left the bank, wondering why banks in general and the MOOSEHEART Savings Fund in particular should be so strict about such a thing as a note for a paltry fifty cents. But wasn’t this a lesson to him which must surely benefit him in his future life? I left MOOSEHEART that evening, my heart filled with gratitude for those men who are so untiringly doing things for our MOOSEHEART kiddies, wondering if there was another place in all the world like this, where everything is planned and watched to the smallest detail. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CARRIERS COMMEND LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE “Resolved, that we, the Letter Carriers, in National Convention assembled, take this occasion to commend the Loyal Order of Moose, in whose Auditorium we are holding c־ir Convention, for their patriotic work during the recent war, in organizing headquarters in Paris; for the purchasing of Liberty Bonds and Thrift Stamps; for the erection of build"lgs to house the orphans of men who lost their lives in the service; and we particularly commend Philadelphia Lodge No. 54, L. O. 0 M., for the erection of a new Hospital to cost more than $100,000 to look after the little children in sickness and distress, all of which speaks well for a fraternal organization; and in view of the fact that thousands of our letter carriers throughout the * U. S. are members of the Loyal Order of Moose, we feel it our duty to endorse the splendid work of this fraternity.” The above resolution was unanimously passed at the National Convention of Letter Carriers held in Moose Auditorium, Philadelphia, September 6. 1919. The officers of Hamilton (Ontario, Canada) Lodge No. 1142 and a number of local members exemplified the ritual on a class of candidates for Toronto Lodge No. 1600. The meeting was held in the new elubrooms at Yonge and Alexander Streets and was the largest attended meeting of the Moose held in Toronto. Under the good of the order, addresses were delivered by Norman G. Heyd of Toronto. Dictator Pearce and Reverend S. Banks Nelson of Hamilton, Charles J. Pross of Syracuse and District Supervisor P. H. Galvin of Rochester who in conjunction with Deputy Supervisor E. J. Kneitl of Brantford, Ontario, is conducting a campaign for Toronto Lodge. “And are you the oldest of the family, my little man?” “No, sir. Farver’s older’n me.” paid note here, and according to Mr. Adams’ rules, you cannot draw any money until that note is paid or renewed. I am sorry, sir.” Before parting, the young lady cashier told me some more about the Savings Fund. She said that nearly all of the children, except the very little folks, have an account, ranging all the way from a cent to a hundred dollars or more. When they receive money from their lodge or relatives, or earn it for services during their unassigned time, they promptly deposit it in the MOOSEHEART Savings Fund and draw it out by regular check as wanted. Up to 10 cents the signature of the respective matron or proctor is sufficient, but if a boy or girl desires to withdraw a larger sum, they have to obtain the O. K. of the Superintendent, who always wants to know why and for what purpose Jim or Mary needs “so much money.” The MOOSEHEART whistle blew, calling the children to school, and Makes Fords Start Easy A new Gas Generator, which heats the manifold, vaporizes the gas and makes instant ignition possible hsjs been invented by the Bear Mfg. Co., 120 Bear Bldg., Rock island. 111. This simple and inexpensive device does away with hot water makeshifts, etc., and gives you a “ready to start” motor in he coldest weather. It also saves 10 cents a gallon on gasoline because with it you can use the cheapest gasoline all winter, if you want to try this great trouble and money saver send them $1.50 and they will send you one of these remarkable devices postpaid under a guarantee of satisfaction or money back. Write them today. Dealers banted. —Advt. Cat oat this ad and mail St to as, with your name and address (no money); and we will send you our FAMOUS KARNAK RAZOR by return mail, postpaid. You may use the razor for 80 days FREE; then if you like it, pay us 51.85. If you don't like it return it. SEND NO MONEY• MORE COMPANY. Dept. 485 St. Louis, Mo. INVISIBLE INK—The most confidential messages can be ■ written with this Ink, for the writing MAKES NO MARK. Cannot be seen unless you know the secret. Invaluable for many reasons. Keep your postals and other ?rlvate memorandums away from prying eyes. Great fun or playing practical jokes. To make friends and intro-.duee our Bargains, send 20ctsfor a year's subscription ׳and you will receive a package, postpaid. M. McPhil* lips. Secy., 615 W. 43d St., dept. 25-B.SJNew York American movement, stem I"ft Cl? wind and set watch, p K B■ fancy design back, 1 I IB■■■ wonderful timekeeper, for selling 20 r large, colored pictures or 20 package■ post cards at 15c ea. Order your choice. GATES MFG. CO. DEPT. 536 CHICAGO «ENT PREPAID. Greenville. Pa. Higb power air rifle for selling о boxes Mentho-Nova Salve at 25c. «I. S. COMPANY/ Box &> iam Ruby Rir FDCC Siam Rubies are a I * ■* C. Ci Fiery Red. cut like a dia r ,.r I¿* They are direct from the vJlrar*ce,• ,“0anted in fine gol< . ;r!ng4• Extremely beautiful. To make! ^״н ЙиСе׳ °ur Magazine and Ring Bar ־R¡20 ״״ cts. for a year e subscription, an McPhllUns eaevR £־«й°мГ ״J Bent FREE. poetpai mcpniutps, wy., 615 W. 43d St., Dept. New Y