27 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE For Boys and Girls Also C״f־A Vahw Conserve Your Health odM6 I Olir Body and Ettietency First «1 Would Not Part With It For $10,000” So writes an enthusiastic, grateful customer. "Worth more than a farm” says another. In like manner testify over 100,000 people who have worn it The Natural Body Brace Overcomes WEAKNESS and ORGANIC AILMENTS of MEN and WOMEN. Develops erect, graceful figure. Brings restful relief, comfort, ability to do things, health and strength. Wear it 30 Days Free at Our Expense ״r3B?r”f״y aid pain of standing and walking; replaces and supports misplaced internal organs; reduces enlarged abdomen; straightens and strengthens the back; corrects stooping shoulders; develops lungs, chest and bust; relieves backache, curva- tures, nervousness, ruptures, constipation. Comfortable and easy to wear. Keep Yourself !,it. Write today for illustrate״ booklet, measurement blank, etc. and read our liberal proposition. HOWARD C%RASH, Pres. Natural Body Brace Co. 361 Rash Building, Salina, Kansas 600 SHAVES FROM 1 BLADE and more. That's the record of many men who shave themselves. Quick velvety shaves for life for men who use the Rotastrop. Models fo< sharpening nearly all makes of safety razor blades. Men need the Rota strop. And when they see it they want it and buy it because it oo* only makes shaving a pleasure—it pays for itself in a short time. Mail this Qii/cAr/ The Burke Mfg. Co„ Dept. M. H. Beckel Bldg. Dayton, Ohio Mail me your proposition quiet want to get started right away YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL FACE BUT YOUR NOSEY er IE-. WK BEFORE Ir AFTER you looking otherwise; it will injure your welfare! Upon the impression you constantly make rests the failure or success of your life. Which is to be your ultimate destiny? My new Nose-Shaper, “Trados” (Model 24) corrects now ill-shaped noses without operation. quickly, safely and permanently. Is pleasant and does not interfere with one's daily occupation, being worn at night. most out of life.. Not only should you wish to appear as attractive as possible, for your own self-satisfaction, which is alone well.worth your efforts, but you will find the world in general judging you greatly, if not wholly, by your “looks,” therefore it pays to “look your best” at all times. Permit no one to see Write today for free booklet, which tells you how to correct ill-shaped noses without cost if not satisfactory. M. TRILETY, Face Specialist _________1329 Ackerman Bldg., Binghamton, Hew York Write Quick?—Auto Free? AUTO GIVEN AWAY-SOLVE PUZZLE QUICK! We will also make you a present of a certificate good for 2,000 free auto votes, and tell you all about this splendid touring car which we are going to give away free. Also valuable jewelry, silverware, bicycles, dishes, cameras, moving picture machines and other things you like, without contest. Things for every man, woman, boy or girl who enter the contest. We will also send you a copy of two dif-f e r e n t national publications. No Losers If Quick 1 This contest Is the greatest and most liberal contest ever offered. Everyone gets prizes. Everyone pleased. Write your name and address plainly and inclose four cents in stamps with your answer, for packing, mailing, etc., of your free surprise present. W.. . friends. Those who write us at once can enter the contest. Answer this now so you can get your auto free. This picture shows a happy family driving an automobile like the one we are going to give away. ------ In the scenery are six partly hidden faces. Can you find them? Try it. If you do, we will give you a beautiful Free Surprise Present for Solving Puzzle When you have found four of the faces, mark each with a cross (X), cut out this advertisement and mail it to us and inclose four cents in stamps for packing, postage, mailing, etc., and the beautiful free surprise present which we will send you. It will be a surprise to you and you will delight in owning this present. tLUU. yUU Will UOlifi!■׳■ ׳I U <׳ ••***■" I׳*»“«“” -- Auto Puzzle Dept. 942 W. D. Boyce Co., 500 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, III. more time to play, and as a result, have a “tummie-ache” and temperature. Some run bare-footed, and are successful in finding all the broken glass and rusty nails on the place. On the play-ground, they receive their falls, and cuts and bruises. But such is youth. The children at MOOSEHEART receive the attention of the medical department for those so-called minoi sicknesses and accidents for which the mother at home ordinarily acts as physician and nurse. While there have been a few cases of sickness which have for a time caused some alarm and anxiety, the great majority have been of the minor character. It may be interesting to the membership of the Moose to reprint the work of the medical department as contained in the report of the physician-in-charge to the Superintendent and the Moos©■ heart Governors. (July 36, i9!y.> Dr. Nichols Report to the Superintendent. Submitted herewith is a summarized report of the Medical Department from May 26 to July 25, inclusive Hospital Students in hospital on May 26----------- 6 Students admitted ...---------------- 137 Total 145 Students discharged ------------------- 125 Students in hospital, July 26..-------- 20 Obstetrical case ------------------------ 1 Dispensary Consultation and treatments------------1841 Visits to students in halls----------- 430 No. of “shots” immunizing doses antitoxin ________________________________ 94 No. of “shots” curative doses antitoxin.. 13 No. of “shots” acne vaccino ------------190 No. of “shots” strepto vaccine _________ 29 No. of “shots” toxin antitoxin _____— 310 No. of “shots” typhoid vaccine --------- 10 Small Pox vaccinations --------------- No, inspections of throats for diptheri? not recorded. All in 5 balls daily for 3 to 10 days each Set In solid Gold Send Your Name and We’l! Send Yon a Lachnite TYON'T send a penny. Jnet send your name and say-. "Send me h׳ a Lachnite mounted in a solid gold ring on 10 days free trial.” We will send it prepaid right to your home. When It comes mere!״ deposit $4.75 with the postman and then wear the ring for 10 full days. If you, or if any of your *«ends can tell It from a diamond, send it back. But if you decide to buy It —send oa $2.50 a month until $18.76 has been paid. Writ A Tndnv Send year name now. Tell as which of the WriIC 1 OtliSy solid gold rings illustrated above you wish {ladies’ or men's). Be sure to send finger size .Harold Lachman Co., 12N. Michigan Av.,Dept.3008 ChicagoJ GET MORE MILEAGE at the Price Guaranteed for 4000 Miles STANDARD GUARANTEE Strong: Double Tread Tires are recot, ■trueted by our skilled mechanics, made of double the amount of fabric than any ordi nary tire. Free from punctures or blow outs. Our customers receive from 4,000 tc 10,000 miles of service. Reliner Free Order today at these low prices; Price Tires Tubes Price .$6.60 $1.60 34x4 ...$8.75 $2.60 . 6.60 1.75 34x4K.. . 10.00 3.00 . 6.76 1.85 35x4>¿.. . 11.00 3.1Б . 7.00 2.00 36x4K.. . 11.50 3.40 8.00 2.26 35x6 . 12.50 3.50 8.26 2.40 36x5 . 12.75 3.65 8.60 2.50 37x5.... . 12.75 3.75 Send $2.00 deposit for each tire ordered balance C. O. D. Tires shipped subject to your examination. State whether S. S. oi Cl, plain or non-skid is desired. All same price. By Bending full amount of ordei you can save 6 per cent—our special cash with-order discount. STRONG TIRE AND RUBBER CO. <019 Michigan Ave. Dept. 44 Chicago, III. Laboratory Dipthena cultures ______________________ 6i Urinary analysis ---------------------- 82 Examinations of hair for ringworm------ 25 Blood counts ___________________________ 2 Von Pirquet (Tubercular) _______________ 12 No, Wassermanns ________________....... 99 Contagious Diseases Diphtheria _____ Scarlet Fever___ Whooping Cough Chicken Pox_____ Scabies -------- Ringworm________ Pneumonia Pollicular Tonsillitis—not recorded Perfect hearing Is now being restored in every condition of deafness or defective hearing from causes such as Catarrhal Deafness, Relaxed or Sunken Drum9, Thickened Drums, Roaring and Hissing Sounds, Perforated, Wholly or Partially Destroyed Drums,Discharge from Ears, etc. Wilson Common-Sense Ear Drums *Little Wireless Phones for the Ears** require no nedicine but effectively replace what is lacking or iefective in the natural ear drums. They are simple levices, which the wearer easily fits into the ears vhere they are invisible. Soft, safe and comfortable. Write today for our 168 page FREE book on DEAF-MESS, giving you full particulars and testimonials. „ WILSON EAR DRUM CO.. Incorporated * 65 inter-Southern Bldg. LOUISVILLE, KY• A MONTH Dr. Nichols Report to the Superintendent, July 25, 1919 Specialists Consulted Di. Loring, Chicago, Eye & Eat _________ 6 Dr. Evans, Aurora, Eye & Ear------------ 5 Dr. Babcock, Chicago, Heart Specialist.. 1 Dr. Brennecke, Aurora, Exam------------- 2 Dr. Brennecke,, Aurora, Operation To*1 . Nails ________________________________ 1 Dr. Lindquist, Aurora, Eyes tested, glasses fitted _______________________________ 6 Dr. -Lindquist, Aurora, Glasses repaired. 14 Deformity Corset—Spinal Curvature_______ 1 X-Ray Examinations --------------------- S On account of giving the Schick test to all students and employees, temporarily immunizing positives with antitoxin and giving all children the toxin and antitoxin, I would recommend that Dr. Cutter be retained until all physical examinations’ are finished; also, recommend that the stenographer, whom you allowed me to secure be retained for full time I should suggest that a separate building be erected close to the new Memorial Hospital, to be used ex clusively for contagious diseases This is strongly recommended by the State Board of Health. A building similar in construction and size to the present West Legion Dormitory, per haps smaller will suffice. The inter ior arrangement will have to be different from this hall I do not feel that we can set aside one of the wings of the new Memorial Hospital for con tageous diseases. We should house our contageous diseases separate from non-contageous diseases ,Genuine 15-17*19*21 k\Jewel Elgin^ Waltham, Howard, or any watch you want, Bend for 112 Pages Wonderful Value• Diamonds, watches rings, jewelry, up-to-date designs. Buy the War• Way, you will never miss the money. Liberty Bands accepted. !ALFRED WARE CO., .Dept; *69 |Let ua prove It. '& Si. (Louis, Mo. EALS SQUARE FOR HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA ANTI-KAMNIA ()«)TABLETS 4^___X IOc & 25c PACKAGES ASH. FOR A-К TABLETS this jewelry is yours for selling: only 6 Joxea Mentho Nova Salve at 25 cts. Wonder* J for catarrh, cuts, barns, etc. Order today. ■ Bold return $1.50 and all 6 Pieces are your■. Greenville, Pa. . t SUPPLY COMPANY, Box 226 P.A.P. Get busy introducing pocket Olives and razors, name tnd address, Moose and other ;mblems clearly shown under :ransparent handles. Send in today for special outfit offer. Novelty Cutlery Co., 90 Bar St., Canton, Ohio Baby Ring. FREE 12 kt 1-20 gold filled To make friends and introduce our Magazine and Ring Bargains, ,send 20 cts, for a year’s ana rung DUISaiUB. eeuu AV uu, iur U ,-------- subscription, and this Ring, your size, will be sent FREE, postpaid. M. McPhillips. Secy Oept. 24-B 3 New York. »15 W. 43d St.