25 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Eastern Meeting of Supreme Council (Continued from page 16) Ira Shook, (photo shown’here) Flint, Mich, ,found 7 O AO TT nn-- • ^ O 7״ C A P " _ 1־ . -more his place. He says; $375*65 is one days sales-than $269.00 — " “$750 Better Off In Two Weeks״ № Cnspetteh" CRISP^TTliS’’are a eonfctioiAhat; d«ù*£» b^^oung *n?o^1.n^>TOplec!־iir * ״ P*־“• Bek d°““ °f UthCr YOU BE THE FIRST IN YOUR LOCALITY to get the facts. Send for my big fre• book How to Make Money in the Crispin eite Business.׳* Complete in- formation and story of how I built my business. Read it and then come to Springfield. W. Z. LONG 1441 High Street SPRINGFIELD, OHIO S WRITE TODAH W. Z. LONG, 1441 High St., Springfield,№ -------, . . ., --•O” I want to know how I can start making and selling “CRISPETTES׳*— send me facts, testimonials, eto. Also big free book. Name___________________________ Address_____________________^ ■ ■ Wrist Watch Givei » ouver oeis, nne Lockets, La Valliei Vr and many other valuable presents fc selling our beautiful Art and Religion ״־'־ ״,UUT: Pictures at lOcts. each. Order 20 pfctuw wnen sold, sena the $2.00 and choose premium wanted, accordin to big list. RAY ART CO., Dept. 6, cfa!CA6< Pierceless, Screw !Back Ear Drops PBCC Not necessary to have ears pierced. Set r !\ E. E. with 1-2 carat size Brilliants full of fire and brilliancy. Same as Actresses wear. These Ear Drops are easily taken off and put on. Suitable for Ladies and Misses. Ear Drops are the Fad in Fashionable Jewelry at the present time. To make friends and Introduce our Magazine, send 20 cts for a year’s subscription. and you will receive these handsome Ear Drops FREE. M. McPhillips, Secy., 615 W. 43d St., Pept. 28-b.s. New York., ticular session fifty-three children were admitted. On Tuesday night the Governors were guests of Baltimore Lodge No. 70. A large class was initiated, many of whom are life members. Balti more is trying to take the lead in the life membership drive, which is a feature in the Supreme Dictator’s year. I will not be surprised if Baltimore Lodge passes the ten thousand mark during this next winter. Supreme Dictator Broening has accepted the chairmanship of the membership committee in Baltimore and J. Albert Cassedy, Supreme Trustee, is the Secretary of the Committee. Mayor Broening at Home One of the things that made us particularly happy with the meeting in Baltimore was the high respect in which the people of Baltimore hold Brother Broening. He is the right man in the right .place, a great executive and a great humanitarian. Space forbids a detailed statement of the items of business transacted in the Governors’ and Council meeting. Everything points to great growth and progress in our Order. Supreme Secretary Brandon reported the result of the Order’s growth from March 31st, 1919, to June 30th, 1919. It was interrupted with hearty applause. The reports made to the Supreme ,Convention based upon the reports of March 31st showed a good standing membership of 534,809 men. The months of April, May and June showed a net gain of 13,594 members so that this great Order had on June 30th, 1919, 548,403 members. We all know that this growth is rapidly continuing and we shall not be surprised if we go into the Convention inj MOOSEHEART in June, 1920, with a fraternity of over 600,000 men. Great plans are on foot for this Convention of 1920. $10,000 for prizes has been appropriated and we expect to enjoy once more the thrill that comes from sitting at the Commencement Exercises of a group of boys and girls whom we have rescued from the depths of ignorance and poverty and sent on their way toward the right, the true and the beautiful. This Lodge has always prided itself upon its band but the recent war made a heavy toll on the membership of( the band. Any Moose interested! should write to Brother Robert A Read, Coffeyville, Kansas. group of men sing “The Star Spangled Banner,” “Nearer My God to Thee,” “Blest Be the Tie That Binds,” and finally our closing ode. District Supervisors Theis and Bennett were given rousing acclaim. After the meeting a conference was held by the officers of New York Lodge at which they presented plans for a big campaign. We adjourned from New York to meet at Baltimore and the Council immediately went into session. The morning was spent in discussing business policies and outlining future work. Supreme Dictator Broening, who is Mayor of the great city of Baltimore, invited us to a boat ride down through the harbor and Chesapeake Bay. We continued our session on board Admiral Broen-ing’s flagship and were served with splendid lunch and refreshments. By 6 o’clock we were back into town again where a banquet was spread by Balitmore Lodge at the Hotel Rennert. Dictator League who is Captain of Police of the City of Baltimore, presided over the dinner but Supreme Trustee J. Albert Cassedy acted as toastmaster. It was a wonderful dinner. On the same night Baltimore Legion No. 10 held a frolic at the club house, which was presided over by Grand Regent Brandon and a fine class of Moose were advanced to the second degree. The Governors’ Meeting. MOOSEHEART Governors went into \ session on Tuesday morning and carefully considered plans for many new dormitories. United States Senator Arthur Capper of Kansas, Dr. Hart, Governors Henning, Ford, Lentz and I were happy to greet Colonel Ralph W. E. Donges, who was celebrating his first day of release from the service of the United States Army by attending a Governors’ meeting for the first time in a year. We were all glad to have Brother Donges back at the Council table once more. I have always wished that it might be possible that the members of the Loyal Order of Moose could sit in a meeting of the MOOSEHEART Governors and listen to the action of the Governors on the cases of admission of dependent children. In this par- ■iUlUiUUUUUlilliii IWIIWfflHfTTlIllInT MOOSE BAND-MEN WANTED An S. 0. S. comes to the Moose-tieart Magazine from Coffeyville, Kansas, asking that we tell the world that Moose band-men are needed by the Coffeyville Lodge. This 42 pc. “Wild Rose” & Emblem China(! n rnrr To our readers who answer this advertisement. Worth ^1U If 11 Our Startling Offer ״״' *<״f I»t. of them. No matter Quisitely beautiful “Wild Rose" sets to show to'vour PrvUd to have one of these e*־ paying a cent of money. This is our wa7.,f ־E¡ ■ !A, Y?u can set it FREE without Acts like magic. Cleans, polishes, preserves better than a^Jthi’o" S Wonderful All Round Oil. it before you can believe it. ־serves Better than anything you ever saw. You must see Sendjio Money ft, 1?1A Me V¿ f7Dds 7 wl" ״״ ״*- more than cover th*. 9: “1®..oil. We send enough free goods to We Trust YOU S » ־e־ntf״erreboft0l־da״S shown above It will only take an hour or two of rair S״*¡ °"ce J.h!P mu the full set of dishes admiration of your friends. Thousands of men and womln ‘Jif 2?e dlshes wm he the wonder and can too. A fine present for your wife, sister, ־sweetheart 7 friend? 6 are doIne this and you No References Required S?Jrust *S.e ״»p!« because they S,lr3 saS‘״».;־• / Lodge Emblems Fm^uiTiaueJeat9r® & the moos© ine likft n AY״r decoration in gold. Noth- A V THE KIBLER ( ״״״.>״ Ш gold. INOtu- V Everyone who sees ׳oy •״׳»*V/ "uu !set Don't wait. Й*л? « <™• Possible before! Eye Yo7c.au ьТ1вшеа£Уау״№ the id8a' ^ y i\idler Be Quick go” *>“ disappointed, INDIANAPO I SMP me r״״ ■ to loseVC i8am ..and 11®thing S freo g0°ds to cover mail° cmmS? dishes— press charges I will man coupon immeditely. __th® Oil at 50c pe_r be The Kibler Co. BOX P-19 ^ € Name--------- IwHanapoHs, Ind. p 0 Address Town~ + B. F. D. Routed-----State. y and remit you $15. You v then ship me the full set dishes shown and described abo Ynn flAfSix large dinner auu vjci.plates> gjx dpg_ sert plates, six large cups, six saucers, six butter plates, six oatmeal or sauce dishes, one sugar bowl, one large oval vegetable dish, one large meat or game platter, one fancy Plaque, one fancy bread or cake plate, all in the artistic Wild Rose design with the Moose emblem in gold on every piecefexcept cups and saucers) and gold traced around Dishes to be Proud of Nearest Express Office.. from left to right: Director General James J. Davis, Past Dictator William Abrahams, Past Supreme Dictator John W. Ford and Justice of Supreme Forum Albert H. Ladner—at the three-day session of Philadelphia Legion at Atlantic City, N. J., September 5, 6, 7, 1919.