23 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Boys Band Trip (Continued from page 8) ester to Buffalo and the trip was taken at noon, dinner eaten on the train and when the boys arrived at Buffalo they were ready for business. As was the custom they serenaded the newspapers and the mayor. Several autos were at service to take the boys to Niagara Falls, a distance of thirty-five miles. When the boys reached Niagara they marched to the brink of a cliff called “Prospect Point” (which is next to the American Falls) and played a selection. After a view from the Point an elevator was taken to the foot of the Falls. Here they boarded a boat called the “Maid of the Mist.” A rubber suit was put on each person, preventing them from getting wet when they went near the falls. An excellent view was seen of the Palls from the boat and so near that the spray from the falling water washed on everybody. After the boat trip (which took half an hour) they were taken to the Shredded Wheat factory. For dinner they went to several hot dog stands. When the boys returned at six P. M. they had supper at the club and it was prepared by the Women’s Legion. Here they met Councilman McDowell. The concert was given at the usual time. William Grant (MOOSEHEART’S little giant) gave his graduation speech and Mr. Adams talked on Mooseheart, The night was ¿pent at a hotel. Erie, Pa. Sept. 6th When the boys arrived at Erie at three P. M. they deposited their baggage at the Moose Club, and as usuat. -erenaded the newspapers and the mayor, and then the sight seeing. The auto ride was taken to the old Anthony Wayne block house on the chores of Lake Erie. The guide of the block house told about the history of Mad Anthony Wayne, how he was buried near the fort and later having his body removed. Near the block house is an old soldiers’ home. From this place can be seen the exact spot where Com. W. P. Perry fought the British. A club.supper was put up for the tuiys by the members. Later the concert was given in the Moose Auditorium. There was a good crowd present and after the concert was a dance. The boys did not attend the dance but immediately retired at a hotel, for they were tired. Ernest Dauben-mire left early next morning for Lancaster, O. It was arranged that he would meet the band in Canton, Welcome at Cleveland, O. Sept. 7th. The boys left Erie, Pa., for Cleveland early in the morning. They arrived in the big city promptly at noon. The baggage was sent to the hotel and the boys were taken to the club after a short march from the station. Here they had their dinner and afterwards went for an auto ride. While sight-seeing they played at several good locations to advertise the concert. It was time for supper when the boys returned to the club. It was very warm at the concert but it didn’t stop the crowd from attending. Mr. Adams and William Grant (one of the graduates) were the spokesmen of the evening. After the concert there was a dance, but as usual the boys didn’t care to attend. The boys went to the hotel and after an accustomed midnight feast of fruit and candy, etc., they retired. They got up early next morning and had their breakfast at the Moose Club. Mr. Bailey, the Dictator, was present and gave the band a persona1 gift of fifty dollars. The boys showec their appreciation by giving a few good rousing MOOSEHEART cheers. Detroit the Mighty Sept. 9th. When in Detroit the band was placed in one large bus and taken to the Club. Here they washed and cleaned up a bit and made ready for a serenade to the mayor and the newspapers. The mayor of Detroit is a life member of the Moose and knows much about MOOSEHEART. When the newspapers had been serenaded they had dinner and went on a sight-seeing trip. The first place to visit was Belle Isle. There they rode amusements boys. Immediately after dinner they boarded an electric car for Canton, a town eighteen miles distant. Upon arriving at Canton they went to the Moose Club. There was no march so they were free until five P. M. Later they were treated to a supper prepared by the Women’s Legion. Here each boy was presented with a pen knife and case. The concert was a success and a large crowd was present and the hall seated four thousand people. The band left at one A. M. for Detroit, Mich. Alliance and Canton, O. Sept. 8th. There came with the boys to Alliance several of the Cleveland Moose. When there the baggage was checked to Detroit, Mich. This made it easier as the baggage caused much labor and trouble. A short march was made around town and the concert given on the city plaza. After a short concert the boys were taken to a hotel and given an excellent dinner. The mayor and several Moose were there to eat with the DOWN Send only $1.00 and we v.ill ship you this handsome 6-piece library set. Only $1.00 down, then $2.70 a month, or only $29.90 in ail. 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