21 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE DOWN brings you the Famous “Winter King” 16-Inch Men sHighCutShoe Send only $1.00 and we will send you this splendid shoe bargain on approval. If entirely satisfied you have six monthe to pay balance. You don’t run the slightest risk. If you aren’t more than delighted return theshoes and your dollar will be refunded immediately. Don’t wait. The stock is limited. Order now Chrome Tan Solid Leather Throughout 16 inches tall. Every inch selected, softest, pliable, tough, storm proof, solid, dark chrome tan leather. The best wearing leather in the world and at tho eame time is pliable and easy on the feet. Full oalc tanned, double soles. Solid leather heels. Bellows tongue, same superb quality tan leather. Full vamp runs all the way under toe cap. Leather counters. Leather insoles. Back seams reinforced. Two straps and buckles. Positively the best shoe in the world for work or hunting. Sizes б,»о 11. Order by No. E-6. Be лиге to aive yournu , $1.00 eaeh, $2.00 monthly. Total $12.95. Six Months to Pay Think of it, less than 7 cents a day—just about three postage stamps—that's all it takes to buy these splendid high cut shoes. We don't charge a penny for the credit—not one cent discount for cash. We trust honest people everywhere. All business men use their credit. Use yours. Your credit is good with us. So send for these shoes today. Order Now People all over the country will rush their orders, for these shoes, so don't delay. This offer is only open for a limited time. Send the coupon today with a $1.00 P. O. order or a dollar bill. Don't wait a minute. Remember you take no risk. Send this coupon right now. Elmer Richards Co.-« Dept.9008 ,Wert 35th Street, Chicago, III. Gentlemen:—I enclose....... as first payment. Please send Men's 16-Inch High Cut Shoe, No. E-6, Size ............ If I am not satisfied when I receive these shoes, I can return them and get payment back with charges. Otherwise I will pay advertised terms. $1.00 with coupon ,$2,00monthly—price$12.95. Name.. When Col. Roosevelt Went Up in The Air By Edwin Carty Ranck. I־. ! 3 « Charlie’s discomfiture. “Don't be worried. I won’t be gone long.” Then he climbed into the seat behind the aviator, the propeller blades started to revolve, and the man-made bird ascended and soared over the field. Up, up it went, while Charlie watched with something like a panic taking place within him. And while he watched, the aeroplane went through all its various maneuvers. The Colonel wanted the aviator to do all of his aerial stunts, regardless of the fact that the car carried an xe-President of the United States. Just as “Mike” Donovan has testified that when he boxed with President Roosevelt his distinguished adversary _ always hit hard and wanted to be hit hard in return, so the ex-President insisted that his aerial pilot show him everything that was to be shown in this new but equally exciting game. So, for an hour, the Colonel remained aloft while Charlie almost dislocated his neck and worried mightily lest some mishap befell his beloved employer. And when the aeroplane finally descended and made a safe landing, Charlie gave vent to a great sigh of relief. “Well, what did you think of it?” asked the army officers, crowding around to congratulate the Colonel. He showed his teeth in that grin that is so well remembered. “Bully!” he ejaculated vehemently, but there was a volume in that one word. Later, the Colonel confided to a few warm friends that he was particularly anxious to make the trip and learn all about the various stunts at first hand, because his boy Quentin would be doing that sort of thing and he had never asked his -boys to do anything that he wouldn’t be willing to do himself. A few days later, the aviator who had piloted the Colonel was killed by a fall at Mineola. His death saddened the Colonel, who spoke in the highest terms of the young man’s skill and judgment in the air. Less than ten months later Quentin Roosevelt was killed during an air battle with German aviators. Moose Social Value .00 Because he never wanted his boys to take any chances that he would not take himstif, Theodore Roosevelt once took a trip in an aeroplane in order to experience the sensations that had been his son Quentin’s. Quentin, who was fated to be the victim of German aviators, had entered the aviation branch of the A. E. F. and was on a boat hound for France at the time his father made his trial flight in the air. When Quentin entered the aviation service, the Colonel was keenly interested. Here was something new to him. In all his adventurous life he had never experienced the sensations of a flier. His life had been in peril on innumerable occasions—but it was usually on stable earth, although once on his African hunting trip he and Kermit were charged by a hippopotamus while out in a boat. At the time that on netin was on a vessel bound for r!ance and the great adventure that was to end so tragically for him, Colonel Roosevelt left Sagamore Hill shortly after seven o’clock one morning late in September, 1917, and motored to the aviation field at Mineola. The utmost secrecy had been observed and no one knew of the expected arrival of the Colonel except three army officials. Even the aviator who ׳was to pilot" the Colonel through the clouds was unaware that morning of the proposed plans. Charlie Lee, the faithful servitor who drove the Colonel’s car that morning, was also in ignorance of the plan. When they left Sagamore Hill, the Colonel instructed him to drive to the aviation field at Mineola and he obeyed instructions, thinking that Colonel Roosevelt was going to pay a visit. When Roosevelt stepped out of the car he was warmly received by the army officers, but even then Charlie had no suspicion of the truth. It was only when he saw the Colonel throw off his hat and coat, don an aviator’s coat and cap and equip himself with goggles that he had an inkling of what was up. Greatly excited, he rushed to the Colonel’s side. "What are you going to do, Colonel?” he asked. “Just going to take a little trip in the air,” replied Roosevelt, smiling at $20 Made toTour Measure ALLWOOL SUIT vVe make every suit to your ndividual measures from the exact fabric you select and according to your exact sped-!cations. We ship it on ai jroval, delivery charges pre !aid, for you :o try on, to aspect and *xamine. Un-ess you are veil pleased vith your bar-ram your trial rder will not ost you one ent. Write s today — BIG САТАЬОв FREE Send os a postal today for a topy of our bier new catalog ind style book with 65 cloth t&mples of the very finest, aigh grade fabrics and latest * Mew York and Chicago styies. Our prices will sarnrlfle ru save the unnecessary expenses and nrofits of agents and obtain the highest grade metropolitan tailoring at a wonderful saving. Write for Catalog today - We’ll Send It Free! THE BELL TAILORS Dept. 346 Adams at Green St. Chicago, 111. Build This Phonograph Yourself TREMENDOUS SAVING IN COST Easy, facinating work with our SIMPLIFIED PLANS. We furnish blue prints, diagrams, cabinet pieces, ready-built horn etc. You don’t need to be a cabinet maker. A few hours assembling and you will have a fine instrument at one-quarter the regular retail price. AGENTS MAKE MONEY׳ making and selling these instruments. Write today for full details and our FREE OFFER, Address;-Modern Phonograph Supply Co. 128 Springer Building 313 So. Clinton St. Chicago. III. 8USH AGENTS WANTED This 6-Passenger, 4-cylinder,87 H.P. BUSH Car^-Timken Bearings -Willard Batteries—¿-Unit Starting & Ltg.—116-inch whl. base, write at once for the best Automobile Offer in existence—Don’t vait—Cars guaranteed or money back—prompt Deliveries—now• Q|| O U Address J. H. Bush, President. Dept.P143 D U w ■I MOTOR CO.« Bush Temple« Chicago« Illinois WATCH & RING GIVEN < IO YEAR GUARANTEE ^V£Bl״yely ew® a Genuine American Stem-Wind Stem ■8ei Watch, Beautifully Engraved Case, guaranteed time-keeper, for selling only 20 of our Large, Beautifully Colored Art b Religious Pictures at 16c eadh. Order 20 [pioturee. We trust you. When Bold, return $3.00 ool• looted and this Watoh b Handsome Stone Set Ring are /youre. Big Premium list.showingmauy other valuable gift» sent with pioturee. Liberal oeebeommiseion if preferred. GAIK MifG. GO, РорЦхИ* СШСАвО.Щ». Addreee.. Poet Office..................... on the Mohawk trail through the Berkshires had been selected by many hundreds as the place to spend the Labor Day holiday. Had it not been for the kindly assistance of the Moose Lodge, the Batavia, 111., party like many others would have sought their sleep in hotels far distant or snoozed till morning in the auto. The hotels were full and a list of all available rooms in private homes had been exhausted before the party arrived. As though calling for a well tried friend, Brother Smith said, “Is there a Moose Lodge in North Adams?” He was assured that there was and through the courtesy of Brother Bert Miller was taken to the Secretary, Brother Frank McKay, who with the assistance of his brother-in-law, Brother Patrick Ryan, unearthed comfortable lodging for the entire party, and in addition to this a hospitable supper was served by Mrs. McKay and daughter at their home. The following morning the party continued their journey westward treasuring memories of the kindness bestowed upon perfect strangers through the common bond of the Moose Lodge. FREE TRIAL As a stranger in a strange land, Brother Frank P. Smith, manager of the Mooseheart Laundry, tells how good it seemed to him to find many Aeroplane Ring Free kindred spirits through Moosedom in a recent auto trip through the New England states. Crowded hotels were a common occurrence, but the climax. in finding a place to sleep was reached at North Adams, Mass., when Brother Smith with wife and J. R. Burton, wife and son, drove into the city the night before Labor Day. They had not realized that this popular stop uot as send this fine Razor for 80 days free triaL When *atisfied after using, send $L85 or return Order Coday. JONES MFC. CO. 136 W. Lake St.Dept. \ 145 7IIICAU0 brilliant, flashing stone. Gold □lied ring. Warranted 6 years. To be. worn on the little finger. To make triends and introduce our Magazine and Ring Bargains, send 20 eta. for a year's subscription,and this Ring, your size, will be sent FREE, postpaid. M. ¡VicPhillips. Newl tork^ "• ■43<1 st-■><’■״ •״■B.S. . POWERFUL AIR GUN _ . AND 500 BUCK SHOTS _ ... Big 81-inch .over-action rifle, fine walnut stock, free for Belling 20 large, colored Pictures or 20 pkgs. Poet Garda at 15c. Order your choice. COTES MFG, CO. DEPT. 436 CHICAGO FordAirb□ The letters of the alphabet are numbered: Alsl; B2; C 3; D 4, and so on. The figures In the little squares to the left represent four words. (20 is the letter “T”), What are the four words? Can you work It out? If so, gend your answer quicla Surely you want this fine, new Ford auto. Send no money with solution. SEND ANSWER TO-DAY We not only give away this Ford auto, but hundreds of dollars In cash and scores of other valuable prizes. Bicycles, Guns, Watches, Talking Machines, something for everybody. Everyone who answers this can have a prize of some sort. There are no losers. Nothing difficult to do. Everybody wins. Someone gets this new »919 Ford Auto free. Why not you? Address Chicago, ПЬ FORD WILLSON, 141 Wed Ohio Street