MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 18 Junior Order of Moose when he found it necessary to׳ make a change, and the affairs of the Order necessarily drifted. While there was no direct head, the Order never ceased to interest the Executive Committee of the Supreme Lodge and quite recently it has appointed Dr. Rondthaler again to take general charge of the work. The following letters from Mr. Ford, Chairman of the Executive Committee, and Harry R. Woodall, Governor of Quaker City Lodge, Junior Order of Moose are offered as Dr. Rondthaler’s salutatory in taking hold of this■ ^or\ again. September 1 &m. i »y Dr. J. A. Rondthaler, Mooseheart, 111. My Dear Doctor: I am indeed de- lighted to learn that you are about to take charge of the Junior Order This Department of our work has beer! on my mind for some time. I talked this matter -over with Brother Wood-all, Governor of Quaker .City Lodge, J. 0. 0. M., and had him meet with a number of the Governors during the last Convention. When I informed him that you were about to resume the management of the Junior Order he was elated and wrote me a letter which I enclose. . I cannot speak too highly of the splendid work done by Brother Wood-all in the Junior Lodge connected with Philadelphia Lodge No. 54. About 200 of these young men have graduated into our Lodge, and I can assure you that their training in the Junior Order has made them very valuable members of the Senior Lodge. You may quote me as strongly as you like in advocating the establishment oi Junior Lodges in connection with the Lodges of the Loyal Order of Moose, and may call upon me to do anything I can to further this cause. You may also feel free to call upon Brother Woodal} for any assistance which be can give you. Cordially and fraternally yours, JOHN W. FORD, Chairman Executive Committee. Moose Home, 1314 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa., September 141919 ״. Mr. John W. Ford, Chairman Supreme Executive Committee, Loyal Order of Moose. Dear Sir and Brother: 1 was filled with delight the other day when you informed me that it was very likely that Dr. Rondthaler would again be placed in charge of the Junior Order of Moose. About six years ago when the Reverend Brother was in charge of this adjunct, the Junior Order was attaining a rapid growth, and gave promise of cutting quite a figure in the history and status of the Loyal Order of Moose. I have before me as I write a copy of the “Call of the Moose,” date of July, 1912, and therein is a full page on the Junior Order of Moose, edited by Dr. Rondthaler, consisting of letters from prominent organizers and other sources in reference to this comparatively new branch of the Order—all teeming with grand truths, glowing predictions and encouraging words. A change came somewhat lafer and the Junior Order began to drop away, how or why I could never understand. I trust I will not be too harshly criticized if I give as my opinion that the Junior Order would never have dropped or failed to progress if Dr. Rondthaler had been permitted to remain in charge. Big things may have relegated this movement to a rear place, but I feel, as a humble member of the Supreme body, that it was a mistake to discourage the Junior Order in the manner that has been done for some years past. The discouragement was of course not intentional in itself, but was caused solely by *lack of encouragement. Pursuant to your instructions, I favor in some quarters and in a short time sixty and seventy Lodges were organized and put into fine running order. Dr. Rondthaler was transferred to MOOSEHEART as Dean on the day of dedication, July 27th, 1913, and in consequence, had to resign his work in the Junior Order. After some months Mr. J. Rush Bronson took up the work and was carrying it along with fine prospects preme Lodge Convention held in Detroit, August, 1911. The preparation of the Ritual, Constitution and form of Government of the Junior Order was placed in the hands of Dr. J. A. Rondthaler, who at the same time was appointed the Organizer for the new Order under the direction of Mr. Davis and Mr. Brandon, the Supreme Secretary. The Junior Order was received with The Editor of the MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE has kindly offered the use of one page each month for the purpose of promoting among all the Lodges of the Loyal Order, the Junior Order of Moose. All good Moose people have some knowledge of the Junior Order—they know that it was started by the inspiration of the Director General, James J. Davis, acting under instructions from the Su- Read This Positive Guarantee ־‘I have tried MIRACLE MOTOR-GAS In two makes of Automobiles with the following results: An jicrease of^nilage with the Hup- .®Tf____________________ A Wonderful Chemical Discovery That Increases the Power of Gasoline Fully One-Third Big Money Saver *or the Motorist. Eliminates Carbon, Makes Engine run Smoother, Saves Gas and greatly increases mileage to atank of gasoline this size Miracle Motor Gas Makes atank ofgasolinethis size You will be surprised at the way it multiplies the power of your gasoline. Hundreds of letters from customers who have made many tests show the MIRACLE MOTOR-GAS gives from 15% to 40% more mileage from evers^ gallon of gas. Many even claim greater results than that. But even at 20% it is a good investment. MIRACLE MOTOR-GAS Guaranteed Absolutely Harmless MIR.-1 ole MOTOR-GAS is guaranteed to increase mileage from 15% to 40%, eliminate and prevent carbon, greatly reduce cost of fuel and make engine run smoother. Contains no Acid, Alkali, Ether or other chemicals in any way injurious to the motor or any other mechanism of a car. We will make good any injury or damage to any car that is caused by the use of Miracle Motor-Gas. Here’s What Users of MIRACLE MOTOR-GAS Say About It MOTOR-GAS- Where I used to get 18 miles to the gallon of gasoline, I now get 25 miies; an increase of over 40 per cent in mileage besides the car runs smoother, picks up quicker, and positively removes all CARBON. Seven hundred addtional miles at a cost of one dollar is certainly satisfactory.” I. T. A. Lewis. suits obtained by the use of your MIRACLE “We can recommend It to all you claim for said it would do. After using It I find the car it. We are saving on gasoline bills fully 40 per works much smoother, the amount of gasoline cent and believe we car. do better than that as is very much less and the CARBON deposits the Carbon is all gone: that alone is worth in the engine are a thing of the PAST, which more tnan the cost to say nothing of the addi- fact alone more than pays the cost of your pro- tional Power and Speed we get. ”J. S. ,Neeland duct. As you know, I was a hard customer to “I was very doubtfull about the ability of convince but I have been thoroughly convinced your MIRACLE MOTOR-GAS to do what you and satisfied.” Dr. D. W. McKenna. Agents Wanted Everywhere300־־־ H PROFIT Practically every auto driver will buy when once you have explained what Miracle Motor-Gas will do. It is one of the biggest Money Makers you can find. Your field is unlimited. There are thousands of autos all around you and you can help to make every one of them run more efficiently with Miracle Motor-Gas. One of the greatest Money Making opportunities ever dreamed of is offered you right now. Live, hustling sales agents are wanted to sell Miracle Motor-Gas in every town and county of the United States. Think of the millions of car owners and every one a good prospect. Easy to Sell! Profits Come Fast! Results Will Surprise You! they scramble to get a supply. You don't have to sell it. You only need to convince a few;—the others will follow. Sales come so fast that you can't help hut make money. One agent felt like pinching his own arm to see if it was really himself who was making so much money. It isn't at all unusual for our men to make $10, $25 and $50 per day. Some even do better than that. Once you get started selling Miracle Motor-Gas you will be surprised to find how easy it sells. Just show our Guarantee to some auto owner and ask what he would give for a produce that would do what we guarantee it to do. Read again those letters from users,—they tell the story. We have hundreds more just like them. As soon as Auto owners find what Miracle Motor-Gas will do. One Man Made $210.00 in One Day. Read These Letters repeat orders. One man said Miracle Motor-Ga9 cut his gasoline bill in two." Mr. Kleinholz says:—“Am ordering 50 dozen packages. Miracle Motor-Gas has done marvelous,—exceeded my expectation." Dr. G. H. Taylor wrote:—“I enclose order for 500 packages. Will have another order for 500 soon." And then read this one just received from R. Yollbrecht:—“Miracle Motor-Gas a big success. My 6 dozen were gone in two hours. Ship 50 dozen by return express. Will have to order in car load lots soon. Miracle Motor-Gas is a wonderful proposition." mercial Club of 4,000 members is boosting for me. Everyone is well pleased. Have two more men working for me. Send me 800 more packages by express. I can't afford to be waiting for goods. Sold 90 packages yesterday." (That's over $60 profit.) H. F. Kilpatrick says:—“Will sell a million packages this year. Ship 12 dozen packages." E. B. Cherry wrote:—“Please ship 50 dozen packages of Miracle Motor-Gas.” R. H. Wickersham wrote this:—“I enclose order for $100 worth of Miracle Motor-Gas. Highest praise is received when used. Customers sending These are extracts from actual letters received from sales agents. They tell the story better than we can. Here’s what O. V. Darling wrote us:— “Made a test of Miracle Motor-Gas today on a 103 mile trip. Had two Fords. The one with Miracle-Gas used only 3% gallons of gasoline; the one without Miracle-Gas used 7 gallons." As a result of this test he sold Miracle Motor-Gas like hot cakes. In one day he sold enough to make a clean profit of $210. We have his letter to that effect. Next comes this letter from Dave Isom:—"My whole heart and soul are in this work. The Com- What Are You Going To Do? Hundreds Making Big Money too can make big money. Anyone' with ambition and a willingness to work can make good with Miracle Motor-Gas. Read all those letters again. They prove you take no chances. Or, wire our bank. They'll tell you how we stand. Are you going to “get in” on this opportunity,—are you going to be one of the big money makers? Why work for a* bare living when you can make hundreds every week? Don’t let this chance slip by. Sit right down now and write us. Show the kino of stuff you are made of,—show folks that you Get Busy! Don’t Wait! ------------------------- CHAS. A BUTLER & CO. 195 Wayne Bldg;,, Toledo, Ohio it »oyi proposition Is a» you claim for It, would like the ex• _County. Bend particulars. elusive agency loi_ Enclosed Is $1.00 for tw* packages ®f Miracle Motor Gas. !Retail price $1.00 each.) If 1 am not satisfied after I have used them ft Is understood that yon will refund my dollar. Don’t make the mistake of being a doubter and losing the opportunity. Our guarantee protects you. Or, better still, if you order two packages at the 50c trial price, and after testing them you aren’t satisfied, send back the unused goods and get your dollar back. Miracle Motor-Gas is a proven proposition. It has demonstrated what it will do and now we want hundreds more good live agents to sell it. So get busy—get your order to- us at once and tell us what territory you want. But you'll have to act quickly. Better get the Coupon on the way to us by return mail. Wire if you want terms for exclusive rights in your State. CHAS. A. BUTLER & CO. 195 Wayne Building TOLEDO, OHIO Reference; HOME SAVINGS BANK, Toledo MORE PROOF G. S. MORGAN Chemist 536 Ohio Building Toledo, Onio Chas A. Butler & Co. Toledo, Ohio ,,Gentlemen: Enclosed please find analysis of sample of MIRACLE MOTOR-GAS. “The material is completely soluble in gasoline at ordinary temperature. It leaves absolutely no sediment. “It Is neutral In reaction, -that Is. it contains neither acids nor alkalies, and will therefore have no harmful effect on the various parts of the engine with which it may come in contact. “It dras not contain any oxygen bearing materials each as camphor, alcohol or ether and its products of combustion will, therefore be similar »n character to those produoed by the combustion of high grade gasolines. Yours truly G. S, Morgan. ׳־