MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 14 Mooseheart Legion For Men and Women Their Service is For Children À SMALL GROUP OP MOOSEHEART’S LITTLE CHILDREN Day, Oct. 27th. Senior Regent Ramsey of Englewood Chapter has been planning this celebration for some time with the assistance of representatives from all of the Chapters in the county. The program will include recitations and musical numbers by the children of the members. Several of the MOOSEHEART boys and girls-have been invited to assist on the mu sical program and are now making preparations for the occasion. Ther< will also be several speakers of prom inence on the program. All of thi Legionaires in Chicago are inter ester in this celebration and expect to makt it the biggest meeting of the kin׳ ever held in Illinois. The Legion is very proud of th< five big Circles in New England which recently transferred to the Women ol Mooseheart Legion because each of these organizations have already shown that they are first class pro gressive societies each of which hold the welfare of MOOSEHEART uppermost. These Chapters are located at Springfield, Mass., New Haven, Conn., Holyoke, Mass., Beverly, Mass., and Northampton, Mass., and all have a very large membership which is increasing each quarter. These newly transferred Chapters have become very active in the Mooseheart Legion work and we welcome them mos! heartily into our family. A new Chapter was instituted al Detroit, Michigan, recently with ovei one hundred members. Deputy Grand Regent Josephine Ramsey started this new Chapter and reports that tht membership will increase to severa1 hundred very soon. With such a re markable start the new Detroit Chap ter will no doubt become one of th> largest Chapters in the Legion dur ing the first year of its existence Brother Wm. Davis and Dictator En tenza have been very helpful in get ting this Chapter started and theii assistance in the future will be veri valuable. Buffalo (N. Y.) Chapter was insti tuted Sept. 28th with 50 members and Deputy Grand Regent David C Huff states that the membership wil׳ go over the one-hundred mark verj soon. The Men’s Lodge at Buffah also has many members in Progress Legion which means that the city of Buffalo will be well represented witl Legionaires. Deputy Huff was as sisted at the institution of the nev Chapter by Senior Regent Adams of Niagara Falls Chapter, which at this time has the biggest membership o> any Chapter in the State of Nev• York. New Haven, Conn., Chapter No. Ti is making progress since transferring to the Legion. Senior Regent Abbb Limerick represented the Chapter a MOOSEHEART during the big cor! vention and gave a most interesting report to over 100 members. Th•■ Chapter visited at New London re• cently to hear the Mooseheart Boy; Band play a concert there. Every body enjoyed the trip and voted tha the MOOSEHEART boys were som־ musicians. The Chapter is starting a “double-the-membership” campaigi Legionaire Mrs. Freeman Hicks o Joliet (111.) Chapter and her two year-old son were killed in an autc mobile accident recently and her los■ is mourned by all members of Jolie Chapter. The machine in which Le gionaire Hicks and friends were rid ing plunged through the woodei guard rail of a bridge and fell to the water below, pinning the mother and child beneath with no chance of beinfc released. The other people fell free of the car and were able to make the!׳ way to the shore.. Marshfield (Oregon) Chapter, re (Continued on page 31 ) LaRue of Traehesoom Legion No. 155 broke his leg recently and the Legionaires of that district are wishing him a speedy recovery, because Brother LaRue is an ardent worker for the Legion which makes his presence a valuable asset to all Frolics. The last reports are that the Great North Moose is recovering rapidly. All Lodges in Burlington County, N. J., are now in Jersey Legion No. 75, which means a big boom i» the membership of that district. Herder Harry B. Anderson and Great North Moose Carmody state that Jersey Legion will surprise the Legion world before the winter is over._ This district has already made a big increase. Toledo Legion No. 30 expects to make a big membership increase during this Fall and Winter. Herder Simon F. Quinlivan states that the recent meetings of the Legion in that district have been of the utmost importance, including membership and local insurance features. Powder River Legion No. 99 recently instituted at Casper, Wyo., is wasting no time in getting new members. The growth of this district is already way above the average, but Herder Krauss promises a greater increase. Rae D. Barnes is the Great North Moose of No. 99. Women’s Legion Notes The Chapters in Cook County, 111., (Chicago) are making preparations for a big celebration of Mooseheart known as Borderland Legion No. 122. The boys in that part of the State have belonged to the Legion since its beginning but they have never organized a regular district until this time. Herder U. S. Means of Douglas states that the first big Frolic will be held soon. A big Legion membership is looked for in Borderland Legion. Pikes Peak Legion No. 156 and Colorado Legion No. 22 continue to hold big Frolics. These two Legions have made quite a name in the State of Colorado because of the very interesting social affairs given by each district. It is necessary that one associate himself with the Legion _ in these two districts because the importance of the Frolics cannot be missed. Master of Work Ben .1. Mayes of Mississippi Valley Legion No. 117 reports that the membership in No. 117 will go to 1000 before Winter. This district has held two Frolics recently which bears out the truth of this report, and plans are now being made by the Legionaires for several record breaking Frolics at which time the “100 membership” goal will without a doubt be reached. McFadden Legion No. 152 honored Brother McFadden of Ponca City, Okla., Lodge sometime ago by naming their Legion after him in recognition of the valuable gifts made by him to both the Lodge and Legion. Brother McFadden has been of great assistance to both organizations and the members have been very appreciative of the same. Great North Moose Theodore (Ted) Hoosier Heart Legion No. 27 Degree and Patrol Team. This team took part in the big Legion Frolics held during Convention. Men’s Legion Notes There will be many big Frolics during this Fall and Winter in all Legion districts, and each will be bigger than ever. Practically each district has shown an abnormal membership increase during the past six months and with the “100,000 members” in mind every Legion is making a special effort to contribute more than its quota. The new districts which have been recently instituted have shown a particular increase, which means that the men of the Moose have seen the benefit of the service rendered by the Legion and want to be a part of the organization in their particular districts. A Froilc every two months in each of the cities in the district is the present program being laid out in all territories, thereby giving the members in each Lodge every opportunity to come in “100,000 members” is the slogan All Chapters and Men’s Legions should celebrate Mooseheart Day on October 27th. Some sort of service should be held in conjunction with the celebration. The majority of the Chapters and Legions are arranging for an event of some kind where their children may enter into the activities of the occasion, and it is hoped that others will do the same because celebration of Mooseheart Day concerns the children of the Moose whether they be wards of the School at MOOSEHEART or not. Programs vhich include music and recitations give the children an opportunity to take part and should be enlarged ipon. At each celebration of Moose-beart Day at MOOSEHEART the children of the school have a very extensive program which includes music and recitations and is participated in by all the boys and girls both large and small. The children of the Moose throughout the country would appreciate an opportunity to assist in such a celebration and each Chapter and Legion should prepare the celebration in their respective cities accordingly so that the junior members if their family may feel that they are also a part of this great work. C. C. Rhyan Legion No. 90 held a *ery successful frolic on Sunday, Sept. 28th, at which time about 200 candidates were initiated. The big meeting was held at Terre Haute, and ;he remarkable feature of this Legion Frolic was that each Lodge within the district had been alloted a certain quota of candidates to contribute for this meeting and each place fulfilled its contract. The class was limited to 200, which meant that no city vithin the district could go over the limit which had been ascribed to it. This frolic held on the 28th was only ־,he second meeting which this Legion has held and according to the progress they have thus far made, it appears that their membership will reach the 1,000 mark very soon. Progress Legion No. 62 which was inly instituted on June 1st, 1919, has increased its membership to 465_ members within such a short period of time, that the prospects are that their membership will be so increased within the near future that they will take their place as one of the leading Legion districts throughout the organisation. Already this district has selected its drill team, and the boys thereon have made the promise that they will be serious contenders for the honors among the drill teams of the Legion. Deputy Grand Regent David C. Huff has given practically all of !is time to the success of this Legion and is to be commended for the effort he has made to put it among the leaders. A new district has been formed in Arizona and consists of all Lodges in the vicinity of Dougles. It will be