A\OOSEHEÆRT MJ1GS1ZINB Mooseheart Magazine Crochet Dept. Edited by MISS VIVIAN WEAVER * We shall endeavor through this department to co-operate with our readers needs in their Crochet Work. If there is any special design you are needing or any question you wish to ask, write the Editor of this department INSTRUCTIONS COPYRIGHTED BY RICHARDSON SILK COMPANY, CHICAGO. ILLINOIS An Unusual Luncheon Set With Tray Cloth and Doilies This set consists of two ran ners, each 2 yards long and 18 inches wide, four plate doilies and corner for napkin. MATERIALS: The following materials are required for the set: Five spools of Rich-ardson’s R. M. C. Cordonnet No. 40 for runners. Two spools of Cordonnet No. 50 for napkins. Four spools of Cordonnet No. 40 for doilies. For the triangle in the end of the runner begin with 63 solid squares. Follow the pattern as illustrated, decreasing a square each row at the diagonal edge by making ate diagonally across the last square in one row and begin the next row with 4 ch and d c in 2d d e from the end. Work 63 rows. For the strip of insertion begin with 18 solid squares and follow the design as illustrated. Begin the border for the doilie with 14 open squares. For the next row make 1 solid square and 13 open. Follow the design, making every alternate square at the inner edge solid. To make the edge curve to fit the doilie, instead of ipaking d c in last d c of every alternate row make a sc. For the outer edge ch 8, d c in next d c, p, ch 3, * ׳־ in next d c and repeat. For the napkin corner, b*> gin with 17 solid squares and work the design to the comer *VO \j~A 1 7 ormnwncf nn 4-1•»^ A. ׳.