BOYS-GIRLS-EVERYONE War Puzzle Picture SOLVE IT TODAY! $1,500.00 IN GRAND PRIZES GIVEN AWAY FREE SEND NO MONEY — JUST COUPON BELOW AUTO This is a very interesting puzzle. In this map of Europe are the hidden faces of eight soldiers and sailors of various nationalities. CAN YOU FIND THEM? Try it—it will be great fun. Take this picture and look at it from all sides and see if you can find the hidden faces. There is a Frenchman, Englishman, Chinaman, Russian, Italian, Jap, Spaniard and an American. You won’t necessarily find the picture of the Englishman in England, or the Italian in Italy or any of them in their own country. But it is possible to find them all in this picture somewhere. If you can find four of these faces—mark them with a cross' (X) and send together with coupon TODAY. See offer below. This Is Your Chance! Extra, Special—Notice! Culver Auto—Second Prize AMERICAN FLYER Third Prize A Total of 15 Grand Prizes 1. FORD AUTO. >. $250 Culver Auto. 3. $200 American Flyer Auto. 4. $100 In Gold. 5. 17-Jewel Elgin Watch 20 year case. 6. 17-Jewel Elgin Watch 20 year case. 7. 15-Jewel Elgin Watch 20 year case. 8. 15-Jewel Elgin Watch 20 year case 9. 7-Jewel Elgin Watch 20 year case. 10. 7-Jewel Elgin Watch 20 year casa. 11. 31x41 Folding Eastman Kodak. 12. 31x41 Folding Eastman Kodak. 13. 31x41 Folding Eastman Kodak. 14. Ladles’ or Gents’ Fine Wrist Watch 15. $5.00 In Gold. Every Club Member Rewarded HOW TO JOIN When I receive the puzzle with the four faces marked and the coupon, I will send you four packages of beautifully colored post cards to distribute on my wonderful special offer. Don’t wait a second. Everyone wants these cards. They are the very newest and most appropriate line on the market today. High grade quality. When distributed you will be an Honorable Member of my club and receive the Allied Victory Ring free and postpaid. Many do it in an hour’s time. But you must act at once—today. Everyone solving the puzzle and joining the club will also receive a beautiful Allied Victory Finger Ring. It is made of Silver—Warranted. The shield ofl the U. S. A. in standard colors, Red, White and Blue show off in beautiful radiation. Newest and most appropriate finger ring on the market. Suitable for either man, woman, girl or boy. Remember it is given FREE, EXTRA and in ADDITION to the 15 grand prizes. SOLVE THE PUZZLE TODAY. ־׳—״״״------------------—---------------------------- j R. S. PAXTON, Mgr., 406 Capper Bldg., Topeka, Kansas I I enclose my solution to your puzzle. Please send me the Post Cards h and full details of your club. J NAME .............................................. * ST. OR R. F. D.................................. .. DO IT NOW В STATE J TOWN