25 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Higto power air rifle for sellini boxee Mentho-Nova Salve at 2 U. S. COMPANY.' Box 36 2 fc ']IIIIIIIIIIIIC:llU!ln!!ll[]IIIIIIIIIIIIC]lllllllllllinilllllllllll[]IIIIMIIIIIIC]|||IIIIIIMiniMllni!IIIC]MIIIIIIIIIIC]lllllllllllinilimilll!inilllllllllll[]lllllll!>: Wrist Watch Given ft You can get this fine Wrist Watch or I other beautiful watch guaranteedfor 0o years. Also Lace Curtains, Rogers’ pr Silver Sets, fine Lockets, La Valijera and many other valuable presents for • _ selling our beautiful Art and Religion■ ••־״״״.״״״ pictures at 10cts. each. Order 20 picture■ when sold, sena the $2.00 and choose premium wanted, according to big list. KAY AKI CO., Dept. 6־, CHICAGO TRIAL GIA HEAD/j/vNEU־ А^Е,<Ж)™г־ FLU WOMENS ACMES ASK FOR A-К TABLETS rnrr DIAMOND rnLL RING OFFER Just to advertise our famous Hawaiian im. diamonds—the greatest discovery , the world has ever known. We will send absolutely free this 14k gold f. ring־, set with a l-2k Hawaiian im. diamond—in beautiful ring box postage paid. Pay postmaster $1.38 C. O. D. charges to cover postage, boxing, advertising, handling, etc. If you can tell it from a real diamond return and money refunded. Only 10,000 given away. Send no money. Answer quick. Send size of finger. KRAUTH & REED, Dept. 11 Masonic Temple, Chicago big new book, **The Truth About Tobacco" tells how to make your own cigars, smoking and chewing. Explains why my genuine. Natural Leaf Kentucky Homespun, with Ita rich, mellow , , „ 7־■ flavor, ia just the tobacco you have longed for; how to get it direct from where it ia grown and Reduce Your Tcbaeeo Gill S02& Explains our two-year aging-in-the-wood process; our curing in the old, * ’ honest-to-goodnesa' ’Kentucky way . Thousands of customers vouch for it. Write me today for your copy of "The Truth About Tobacco.‘ Ja H. WILSON, Expert Tobacconist .1 H. Wilson Tobacco Co. Box437 Mayfield. Ky■ Set Solid Told Set In solid Gold Send Your Name and Weil Send You a Lachnite ThON’T send a penny. Just send your name and say. “Send mo A־/ a Lachnite mounted in a solid gold ring on 10 days’ free trial.” We will send it prepaid right to your home. When It comes merely deposit $4.75 with the postman and then wear the ring for 10 full days. If you, or if any of your friends can tell ■t from a diamond, send it back. Hut if you decide to buy it —send ua $2.5C a month until $18.75 has been paid. Writ«» Tnilav Send your name now. Tell us which of the ״ ** wuav solid gold rings illustrated above you w»«h (ladies’ or men’s). Be sure to send finger size Harold Lachman Co., 12N. Michigan Av.,Dept, 3007 Chicago. style is only one of dozens that we are offering Absolutely Free. We make this sacrifice just to prove our “Wonder-Values” in genuine made-to-measure [ tailoring. »Everything Free Latest style belt loops and all extras free. “No Extra Charges*״ for anything. $50to$100aWeek in yoursparetimeand your clothes are FREE. Send us your name on a postal—we will send you the “Big Money Making Outfit” with rich woolen samples to choose from. Everything i sent FREE. r Mead Company, Wholesale Tellers __357 Chicago, Illinois News from the Lodges FREE American movement, stem Wwind and set watch, fancy design back, _-------__ wonderful timekeeper, for selling _ , large, colored pictures or 20 package■ =; post cards at 15c ea. Order your choice, — *ENT prepaid. GATES MFG. CO. DEPT. 536 CHICAGO = »»ШШ|[]Ш1Ш1НШШМ111Ш|иШ11М11111[]|1Ш11ШМиШ111Ш111[]|111М11Ш01Ш1Ш111[]ШШМ1И01111М11ШШ111ШШ1[]|1Ш|1Ш11С]ШШШ111К< around Middletown, Ohio, and has attracted the attention of many lodges of the Buckeye State. FREE Let ns send this fine Razor for 30 days free trial. When satisfied after using, send $1.85 or return r»z־״ Order ^Oday. JONES MFG.CO.136W.LakeSt.Dept. 1045 HIICAflO WATCH & RING GIVEN IO YEAR GUARANTEE Wo Positively give a Genuine American 8tem Wind Stem • Set Watch, Beautifully Engraved Case, guaranteed timekeeper. for selling only 20 of our Large, Beautifully Colored Art & Religious Pioturee at 15o eaoh. Order 20 pictures. We trust you. When sold, return $3.00 ool• leoted and this Watch & Handsome Stone Set Ring are ’yours. Big Premium list.showingmany othervaluable gift■ sent with pioturee. Liberal cash Commission if preferred. »AIR MHi. €0. Dept• 119 CHICAGO,ILL. In line with the progressive spirit of the Loyal Order of Moose whereby no great public good shall lack support, comes word from Stockton, California, that Lodge No. 391 unanimously voted a sum of money to make possible the holding of their annual county fair. Cohoes, N. Y., Lodge No. 1332, recently held a successful neighborhood meeting followed by burlesque convention, and the gathering contained visiting Brothers from Albany, Schenectady, Troy and Mechanicsville. A big membership campaign is in successful operation in Cohoes Lodge. An attractive musical program constituted a major portion of an entertainment held by Salt Lake City, Utah, Lodge No. 259 August 14th, at which time Dictator G. P. Vick presented a complete report of the visit of his lodge delegation to MOOSE-HEART. Annapolis, Md., Lodge has inaugurated a series of Chesapeake Bay excursions, the Lodge Committee has under charter the Steamer Tolches-ter, which arrangement is highly satisfactory to the local membership and very popular with the public in general. Lansing, Michigan, Lodge No. 288 recently successfully handled the general public entertainment for a period of one week, and committees of the lodge promoted a celebration that has been favorably commented upon by the press of Michigan. Their program included the Wortham Shows. Evansville, Indiana, Lodge No. 85 recently held a successful picnic in Barnett’s Grove, near that city, which was attended by Moose and their families from all surrounding towns. The committee in charge of the affair was Brother A. A. Miller, Mrs. J. J. Gross and Mrs. John Anslinger. Big Bill Dyhr is “at it again,” and with twenty-eight membership teams under his direction is now engaged in the !audible effort of building the membership of Pond du Lac Lodge No. 281 from one thousand to twenty-five hundred. Big Bill is not even a Deputy Supervisor. He is just the live Dictator of the live lodge in a live city in Wisconsin. The Moose of Oklahoma and Kansas held an enjoyable session at Tulsa, Oklahoma, recently. The attendance totaled three thousand of the antlered herd. Building activities throughout the Order seem to be the popular report at this time, and the latest on the list is Lima, Ohio, Lodge now building their hundred thousand dollar home. Concordia, Kan., Lodge No. 1156, has been of great service to the citizens of that section of the State in distributing army food sold to the civilians. AGENTS:.$60 a Week 2 in 1 Reversible Raincoat Positively guaranteed water-proof. Something new. Not sold in stores. Two coats in one. One side a handsome black raincoat, reverse side fine dress coat. Latest style. For business men, clerks, farmers, teamsters, truck drivers, min-ers—every man a prospect. Make $3,000 a Year Binford sold 26 coats in 5 days. Easy seller on account of two coats in one. Right now is the season. Be first in your territory to introduce this new reversible coat. Get this big money maker quick. Write for agency and sample. THOMAS RAINCOAT CO. 620 Jane St. Dayton, Ohio Milwaukee, Wis., Lodge has again taken the lead in the bowling interests of the Lake City, and the organization of Moose League is progressing nicely. Burlington, N. C., Lodge No. 1061 is now in its new home, and the dedication was like a good old fashioned Moose rally. North Carolina is rapidly coming to the front. Hazleton, Pa., Lodge comes forward with a pledge of its present membership of three hundred to show on its membership rolls six hundred total by January 1st, 1920. Perfect hearing is now being restored in every condition of deafness or defective hearing from causes such as Catarrhal Deafness, Relaxed or Sunken Drums, Thickened Drums, Roaring ana , Hissing Sounds, Perforated, Wholly or Partially Destroyed t Drums,Discharge from Ears, etc. Wilson Common-Sense Ear Drums Little Wireless Phones for the Ears" require no medicine but effectively replace what is lacking or defective in the natural ear drums. They are simple devices, which the wearer easily fits into the ears where they are invisible. Soft, safe and comfortable. Write today for our 168 page FREE book on DEAFNESS, giving you full particulars and testimonials. WILSON EAR DRUM CO.. Incorporated 1 1134 Inter-Southern Bldg. LOUISVILLE. KY. Spokane, Wash., Lodge No. 161 celebrated its tenth birthday, Friday evening. September 26th. The Lodge was instituted with a membership of but sixty-five and today has more than thirteen hundred members. Brother Samuel G. Hart has taken active charge of the membership interests of New Orleans, La., Lodge and his selection meets with the unanimous approval of the Carnival City members. _ Des Moines, Iowa, Lodge held a service flag demobilization party, unique in that Mayor Tom Fairweather of that city presented a medal to each returned service man as he was again placed upon the roll of citizenship. Playing the Game״ is a fascinating booklet. It tells how a man accumulated $10,000 in ten years on a total investment of $3,000, putting in an average of $25 monthly. “Playing the Game” was originally sold at $1.00 per copy, but is now reprinted and we send it free to anyone ambitious to achieve financial independence. It contains nothing for the man who wants to get rich in a hurry, but will be helpful to all who wish to save from $5 to $100 monthly and invest by a safe method. KRIEBEIs Sc CO. INCORPORATED Investment Bankers 145-B South La Salle St., Chicago Three Rivers, Michigan, Lodge No. 474 has accepted the plans for the erection of a new home, and when completed will represent an expenditure of $10,000.00. The money will be raised by popular subscription. Mayor James Cowgill of Kansas City, Mo., has telegraphed to the War Department advising them that the city administration of Kansas City unanimously favor the distribution of army food and blankets to the public through such committees as have been named by Kansas City, Mo., Lodge of the Loyal Order of Moose. Word comes' from Vincennes, Ind., to the effect that the interest in the automobile races recently held in that city was largely stimulated by an additional purse of $1,000.00 posted by the Moose Lodge of that city. More than three thousand people attended the big outing at Crystal Lake Park, Portland, Oregon, Sunday, August 17th, and the big event was handled by the active members of Portland Lodge No. 291 and Columbia Legion No. 170. STANDARD TIRES LESS THAN HALF PRICE Standard make used tires in first-class condition, selected for us by an expert. They can be readily guaranteed for 4,000 miles. We rebuild, in our own factory, standard make used tires into dependable long-mileage tire bargains. And your money back if you don’t like them. Do not confuse these tires with double tread or the so-called slightly used and deriionstrating tires. Size Tires Tubes Size Tires Tubes 30x3 $7.75 $2.25 3?x4K $13 25 $4.15 30x3 V. г 8.75 2.45 33x4% 14.25 4.35 3ix3k ; 9.50 2.95 34x4% 14.75 4.45 32x3k i 9.75 2.70 35x4 >2 14.90 4.35 31x4 10.50 3.25 36x4% 15.00 4.60 32x4 11.90 3.45 35x5 17.50 4.75 33x4 12.90 3.65 37x5 17.90 4.90 34x4 13.70 3.75 State Make Desired. If We Have It. We Will Ship It. Remember, we guarantee satisfaction, and will make every reasonable Adjustment due to imperfect workmanship and material. Send J2.00 deposit for each tire ordered and f 1.00 for each tube. 5discount allowed when fpll amount accompanies order. Bal. C. O. D. subject to examination. Specify straight side or clincher, :nonskid or plain. 3 ־ll4 Michigan Ave CHICAGO, ILL. CLEVELAND TIRE CO., Send N0 Money! There always has been considerable rivalry between Quincy, Illinois, Lodge and Hannibal, Mo., Lodge, and in order that the matter may be settled once and for all, there have been organized base ball teams in each lodge, and a schedule will be played to determine who the athletic laurels shall go to at least. Brother Samuel J. Hart of New Orleans, La., Lodge No. 477 issued a very attractive circular letter to the Labor Union men on Labor Day. The letter should cause these men to become members of New Orleans Lodge as it appeals to those things for which they stand. Somers Point, N. J., No. 845, as-sumed_ with the consent of the citizens committee the duty of entertaining all soldiers in the recent homecoming exercises held in that city, and the newspapers are unstinted in their praise of the lodge’s splendid work. Past Supreme Dictator Harry T. Brockman, was the principle speaker at the big picnic and outing of the Moose held at Norwood Park, Clarksburg, W. Va., recently. The affair was said to be the most successful outdoor entertainment ever held by West Virginia Moose. Brother G. H. Lommen, Dictator of Biwabik, Minn., Lodge No. 1126, Au- An Ohio innovation is the popular “Moose Platform,” an outdoor dancing feature arranged for the benefit of Moose and their families in and ONLY $4.39 On Arrival POSTAGE FREE Army Work Shoe Save profits. Buy direct from Factory Headquarter■{ Boston Mail Order House, Dept. V449, Boston,-Mass! Send shoes on approval. My Mosey back if I want it. I risk nothing. Name.................................Size..... \ddress.......................,..,,.....Col(» ........